A:新冠兩款產品:一款是腺病毒主要是出口,另一款是滅活疫苗。所有今年新冠疫苗難以給預期,腺病毒主要是出口,去年向印度尼西亞出口,今年拿到第三針,和阿斯利康合作需要談區域,拿到 EUA 還要下沉做銷量,今年六月底要全球達到 70%接種的目標,我們認為還有很大的市場;滅活疫苗今年 2 月份,放開加強針,今年一季度會有些量,如果新冠未來是大流感會有持續接種,滅活還在海外做三期推進中,三期數據出來可以推動出口。
A:新冠兩款產品:一款是腺病毒主要是出口,另一款是滅活疫苗。所有今年新冠疫苗難以給預期,腺病毒主要是出口,去年向印度尼西亞出口,今年拿到第三針,和阿斯利康合作需要談區域,拿到 EUA 還要下沉做銷量,今年六月底要全球達到 70%接種的目標,我們認為還有很大的市場;滅活疫苗今年 2 月份,放開加強針,今年一季度會有些量,如果新冠未來是大流感會有持續接種,滅活還在海外做三期推進中,三期數據出來可以推動出口。
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Premier Li Keqiang emphasized that difficulties and challenges will confront the country's development this year, and he urged greater efforts to vitalize market entities, stabilize employment and ensure people's well-being.
Li made the remarks on Sunday while taking part in discussions with deputies from the delegation of the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region to the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress. He was elected by the people's congress of the autonomous region as a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress in 2018.
Comparing the two sides' respective briefings on the exchange of views between Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken by telephone on Saturday, it is clear which side is promoting a peaceful solution to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and which side is fanning the flames.
By saying that the world is "watching to see which nations stand up for the basic principles of freedom, self-determination and sovereignty", Blinken tried to claim the moral high ground topressure China to join the US-led sanctions against Russia.