Shanghai Health Commission reported a total of 1 locally transmitted COVID-19 case and 8 local asymptomatic cases this morning, Thursday, October 27.Of the 9 new cases reported, all 9 tested positive during central quarantine, while 0 tested positive during regular screening.That's a fall of 10 from yesterday's 19 – and we're back to no new community cases.Good news... however, we fear those numbers will start climbing again once the close contacts ofyesterday's three community cases start kicking in.Universal Beijing Resort closes...As local cases of community transmission continue to pop up in Beijing, Universal Beijing Resort has announced temporary closure.
Via the Resort’s official Weibo account, it wasannouncedthat Universal Studios, Universal CityWalk, The Universal StudiosGrand Hotel and NUO Resort Hotelwould all close temporarily from yesterday, Wednesday, October 26.The announcement via Weibo. Screengrab via Weibo/@北京環球度假區
No re-opening date has yet been announced.
The Weibo post suggested keeping up to date with the latest announcements via the Universal Beijing Resort official app or Universal Beijing Resort Mini-Programs on Alipay and WeChat.
Those who bought tickets for the park, or who booked hotel stays, should apply for a refund or a change of date through the channel used to purchase.
The closure comes as Beijing continues to report locally transmitted cases of COVID-19, a small number of which are cases of community transmission (i.e. detected outside of quarantine observation).
Beijing reported a total of 17 cases today.
New Shanghai cases by district...The1 local case thattested positive during central quarantine was in the following area:The 8 asymptomatic cases that tested positive during central quarantine were in the following areas:China COVID hot spots...Looking to get out of Shanghai?
Below is a list of places that reported 10 or more COVID-19 cases today – locally transmitted and asymptomatic combined – that you may wish to avoid:We hope that helps you make good your escape!Looking for travel options?Here are seven great travel options that it's not too late to book:
READ MORE:7 Amazing Trips to Take Around China
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[Cover image viaNIAID-RML]
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