Why you don’t need to do any more than five hours of intense exercise a week
哈佛大學的一項研究發現,每周進行五小時以上的高強度運動無法獲得更多益處,對於避免過早死亡沒有幫助。這項對10萬名美國人為期30年的研究分析了運動如何影響一個人的死亡風險。研究發現,每周進行75分鐘的劇烈運動(每周建議劇烈運動量)可以將死於心血管疾病的風險降低31%。然而,每周進行5小時以上劇烈運動對健康並沒有任何額外益處。There is no benefit to doing more than five hours of high intensity exercise a week, a Harvard study has found, as it does not help to stave off an untimely death.哈佛大學的一項研究發現,每周進行五小時以上的高強度運動無法獲得更多益處,對於避免過早死亡沒有幫助。However, pushing your body as hard as you can does not have any damaging health effects, as some previous studies have claimed.然而,與此前的研究結果不同的是,儘可能多運動並不會對健康產生任何損害。A 30-year Harvard study of 100,000 Americans looked at how exercise impacted a person’s risk of death.哈佛大學對10萬名美國人進行了一項為期30年的研究,分析運動如何影響一個人的死亡風險。It found that doing 75 minutes of vigorous exercise a week, the recommended amount, slashes the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 31 percent.研究發現,每周進行75分鐘的劇烈運動(每周建議劇烈運動量)可以將死於心血管疾病的風險降低31%。People who do twice this - two and a half hours of intense exercise a week - were shown to benefit slightly, further reducing the threat of death by between two and four percent.研究表明,每周進行兩個半小時劇烈運動(每周建議劇烈運動量的兩倍)的人獲得的益處更大一點,進一步將死亡風險降低了2%至4%。However, fitness fanatics who do more than four times the recommended amount of vigorous weekly exercise - 300 minutes, or five hours - do not get any additional benefit, data show.然而,數據顯示,每周進行5小時劇烈運動(每周建議劇烈運動量四倍以上)的健身狂並沒有額外獲益。Benefit of prolonged intense exercise 'remains unclear'長時間劇烈運動的益處「尚不清楚」The same trend was seen for moderate activities, including walking. Ten hours of moderate exercise - four times the recommended weekly activity level - had no benefits, but also no harms.走路等適度運動也呈現出同樣的趨勢。十個小時的適度運動(每周建議運動量的4倍)既沒有益處,也沒有害處。In their study, published in the journal Circulation, the researchers wrote: 「Higher levels of either long-term leisure-time vigorous physical activity (more than 300 minutes a week) or moderate physical activity (more than 600 minutes per week) did not clearly show further lower all-cause, cardiovascular disease, and non-cardiovascular disease mortality or harm.」該研究發表在《循環》雜誌上,研究人員寫道:「無論是長期的高強度劇烈運動(每周超過300分鐘)還是適度活動(每周超過600分鐘),都沒有明確證據證明能進一步降低全因死亡率,無論是心血管疾病導致的,還是非心血管疾導致的死亡。」Hoon Lee, study author, from the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, in Boston, added: 「The potential impact of physical activity on health is great, yet it remains unclear whether engaging in high levels of prolonged, vigorous or moderate intensity physical activity above the recommended levels provides any additional benefits or harmful effects on cardiovascular health.」該研究論文作者、波士頓哈佛陳曾熙公共衛生學院的李勛(音譯)表示:「體育運動對健康的潛在影響很大,但目前尚不清楚長時間、劇烈或中等強度的體育活動是否會對心血管健康產生額外的益處或害處。」Previous research had claimed that doing too much exercise could be harmful and may actually increase a person’s risk of an early death by putting added strain on their organs.此前的研究表明,運動過量可能有害,並可能因增加器官負擔而增大過早死亡的風險。But the new study finds that to be untrue, as even people doing more than five hours a week of intense activity showed no adverse health effects.但這項新的研究發現,這種說法不成立,因為即使人們每周進行五個小時以上的劇烈活動,也不會對健康產生不利影響。"This finding may reduce the concerns around the potential harmful effect of engaging in high levels of physical activity observed in several previous studies," noted Mr Lee.李勛指出:「這一發現可能會減少人們對先前幾項研究中觀察到的高強度體力活動的潛在有害影響的擔憂。」"Our study provides evidence to guide individuals to choose the right amount and intensity of physical activity over their lifetime to maintain their overall health.」「我們的研究提供了依據,人們可以據此選擇適當的運動量和強度,以保持健康。」