圖片來源:Holly/Flickr, CC BY-ND 2.0
海面下500多米的深處,是暗無天日的海洋中層帶(mesopelagic zone),即使在白天,那裡主要的光源也不是太陽,而是發光生物,也就是能自己發光的生物。生活在這片黑暗深處的南方象海豹(southern elephant seals),尤愛捕食魷魚和其他魚類。
英國聖安德魯大學(University of St. Andrews)海洋哺乳動物研究部(Sea Mammal Research Unit)的保利娜·古利特(Pauline Goulet)講道。
Bioluminescence Helps Prey
Avoid Hungry Seals
Prey animals flash biochemically produced light to confuse elephant seals hunting in the dark. But at least one seal turned the tables.
Deep in the inky depths of what’s called the ocean’s mesopelagic zone, more than 500 meters below the surface, the main source of light is not the sun—even during the day. Most of the light comes instead from bioluminescent organisms, creatures that produce their own light. It’s in these dark depths that southern elephant seals love to feast on squids and fish.
「Initially we wanted to know how elephant seals find their prey in the dark.」
Pauline Goulet from the University of St. Andrews Sea Mammal Research Unit.
Thanks to data-logging technology, researchers have a fairly good handle on how far elephant seals travel to feed—and how long and how deep they dive. But nobody really knew how they find their prey in the darkness. Do they track the lights? Or is something else going on?
「So we built a sensor that could pick up flashes produced by animals that were being hunted by the elephant seal, because we thought that elephant seals might be looking for that light to catch a snack.」
But it turned out that the fish actually used their bioluminescence to disorient seals after the seals began their attack.
「The thing is it seemed that the flashing prey were harder to catch than the nonflashing prey—which we found out by looking at the duration of the chase, which was longer for flashing prey.」
The fish flash was always emitted just after the seal launched an attack, making it a defensive, reactive maneuver to distract the seals. But at least one seal learned to turn that liability into a hunting strategy.
「This seal appeared to be a master in catching the flashing prey, because each time it tried to catch a prey, first it would do this little head movement that was probably mechanically sensed by the prey. Then it would induce the prey to flash, because the prey reacts to this approaching predator.」
This seal would twitch her head, see where the light came from and only then start the chase.
So even if some seals can use bioluminescence as a way to find food, for most the light is a distraction. Goulet thinks that seals probably rely more on their whiskers to sense the movements their prey make in the water. [Pauline Goulet et al., Flash and grab: Deep-diving southern elephant seals trigger anti-predator flashes in bioluminescent prey]
「It’s just a step forward into understanding what’s happening in these depths, in this ecosystem that we don’t really know much about—especially in the Southern Ocean…[full transcript]
Goulet, P., Guinet, C., Campagna, C., Campagna, J., Tyack, P.L. and Johnson, M., 2020. Flash and grab: deep-diving southern elephant seals trigger anti-predator flashes in bioluminescent prey.Journal of Experimental Biology,223(10), p.jeb222810.
doi: 10.1242/jeb.222810
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