
By Ned Kelly

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) reported 72 positive COVID-19 tests in China during the pre-Games period from January 4 to 22.

Thirty-three cases were reported from 336,421 tests carried out within the 'closed-loop' established for the Games, which separates Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics participants from the general population.

A further 39 people connected to the Games tested positive from2,586 tests carried outupon arrival at Beijing Capital International Airport.

So far, no athlete has tested positive for the virus,according to the IOC.

All individuals who have tested positive have been isolated and close contacts identified, with those who are symptomatic transferred to hospitals. Those who are asymptomatic are asked to isolate in designated areas.

Those who receive a positive result from an airport test followed by a negative confirmation test are required to receive another negative result from an additional test prior to entering the closed loop,in order to avoid people being released with a false negative.

Those who test positive and are asymptomatic will be discharged from isolation once they have two consecutive negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test results 24 hours apart.

All Games participants are subject to daily PCR tests.

The IOC said the process shows the system outlined in playbooks for Beijing 2022 is working, and the positive COVID-19 cases will not affect operations for the upcoming games.

Rehearsals for the February 4 Opening Ceremony are currently underway.

READ MORE:Can I Buy Winter Olympic Tickets?... No, Here’s Why

[Cover image viaWiki]

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