All right, sheep. You guys ready to come out? Good morning, sheep. Baa, sheep! Baa, sheep!好了,綿羊。你們準備好出來了嗎?早上好呀,綿羊們。哇,綿羊!哇,綿羊! I'm Corey Suter.我是科里·蘇特。 I'm the owner of and also the half owner with my wife of Suters Glen Permaculture Farm.我是LambMowers.com的所有者,也是Suters Glen Permaculture Farm的一半所有者,另一半所有者是我的妻子。 We're a five-acre organic homestead.我們是一片五英畝的有機宅基地。 I bought the domain before we ever signed on the farm.我在我們在農場簽約之前就買下了這個域名。 It was something that I had envisioned.這是我所預想到的。 I had a number of different business ideas.我有很多不同的商業想法。 I'm always been someone who's very entrepreneurial.我一直是一個非常有創業精神的人。 So, this is your grazing area today.這就是你今天的放牧區。 We've got lots of work to do.我們有很多工作要做。 So, I am a shepherd.我是一個牧羊人。 I've been caring for this flock and helping breed this flock for, since 2016.自2016年以來,我一直在照顧這群羊,飼養這群羊。 They are independent contractors of sorts.它們是某種意義上的讓我獨立承包的傢伙。 It looks like the young ones are ready to go.看起來年幼的羊羔已經準備好出發了。 I had been practicing working with the sheep for five years here on my farm before I ever started bringing them out to other places.在我開始把羊帶到其他地方之前,我已經在我的農場練習了五年。 Cinnamon, you're saying hi?肉桂,你是在打招呼嗎? This is Cinnamon, the sheep.這是綿羊肉桂。 My kids name all the sheep.我的孩子們給所有的羊起了名字。 If you have less than two acres, we come out for a two-hour grazing appointment.如果你的土地不到兩英畝,我們會有約兩個小時的放牧時間。 Ho, there is a lot of poison ivy in here.何,這裡有很多毒藤。 I think I might want to wait for the sheep to work through there.我想我可能要讓羊群在那裡了。 And the sheep tend to like tree seedlings, poison ivy, herbaceous weeds, even more than the grass.而綿羊傾向於喜歡樹苗、毒藤、草本植物,甚至比草更喜歡。 So, the mowing is very imperfect.所以,割草是非常不完美的。 This is a supplemental service to like an existing lawn care service.這是一個額外服務,比如給現有的草坪護理服務。 It might replace the spray, but it's not going to replace completely the lawn mower mowing of grass.它可能會取代噴霧,但它不會完全取代割草機割草。 What would you like me to work on while the sheep are here?羊在這裡的時候,你想讓我做什麼? I see that there's a tulip poplar that's growing really close to the house.我看到有一棵鬱金香楊樹長得很近。 Would you like me to take that out for you?要我幫您拿出來嗎? That would be great.那太好了。 Okay.好吧。 Awesome.太棒了。 When someone hires, not only do they get a flock of sheep in the yard,當有人在LambMowers.com尋求幫助時,他們不僅會在院子裡得到一群羊, they get a gardener to come and help pull invasive weeds out of trees,還會有園丁來幫忙把入侵的雜草從樹上拔出來, or make sure the mulch isn't covering over the root flare of a tree which can promote disease in the tree and cause it to die.或者確保覆蓋物沒有覆蓋在樹的根部,覆蓋物可能會讓樹生病並導致它死亡。 I hired sheep to come help take care of some of the overgrowth in my backyard.我雇了幾隻羊來幫忙照料我家後院裡的一些雜草。 I was actually researching goats because I knew that goats would eat poison ivy and it doesn't bother them.我其實是在研究山羊,因為我知道山羊會吃毒藤,而這並不會讓它們感到不適。 And so, while I was researching goats, I found Cory and因此,當我研究山羊時,我找到了科里和。 Susan, you're creating some wonderful habitat back here for wildlife with these rotting logs and sheltered areas.蘇珊,你在這裡用這些腐爛的原木為野生動物創造了一些很棒的棲息地。 You did the right thing by leaving all these logs to rot, though.然而,你做了正確的事情,讓所有這些原木腐爛。 That's what's keeping all these trees so happy.這就是讓所有這些樹如此茁壯的原因。 Cory's been great to educate me too.科里給我好好上了一課。 A lot of what I have here is not natural.我這裡的很多東西都不是天然的。 It's invasive.這是侵入性的。 And so, removing that and then be able to replace it with something that's native to this area, you know, is definitely one of the goals as well.因此,移除它,然後能夠用這個地區原生的東西取而代之,肯定也是目標之一。 And I had recently done the solar panels in January,我最近在一月份做了太陽能電池板, and just looking to create a more friendly environment for my kids and for me and for our neighbors.只是希望為我的孩子、我和我們的鄰居創造一個更友好的環境。 I like that they stay together.我喜歡它們待在一起。 They care about each other.它們彼此關心。 They are very sociable.它們非常善於交際。 If you try to separate one from the flock, they'll die of loneliness.如果你試圖把它們中的一隻從羊群中分離出來,它們會孤獨而死。 They realize that we're dependent on each other in a way that maybe sometimes we people like to think we're not.它們意識到,我們在某種程度上是相互依賴的,也許有時我們人們喜歡認為我們不是這樣。 So, their most important role here on our farm is not to provide fiber, not to provide food for us.它們在我們農場最重要的角色不是提供纖維,不是為我們提供食物。 It's to provide nutrients for our garden.這是為了給我們的花園提供養分。 You know food is good when there's insects wanting to eat it.你知道,當有昆蟲想吃的時候,這種食物就是好的。 This is why I farm.這就是我種地的原因。 Food is way better than what you can buy in stores.這裡食物比你在商店裡能買到的要好得多。 Sheep's little fertilizer pellets or manure is 30 percent carbon.綿羊的少量化肥顆粒或糞便含有30%的碳。 And so, not only do we make the grass a lot healthier but we're also helping bring carbon back into the soil, which has been greatly depleted.因此,我們不僅讓草變得更健康,而且還幫助將碳重新帶入土壤,而土壤已經嚴重枯竭。 That's why I'm so passionate about protecting soil because we need that soil to sustain life for future generations.這就是為什麼我如此熱衷於保護土壤,因為我們需要土壤來維持後代的生命。 There's always an interesting problem when you're working with animals that are independent thinkers and some kind of headstrong.當你與獨立思考和某種任性的動物打交道時,總是會有一個有趣的問題。 We've learned a lot of solutions.我們已經學到了很多解決方案。 So, we use this temporary fencing to help contain them,因此,我們使用這種臨時圍欄來幫助遏制它們, and helps direct them towards the plants that we want them to eat and the ones we don't want them to eat.幫助它們找到我們想讓它們吃的植物和我們不想讓它們吃的植物。 Sheep !Hey, Sheep! Come on over here. Yeah, come on over. No? Not today? Okay, I'll get some more vines over here.羊!嘿,羊!到這邊來。是啊,過來吧。沒有?今天不行?好吧,我再拿些藤蔓過來。 Overall, the customers are very happy with the service we're providing.總體而言,客戶對我們提供的服務非常滿意。 Oh, it's been very fun.They're a pleasure to have.哦,這真的很有趣。有很多快樂。 Baa, sheep! I'm excited about the potential.哇,綿羊!我對它的潛力感到興奮。 We have a bright future ahead as humans if we can continue to learn to work with nature instead of just trying to dominate nature. Baa, sheep!如果我們能夠繼續學習與自然合作,而不是僅僅試圖主宰自然,我們作為人類就會有一個光明的未來。哇,綿羊!