據《紐約時報》爆料,91歲的默多克和模特妻子Jerry Hall的6年婚姻即將走到盡頭,又雙叒叕要離婚了。不過目前當事人方面對此都保持緘默。
Rupert Murdoch, the mediatitan, and Jerry Hall, the model and actress, are getting divorced, according to two people with knowledge of the decision.
大名鼎鼎的傳媒大鱷,手握sky TV、《太陽報》、《泰晤士報》、美國福克斯新聞、《華爾街日報》、《紐約郵報》等著名新聞媒體,如今的身價遠超170億美元(≈1138.3億人民幣)。
The well-known media tycoon, holding Sky TV, "The Sun", "The Times", "Fox News", "The Wall Street Journal", "New York Post", etc.,are now worth far more than 17 billion US dollars (≈ 113.83 billion RMB).
艾美獎獲獎美劇《繼承之戰》里剛愎自用Logan Roy原型就是他。千億財產如何分割,成為媒體關注焦點。
He is the prototype of the headstrong Logan Roy in the Emmy Award-winning American drama "Succession". How to divide hundreds of billions of property has become the focus of media attention.

和鄧文迪離婚後,默多克認識了第四任妻子—— Jerry Hall (傑瑞·霍爾)。
Jerry Hall was the most famous model in the world in the 1970s, known as the first generation of supermodels.

2016 年 3 月默多克和霍爾在倫敦市中心一座擁有百年歷史的豪宅中結婚。當時,默多克還在 Twitter 上宣布他將不再發帖了,以紀念這一時刻,稱自己是「世界上最幸運、最幸福的人」。
No more tweets fortendays orever! Feel like the luckiestAND happiest man inworld.
Rupert MurdochandJerryHallAreSaidto BeDivorcing
Rupert Murdoch, the media titan, and Jerry Hall, the model and actress, are getting divorced, according to two people with knowledge of the decision.
Bryce Tom, a spokesman for Mr. Murdoch, declined to comment. Representatives for Ms. Hall could not immediately be reached for comment.

A year later, Murdoch married Glasgow-born former newspaper journalist Anna Torv.
They are believed to have met while Torv was working for Murdoch’s Sydney newspaper, the Daily Mirror, when she had the opportunity to interview him.

It was on a plane to Hong Kong, and next to Murdoch was Wendi Deng, who had just graduated from Yale University and was about to go to Hong Kong for development.

2019 年,默多克和Jerry在牛津郡泰晤士河畔亨利附近購買了價值1125萬英鎊的格魯吉亞房產。
In 2019, Murdoch and Jerry bought a £11.25 million Georgian property near Henley-on-Thames in Oxfordshire.
In December last year, they spent another £228 million on a 340,000-acre ranch near Yellowstone National Park in the United States, but the exact division has not yet been determined.