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Joanne Li

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Researchers usebiomolecule-loaded metal-organic frameworks nanopatterns to aid artificial stem cell differentiation

Researchers from Korea have developed a novel platform that promotes highly efficient stem cell differentiation outside the body using metal-organic framework nanoparticle—embedded in nanopit arrays. This could open doors to treatment of neurologic disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Credit: CodonAUG from openverse

Stem cells are essentially our body's raw materials—cells that give rise to all other cells and tissues with specialized functions. The conversion into specific cells occurs through a process called "differentiation," in which stem cells divide to form daughter cells. This lends itself to practical applications in regenerative therapy, where functional healthy cells generated from stem cells can be used to cure injuries and cellular damages in our body.

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Most people don’t think about how molecules fit in the ultra-small spaces between other molecules, but that is what Professor Masahide Takahashi’s research team do every day at Osaka Metropolitan University. They study metal-organic frameworks (MOF), composed of modularly arranged metal ions and molecules (organic linkers), forming a scaffold. Metal ions act as corners connected by longer organic linkers. A MOF can be made using different metals and organic linkers, so they can be designed for specific chemical/physical properties, attractive for coating sensors in optical and electronic devices. This is because the MOF scaffold leaves a lot of internal space open. These pores can 「host」 numerous 「guest」 molecules, that can access the MOFs』 huge internal surface area, which make them ideal for developing catalytic materials, gas storage, gas separation, and environmental remediation.

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