基準測試包括以下表格數據集,此處顯示了它們的 OpenML ID 號:
Click prediction / 233146
C.C.FraudD. / 233143
sylvine / 233135
jasmine / 233134
fabert / 233133
APSFailure / 233130
MiniBooNE / 233126
volkert / 233124
jannis / 233123
numerai28.6 / 233120
Jungle-Chess-2pcs / 233119
segment / 233117
car / 233116
Australian / 233115
higgs / 233114
shuttle / 233113
connect-4 / 233112
bank-marketing / 233110
blood-transfusion / 233109
nomao / 233107
ldpa / 233106
skin-segmentation / 233104
phoneme / 233103
walking-activity / 233102
adult / 233099
kc1 / 233096
vehicle / 233094
credit-g / 233088
mfeat-factors / 233093
arrhythmia / 233092
kr-vs-kp / 233091
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