On Wednesday afternoon, President Xi Jinping arrived in Nur-Sultan, capital of Kazakhstan, starting a state visit to the country.

在此次訪問期間,習近平主席同哈薩克斯坦總統托卡耶夫舉行會談,就雙邊關係各領域合作和共同關心的國際地區問題深入交換意見。During the trip, President Xi heldtalks with Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to exchange views on bilateral relations, cooperation in various fields as well as international and regional issues of common concern.哈薩克斯坦是「一帶一路」西出首站,兩國在互聯互通、產能、經貿、人文等領域的合作均取得豐碩成果。Kazakhstan is the first stop on the BRI's westward routes from China.The two countries have worked very closely together on things such as connectivity, production capacity, economy, trade and culture.9年前,習近平主席在這裡發表演講,首次提出共建「絲綢之路經濟帶」的倡議。截至今年7月,已有149個國家和32個國際組織同中國簽署了共建「一帶一路」合作文件,形成3000多個合作項目。As of July this year, 149 countries and more than 32 international organizations have signed documents with China under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, involving more than 3,000 cooperation projects.今年是中國與哈薩克斯坦建交30周年。2013年、2015年和2017年,習近平主席先後3次訪問哈薩克斯坦。This year marks the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and Kazakhstan.In2013, 2015 and 2017, President Xi Jinping paid three visits to the country.2021年,札納塔斯風電場、圖爾古孫水電站等中資項目建成投產。哈薩克斯坦企業連續四年參加中國國際進口博覽會。2021年,中哈貨物進出口總額同比增長17.6%。Last year the Zhanatas wind power plant, the Turgusun hydropower station and other China-built projects were completed and put into operation. Kazakh companies have taken part in the China International Import Expo for four consecutive years. The value of goods traded between China and Kazakhstan rose 17.6 percent last year compared with 2020.中哈共建「一帶一路」為國際社會樹立了典範。9年前點起的「星星之火」,已在全世界形成「燎原之勢」。In fact, the nine-year-old Belt and Road Initiative is bearing fruit worldwide, and the China-Kazakhstan model is being seen as an example for others to follow. 推 薦 閱 讀
