加州理工,美國包括美國的華人會簡稱它Caltech,而國內的人會拷貝MIT的模式,稱其為CIT,依此類推叫佐治亞理工GIT(美國人簡稱Georgia Tech),說給美國人聽美國人會不知所云的,所以這裡專門給糾正一下。
47%的畢業生找到全職工作,基本年薪的中線在$110,000 - $119,000,年薪底薪分布情形如下:
90th percentile is $150,000+
75th percentile is within $120,000 - $129,000
50th percentile is within $110,000 - $119,000
25th percentile is within $90,000 - $99,000
丫丫說得沒錯,我找到的起薪近兩年最高的10所大學排行榜(各學科畢業生起薪中位數)中主要都是工程技術類學校,以下統計數據來自U.S. News & World Report。
加州理工學院(California Institute of Technology),起薪78400美元。
斯坦福大學(Stanford University),起薪70300美元。
卡內基·梅隆大學(Carnegie Mellon University),起薪69700美元。
科羅拉多礦業學院(Colorado School of Mines),起薪6.8萬美元。
伍斯特理工學院(Worcester Polytechnic Institute),起薪67300美元。
史蒂文斯理工學院(Stevens Institute of Technology),起薪6.7萬美元。
普林斯頓大學(Princeton University),起薪66700美元。
托馬斯·傑斐遜大學(Thomas Jefferson University),起薪66300美元。
倫斯勒理工學院(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute),起薪6.6萬美元。
PROMPT : Tell us about a life situation, media story, or topic – beyond or outside of a classroom or formal assignment – that has captivated you, inspired your curiosity, and led you to delve more deeply into learning about a subject on your own. (250 words)
I scrolled through social media, and a video caught my eye. A video of someone coding. They were not the stereotypical coding geek - someone in a dark basement surrounded by a 3-monitor display. Instead, they were coding on the streets of New York City, surrounded by a crowd, who watched in awe as the coder generated brilliant music and played it through giant speakers. It was not just someone coding, but a musical performance.
Coding music defies computer science stereotypes by transforming it into a performing art. I aspire to be someone friendly, lively, and creative. Coding music helped me be that person. The video showed a coding performance, and instantly, I wished I could do the same. To use code and music, as a way to speak to and connect people within my community.
The video sparked a dream, and I got right to work.
I downloaded Sonic Pi, the code editor for generating music. I played with chord progressions and synthesizers, and quickly I realized the complexity of music. I lacked experience, as my computer science classes never touched on musical coding, and I had never attended a music class before. Yet, I bridged the gap through website articles, stack overflow, and YouTube. I created many songs, some good and some horrendous. Although they are not perfect, my personal endeavor into musical coding was a journey of self-expression, creativity, and, most importantly, having fun.
我盪下來能形成音樂的編輯器Sonic Pi,試着調試和弦和編輯器,很快我就發現了音樂的複雜程度,我缺乏經驗,因為我選過的計算機課程從來沒有講過音樂編程,我也沒有選過音樂課,但這都難不倒我,我通過網絡文章、堆棧溢出(stack overflow)和油管來找到有用的信息幫助自己不斷提高,我編出了很多音樂,一些聽起來還好,一些糟糕極了,儘管它們不完美,但是編程音樂這場自我學習的旅程不失為尋求自我表述、創造力、還有最重要的是開心(Having Fun)快樂的一個過程。