ByNed Kelly

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With mass testing taking place once again this weekend, and many people confined to their compounds, we thought we'd throw out another of our delivery lists featuring some of our favorite foodie friends who can bring to the good stuff direct to your door.

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近日,大連化物所超快時間分辨光譜與動力學研究組(1110組)金盛燁研究員團隊與孫承林研究員團隊合作,在二維(2D)金屬有機框架(MOFs)載流子動力學研究方面取得新進展,提出並論證了長壽命內部電荷分離態(ICS)對2D MOFs光催化性能的提升具有關鍵作用。

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Growth in cleantech industry driven by demand for sustainable products and servicesInvestors are backing companies that aim to improve the environment through green technology, renewable energy and recycling methods

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At present, it is possible to isolate impure chemical mixtures depending on variations in molecular silhouette. Membranes have been fabricated with the help of nanoscale pores that correspond to the shape of impurities in the mix so that only the impurity can pass through.

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網絡安全研究人員披露了西門子 SINEC 網絡管理系統 (NMS) 中 15 個安全漏洞的詳細信息,其中一些可能被攻擊者混合使用,以在受影響的系統上實現遠程代碼執行。

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