91 years ago today, the September 18th Incident broke out. Every year today, many places in China will ring the alarm.91年前的今天,九一八事變爆發。每年的今天,中國許多地方都會敲響警鐘。 The sound of the alarm bell is not only our mourning for our ancestors, but also reminds us to take history as a mirror and not to forget the national scars under the iron hoofs of the Japanese invaders in the past.警鐘的響起不僅是我們對祖先的哀悼,同時也提醒我們要以史為鑑,不要忘記過去日本帝國主義的鐵蹄對我國大好山河的踐踏。 The Chinese nation, who has experienced hardships, will always remember this history and cherish peace even more.歷經磨難的中華民族將永遠銘記這段歷史,更加珍惜和平。 Today marks the 91st anniversary of the September 18 Incident.今天是九一八事變91周年紀念日。 On September 18, 1931, Japanese troops blew up a section of the South Manchurian railway under their control in Shenyang, capital of northeast China's Liaoning Province and blamed China for the sabotage.1931年9月18日,日本軍隊在中國東北遼寧省省會瀋陽,炸毀了他們控制下的南滿鐵路的一段,並指責中國對此負有責任。 They used it as a pretext of an explosion along the Japanese-controlled South Manchurian Railway to occupy Mukden.他們以此為藉口,沿着日本控制的南滿鐵路發動爆炸,占領了瀋陽。 The explosives did little damage to their railway, and trains continued to use the route.炸藥對鐵路幾乎沒有損壞,火車繼續使用這條路線。 Nevertheless, in retaliation for this "Chinese attack," the Japanese army began artillery attacks on a nearby Chinese garrison the next day.然而,為了報復這次「中國進攻」,日軍第二天就開始對附近的中國駐軍進行炮擊。 The incident marked the beginning of the 14 years of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and opened up the prelude to the world's anti-fascist war.這一事件標誌着中國人民抗日戰爭14年的開始,拉開了世界反法西斯戰爭的序幕。 Don't forget the country's death, remember the martyrs, and make our generation self-improvement!不忘國恥,緬懷先烈,讓我們這一代人自強不息! A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.5 shook southeastern Taiwan on Saturday but there were no immediate reports of damage and no power outages.周六,台灣東南部發生6.5級強烈地震,但目前還沒有損失報告,也沒有停電。 The quake had a depth of 7.3 km (4.5 miles) with its epicentre in Taitung county, a sparsely populated part of the island, the Taiwan weather bureau said.地震深度7.3公里(4.5英里),震中位於該島人口稀少的台東縣。 Taitung county commissioner April Yao wrote on her Facebook page the quake was "extremely strong", while the official Central News Agency showed a picture of bottles that had been shaken off their shelves in a Taitung shop.台東縣縣長饒慶鈴在她的臉書頁面上寫道,地震「非常強烈」,而官方的中央通訊社展示了一張台東一家商店裡貨架上被震落的瓶子的照片。 Taiwan's fire department said it had yet to receive any reports of damage.台灣消防部門表示,尚未收到任何損失報告。 State-run utility Taipower said there was no interruption to electricity supply on Taiwan's east coast.中國台灣電力公司表示,台灣東海岸的電力供應沒有中斷。 The quake could be felt across Taiwan, the weather bureau said.Buildings shook briefly in the capital Taipei.氣象局說,整個台灣都有震感,首都台北的建築物短暫搖晃。 The science parks in the southern cities of Tainan and Kaohsiung, home to major semiconductor factories, said there was also no impact on operations.南部城市台南和高雄的科技園表示,運營也沒有受到影響。台南和高雄是大型半導體工廠的所在地。 Taiwan lies near the junction of two tectonic plates and is prone to earthquakes.台灣省位於兩個構造板塊的交界處附近,是地震多發地區。 More than 100 people were killed in a quake in southern Taiwan in 2016, while a 7.3 magnitude quake killed more than 2,000 people in 1999.2016年台灣南部的一次地震造成100多人死亡,而1999年的7.3級地震造成2000多人死亡。 今日14時44分,在台灣花蓮縣再發生6.9級地震,無重大傷亡事故,祈願平安。 每日最新TED演講推薦 久坐傷腎