- May 26 Thu 2022 04:30
人才引進助手 - 重慶 | 中國煙草總公司重慶市公司招聘應屆畢業生80人公告
- May 26 Thu 2022 04:30
人才引進助手 - 山東濟南 | 齊魯工業大學、山東勞動職業技術學院招聘40人簡章
- May 26 Thu 2022 04:30
人才引進助手 - 廣東廣州 | 廣東行政職業學院招聘工作人員27人公告
- May 26 Thu 2022 04:30
些諧寫榭 - 詩歌入門 Introduction3&4
The book is divided into six chapters which address different aspects of the study of poetry, and a concluding Glossary of poetical terms. It opens and closes by considering matters of definition. The opening chapter's examination of certain key poetic terms which are inescapable in the study of English poetry and its history is intended to offer a more in,depth and expansive treatment of these crucial terms than is available in the Glossary's more concise format. Thus the first chapter, 'The key words of poetry',begins from the starting question 'What is poetry?', a deceptively simple question and one which poets and critics have provided with a series of different answers. From this it then moves on to a historical overview of the matters at issue in the rest of the volume in a discussion of the large taxonomic labels which are used in literary history and university survey courses on English poetry: 'medieval', 'Renaissance', 'neoclassicism','Romanticism' and so on. The detailed consideration of the history of English poetry is outside the province of this book and is not attempted here.Nonetheless, this chapter's focus upon those vexed definitional questions which underpin the historical study of English poetry, quite apart from complementing the attention to terminology and definition evident through,out this volume, also serves as a reminder that poetry should be read with a sense of its historical circumstance and significance.
- May 26 Thu 2022 04:30
些諧寫榭 - 詩歌入門 Introduction1&2
The purpose of this book can be expressed in one sentence. It is intended as an accessible survey of those technical aspects of poetry which students of English literature often see as daunting. It attempts to demystify the study of poetry, aiming to explain the issues in a lively and informative fashion.In effect, Poetry is intended as a route map though the poetic maze, with chapters t>n such essential but often complex issues as rhythm and metre, the use of metaphor in poetry, poetic sound effects and the visual appearance of poetry. Crucially, the book aims to make the jargon of poetry less intimidating, offering clear explanations of poetic terminology allied to close readings which demonstrate how poetry actually works in practice. Its organising principle is tripartite, consisting of the introduction of termin,ology,exposition and illustration. Our hope is that the text will thus provide a stimulating blend of different types of discussion. Throughout, poetic terms are introduced, explained and demonstrated by citation and analysis.The latter aspect is perhaps the most crucial to the reader. The study of poetic devices, like the study of the terminology of all intellectual disci,plines,is best addressed by examples of how poets have actually used these devices. Consequently, each chapter contains several sustained set,.piece readings of poems chat are presented as illustrations of the critical readings readers can learn to perform for themselves. It is our hope chat this book will allow students co move away from the feeling chat the formal aspects of poetry are matters which make sense only to a few initiates, and that they will, as a consequence, feel comfortable with these issues in a manner which will directly and practically inform their wider reading and studying of English poetry. If this book can prompt a sense amongst its readers that the technical analysis of poetry is both valuable and something which is well within their intellectt1al grasp, theq its purpose will have been achieved.
- May 26 Thu 2022 04:30
中科院之聲 - 科學家開發出菌群大數據挖掘及標識物識別新技術
- May 26 Thu 2022 04:30
中科院之聲 - 水性納米複合塗層防腐和防污性能研究獲進展
近日,中國科學院海洋研究所研究員段繼周課題組在Chemical Engineering Journal上發表關於水性納米複合塗層防腐和防污性能的最新研究成果,為環保型防腐防污塗料研發提供了新思路。
- May 26 Thu 2022 04:30
中科院之聲 - 能玩上最新的遊戲,還要感謝黑洞科學家?
2018年的夏天,德國,科隆遊戲展,英偉達公司發布了一款全新命名的RTX顯卡,將天文學家廣泛使用的光線追蹤(ray tracing)技術(以下簡稱「光追技術」)帶入千家萬戶,開啟了遊戲玩家的新時代。
- May 26 Thu 2022 04:30
中國基金報 - 千億券商出手!控股上海這家基金龍頭
- May 26 Thu 2022 04:30
中國基金報 - 美股創10年最長連跌周,標普500ETF投資價值凸顯