frog 上海工作室多個全職與實習生崗位開放中。
Join our team of hybrid, diverse talents to challenge the status quo and solve problems.

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frog 上海工作室
frog 是一家領先的跨國創新諮詢公司。我們深耕設計和戰略諮詢,目前在全球36個網點擁有2200餘名雇員。
在全球,frog 與充滿激情的領導者和富有遠見的企業家合作,開創全新業務,打造卓越體驗,將大膽的想法變為現實。運用獨特的、跨學科的創新方法論,frog 幫助市場領袖及初創先鋒在世界範圍內提升影響力。

frog 合作客戶
在中國,frog 延續「以⼈為本」的理念和革新創客 (Disruptive Maker) 精神,在汽車與出行、消費與零售、「元宇宙」與互聯創新、生命科學等領域擁有多個卓越案例。我們深耕設計,關注⾏業趨勢,洞悉⽤戶訴求,知曉前沿科技——從物理觸點、數字觸點以及服務觸點全⽅位地提升終端⽤戶體驗。

frog 上海作品
加入 frog,你將深入體驗並共同推動來自全球不同行業的設計與創新挑戰,與來自不同背景的 frog 全球工作室的設計師們交流協作,彼此激發靈感,磨練新技能,掌握前沿技術,持續成長,並幫助各類客戶應對挑戰。我們為團隊提供完善的薪酬和福利體系,確保其擁有充分的發展空間。

了解更多關於 frog fulltime, contractor or internships信息,點擊文末「閱讀原文」進入 frog Career 頁面。
Make Your Mark,
Appendix:Life in the Pond
The pond is an eclectic place, full of frogs with varied interests, skills and expertise. Together, we are striving to shape a regenerative future that is both sustainable and inclusive for people and planet. Since joining Capgemini Invent, frog has grown to a team of over 2000 designers, technologists, data scientists, consultants and digital strategists, and has expanded its global footprint to 70+ design and innovation studios and offices. We draw on frog’s more than five decades of human-centered design expertise, backed by the power of Capgemini Invent to drive sustainable growth, orchestrate experiences at scale, and harness the power of data and technology.
Career Growth
There’s plenty of room to grow in the pond. Our global network of studios and portfolio of clients across industries ensures that every frog has the opportunity to hone their skills and build new ones through collaboration and iteration. Our commitment to hiring hybrid talents ensures that frogs learn from each other and provides opportunities for growth as new challenges emerge. From equitable, competitive salaries to comprehensive benefits, employment with frog enables sustained professional and personal growth.
frogs prize humor and good spirit just as highly as performance and outcomes. Community events in each of our global studios are informed by the local culture and history as well as the passions of its frogs. frogFun could be anything from weekly coffee socials to catered meals, studio crits to design events, concept jams to team excursions. Wherever they are, frogs know that how well you live is as important as how hard you work, and that having fun is at the heart of our community.
Internship Program
During our immersive internship programs, interns have the opportunity to contribute and collaborate with project teams, build valuable industry connections and learn new skills from across disciplines. Through close and meaningful work with frogs, our interns gain deep insight into the work we do. Our goal is not only to influence interns beyond their time at frog but to take inspiration from them to create a better, bolder and more curious frog.
Our Alumni Network
frogs know that there are few workplaces in the world like the pond, and few workers as talented and thoughtful as other frogs. That means our global network of frogs and frog alumni offers our employees opportunities for partnership, mentorship, collaboration and connection during and beyond their time in the pond. Whether we were here at the beginning or taking our first steps into the pond, we are frogs for life.

frog 是一家領先的跨國創新諮詢公司,是 Capgemini Invent 的一員。

021 6157 7188