【原文】中醫藥在歷史發展進程中,兼容並蓄、創新開放,形成了獨特的生命觀、健康觀、疾病觀、防治觀,實現了自然科學與人文科學的融合和統一,蘊含了中華民族深邃的哲學思想。隨着人們健康觀念變化和醫學模式轉變,中醫藥越來越顯示出獨特價值。中醫藥與西醫藥優勢互補,相互促進,共同維護和增進民眾健康,已經成為中國醫療衛生體制的重要特徵和顯著優勢。 【參考譯文】Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has developed distinctive views towards life, health, diseases as well as illness prevention and cure through the long process of accommodating diverse approaches and embracing a range of innovations. Combining natural sciences with humanities, TCM embodies the profound philosophy of the Chinese nation. The transformation of people’s perception of health and medical models hasmade TCM’s special value more and more acknowledged. In maintaining and boosting public health, TCM and Western medicine/modern medicine have been complementing and reinforcing each other, representing a significant feature and advantage of China’s healthcare system.