Large green lawns are a hallmark of many California neighborhoods,巨大的綠色草坪是加州許多社區的標誌, but years of drought have much of Los Angeles county limiting the watering of those lawns to just twice a week.但多年的乾旱使洛杉磯縣的大部分地區將草坪澆水的時間限制在每周兩次。 Here in the Las Virgenes municipal water district residents may only turn on their sprinklers once a week, as the area has no local groundwater.在拉斯維吉尼斯市水區,居民每周只能打開一次灑水器,因為該地區沒有當地地下水。 Public Affairs associate Riki Clark says the rationing is required because more than 70 percent of the district's water is used outside.公共事務助理里奇·克拉克說,配給是必要的,因為該地區70%以上的水是在戶外使用的。 Any customers whose addresses end in an even number their designated data water is on Tuesdays,任何地址以偶數結尾的客戶他們指定的數據水是在星期二, and then all of our customers whose homes end in an odd number on addresses their designated day to water is on Thursdays,然後我們所有房子以奇數結尾的地址的客戶,他們指定的供水日期是星期四, and so for each day they get eight minutes per day per station.他們基站每天有八分鐘的時間。 Water district staff enforce the rules by monitoring who is watering when.水區工作人員通過監控誰在何時澆水來執行這些規定。 Violators first get warnings then they pay penalties.違規者首先得到警告,然後支付罰款。 If the infractions continue their supply is reduced to one gallon a minute.如果違規行為繼續下去,它們的供應量將減少到每分鐘一加侖。 Water district customer service representative Cason Gilmer developed the flow restrictor.水區客戶服務代表Cason Gilmer開發了限流器。 Your kitchen sink won't really notice the difference when the restrictor's in.當限流器打開時,你的廚房水槽不會真正注意到差異。 Your shower might notice the difference.你的淋浴可能會注意到不同之處。 Your shower is typically two and a half gallons a minute, so the shower's a little less.你的淋浴通常是一分鐘2.5加侖,所以淋浴稍微少了一點。 But you can still shower, you can still cook.但你仍然可以洗澡,你仍然可以做飯。 Appliances might take longer to fill, say your washing machine or your toilets will take longer to fill, but they do they still work.家用電器可能需要更長的時間才能裝滿,比如你的洗衣機或馬桶需要更長的時間才能裝滿,但它們確實可以用,它們仍然可以工作。 So indoor living is manageable with this outdoor.有了這個室外設備,室內生活是可以控制的。 This small hole will not give you enough flow to be able to kick on your irrigation systems.這個小洞不會給你足夠的流量來使你的用水系統罷工。 Some people are moving away from systematic outdoor watering.一些人正在遠離系統的室外澆水。 Sarah Lariviere bought her house a year ago with a vision to remove the existing green lawn,一年前,薩拉·拉里維爾買下了她的房子,目的是拆除現有的綠色草坪。 and create her own space full of wildflowers and native drought-tolerant plants.並創造了自己的空間,裡面種滿了野花和本土耐旱植物。 I did an enormous amount of research on where I could find plants that would thrive in Los Angeles county without much water.我做了大量的研究,尋找在洛杉磯縣哪裡可以在沒有太多水的情況下茁壯成長的植物。 I went to the Theodore Payne Native Plant Foundation.我去了西奧多·佩恩土著植物基金會。 They have a nursery and they have classes.他們有苗圃,也有教種植的課。 I took a class there to understand how to water native plants and I just spent a lot of time looking at the plants there.我在那裡上了一門課,了解如何給當地的植物澆水,我花了很多時間看那裡的植物。 Lariviere used the California turf replacement rebate to cover the cost of putting in her new drought-resistant garden.拉里維爾用加州的草坪更換折扣來支付她新的抗旱花園的投入成本。 With no end inside for watering restrictions here, some people who are determined to keep their green lawns are seeing them turn yellow.由於這裡的灌溉限制措施很多,一些決心保留綠色草坪的人看到草坪變黃了。 Jenny Dulu for VOA News Los AngelesVOA新聞,珍妮·杜魯洛杉磯報道