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對於 Android 12 設備無法使用音量鍵控制 Chromecast 會話音量的問題,一位 Google 員工披露此事與某個「法律問題」有關。此前多年,Android 用戶普遍喜歡通過移動設備的音量鍵,來便捷控制附近 Chromecast 終端的音量 —— 比如將 YouTube 內容從手機端投送到 Nest Hub 或電視上時。

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CHH ID:likki0422


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隨着12代Intel酷睿處理器的到來,酷冷至尊作為散熱機電起家的老牌廠商,自然不會缺席針對12代酷睿重新優化的新品,首位來到評測室的就是這款MasterLiquid PL360 Flux.

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CHH ID:linlxin

一樓用於成品展示很感謝CHH給予這麼好的平台讓大家展示各種天馬行空的裝機思路和作品。在參與過程中也真實感受到自己和大家的差距真的還很大很大,看到大佬們的完成品都想放棄了。細想這只是一個純交流和分享的比賽,自己樂在其中就OK了!知道自己的不足期待下次能有提升就好,正如去旅遊一樣留點遺憾下次才會再想去多一次。這次參賽選擇了abee的C990H機箱,空間充裕特別能裝,也正好適合對冷卻性能有點要求的自己。因賽制問題最終沒有裝入12900KF,因錢包問題最終沒有上雙3090。但此次安裝思路是以滿足12900K+3090SLI(期待顯卡降價後升級)雙烤散熱規模去考慮,然後機箱內相對整潔,不要有太多的線和管影響風的流動。完成後對散熱性能還是比較滿意的!關於作品配色:因為機箱是黑色的,然後碰巧有幾個配件都是純銅鍍鎳(鏡面反光),所以整體搭配還是以銀黑為主色調。兩個冷色系也符合水冷作品的「冷」色調關於主題:Big shark(大鯊魚) 此次安裝的主機無論從主機重量、散熱規模、散熱能力都是比較有份量的。再和銀黑色聯想到一塊其實我先想到是的O`Neal(奧尼爾),用人名作主題好像並不是太好。想到他的綽號「大鯊魚」用來形容這次安裝的主機還是挺搭的,就Big shark了!因為是第一次參賽很多規則、細節都不是很了解。很感謝i版(ilas)的指出和更正,也十分感謝大家的信任。總算把這次參賽作品完成了!謝謝大家~愛你們喲!

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China is ready to present a great Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games to the world, President Xi Jinping has said.

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It may seem that the epidemic situation in Xi'an shows no signs of easing despite the citywide lockdown. Of the 152 locally transmitted novel coronavirus infections reported nationwide on Wednesday, 151 were in the capital of Shaanxi province. However, experts say this is because the rounds of mass nucleic acid testing are identifying new cases, and the situation should start to show signs of improvement in a week or so.

Yet the worries that many in Xi'an expressed when the pause button was pressed on businesses and social life in the city of more than 12 million residents have gradually materialized, and need addressing. Supplies of food and other daily necessities, although abundant, according to officials, are not being delivered to the doors of local residents in many communities, due to either mismanagement or a shortage of personnel. The situation has worsened after officials suspended the previous policy allowing one person from a household out to buy daily essentials every two days until further notice, prompting some to call for help on social media platforms. Not to mention the difficulties faced by those who need regular medical treatment such as dialysis.

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Hoarding of COVID-19 vaccines by some Western countries and providing nearly expired vaccines to Africa is immoral, violates basic human rights and delays the end of the pandemic and global socioeconomic recovery, according to African experts.

They made the remarks after Nigeria destroyed more than 1 million expired doses of AstraZeneca vaccine last week. The vaccine doses were donated by Western countries and had just weeks left on their shelf life.

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