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The expanding list of drugs and medical consumables included in China's bulk-buy program is expected to cover traditional Chinese medicines and more orthopedic and dental implants this year, the National Healthcare Security Administration said on Friday.
Global athletes competing in the ongoing Winter Olympics and locals in Beijing woke up to an icy setting on Sunday as heavy snow started hitting the Chinese capital early in the morning.
Lindsey Jacobellis and Nick Baumgartner have been competing with athletes half their age in the team snowboard cross event at the Beijing Winter Games but the US veterans proved nothing beats experience by winning gold in a nail-biting final.
關於 Apache Pulsar
Apache Pulsar 是 Apache 軟件基金會頂級項目,是下一代雲原生分布式消息流平台,集消息、存儲、輕量化函數式計算為一體,採用計算與存儲分離架構設計,支持多租戶、持久化存儲、多機房跨區域數據複製,具有強一致性、高吞吐、低延時及高可擴展性等流數據存儲特性。GitHub 地址:https://github.com/apache/pulsar/