By Bridget O'Donnell

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ByNed Kelly

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Looking for a top classBritish education in central Shanghai? Looking for international school standard facilities with a community feel and emphasis on pastoral care? Looking for an extensive language program and abundance of after school activities, all rounded off with academic excellence?

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Ukraine recovery and reconstruction will cost an estimated $349 billion, according to a joint report issued Friday by Ukraine, the European Commission, and the World Bank.

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市場回顧: 上周A股整體反彈,上證指數收漲2.37%,創業板指收漲0.6%,中證轉債指數收漲1.18%。當前市場的關注點在於大會後政策是否會有所放鬆,近期市場走勢已提前反映預期;具體邏輯演繹方向仍存在不確定性,但當前看會有政策適度轉向的概率較大。

一級跟蹤: 上周一級市場無發行;拿到證監會批文共5家,分別為泰福泵業(3.35億)、博實股份(4.5億)、回天新材(8.5億)、新宙邦(19.7億)、廣大特材(15.5億);過會共5家,分別為百川暢銀(4.2億)、曉鳴股份(3.29億)、新化股份(6.5億)、春秋電子(5.7億)、壽仙谷(3.98億);公布發行預案共4家,分別為深桑達A(21.5億)、科思股份(8.28億)、值得買(5.5億)、華康股份(9.9億)。截至上周五,待發新券中已拿到證監會批文的轉債 26家,規模共計317億;已通過發審委轉債19家,規模共計231億元。

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