當地時間19日,英國伊麗莎白二世女王的葬禮在倫敦威斯敏斯特大教堂(Westminster Abbey)舉行。

A Detailed Rundown of Queen Elizabeth’s Funeral Day
The New York Times
The processions, mourning and commemorations that have followed the death of Queen Elizabeth II will culminate on Monday with the queen’s funeral at 11 a.m. (London time) at Westminster Abbey, an event that will draw dignitaries from across the globe and a massive worldwide audience watching online and on television.
Grand processions through the streets of London and then at Windsor Castle will accompany the queen’s coffin before it is buried on Monday evening in St. George’s Chapel at Windsor.
The day’s events
Buckingham Palace officials have detailed minute-by-minute plans for Monday. Here are some key events.
• Monday morning heads of state and foreign royals will gather at the Royal Hospital Chelsea, a home for retired soldiers in West London. From there, they will travel together to Westminster Abbey, though the palace did not specify the mode of transportation. According to local media reports, the communal transportation has upset many international leaders, disgruntled by rumors that some of them would receive preferential treatment and be allowed to take their own cars.
• The doors of Westminster Hall, where the queen is lying in state, will close to the public at 6:30 a.m., in preparation for the queen’s coffin to be moved to Westminster Abbey for her funeral.
• Westminster Abbey will open at 8 a.m. for attendees who have been invited to the funeral.
• A procession will accompany the coffin from Westminster Hall to the abbey. The journey is expected to take less than 10 minutes, and the route will be lined by members of the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines. The procession will be led by about 200 musicians including the pipes and drums from the Scottish and Irish Regiments. The carriage will be followed by King Charles III and members of the royal family.
• The dean of Westminster will conduct the funeral service, with readings by Prime Minister Liz Truss and Patricia Scotland, the secretary general of the Commonwealth. The archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. Justin Welby, will give the sermon.
• Toward the end of the ceremony, two minutes of silence will take place across Britain. The service is to end at 12 p.m.
• A procession will then follow the coffin to Wellington Arch, near Hyde Park, before being driven to Windsor.
Distinguished guests
Buckingham Palace has not disclosed the names of attendees, but President Joe Biden has said he will attend, as will the leaders of Germany and Italy. Australia’s leader, Anthony Albanese, and New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, have accepted invitations, and so has Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, according to the BBC. Emperor Naruhito and his wife, Empress Masako, of Japan are to attend, and so is the new president of Kenya, William Ruto.
Of course, members of the British royal family will attend. And members of other royal families from across Europe have confirmed their presence, including King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, and the king’s mother, Princess Beatrix.
King Felipe VI of Spain will represent the country at the funeral as the head of state, the Spanish government said. But reports of a private invitation received by his father, the former king, Juan Carlos, have raised eyebrows in Spain. King Juan Carlos abdicated in 2014 and left his country in the wake of fraud investigations, which have since been dropped. He now lives in the United Arab Emirates.
Westminster Abbey has more than 2,000 seats, and Buckingham Palace said in a statement that 200 people who were recognized in the queen’s honors list this year would also join the congregation, including those who made 「extraordinary contributions」 to the response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and have volunteered in their local communities.
After the funeral, a senior palace official said, visiting heads of state and government representatives would attend a reception hosted by the foreign secretary.
A final stop, at Windsor Castle
At Windsor, the hearse will join a new procession to St. George’s Chapel. There, a committal service will take place. It is open to the queen’s past and present staff, including those who have worked on private estates.
The service will be conducted by the dean of Windsor.
Before the final hymn, the crown jeweler will remove the Imperial State Crown, the orb and the scepter, which are resting on top of the coffin, and place them on the altar.
After the hymn, the coffin will be lowered into the royal vault, a burial chamber under the chapel.
The archbishop of Canterbury will pronounce the blessing, which will be followed by the singing of 「God Save The King.」
The burial service that will follow, at 7:30 p.m., also conducted by the dean of Windsor, will be private.
「The Queen is to be buried together with The Duke of Edinburgh,」 her late husband, Buckingham Palace said in a release.
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A Detailed Rundown of Queen Elizabeth’s Funeral Day 關於伊麗莎白女王葬禮,你應該知道的
The New York Times
The processions, mourning and commemorations that have followed the death of Queen Elizabeth II will culminate on Monday with the queen’s funeral at 11 a.m. (London time) at Westminster Abbey, an event that will draw dignitaries from across the globe and a massive worldwide audience watching online and on television.
Here's a rundown on/of the activities of our ten biggest competitors.
Shops were closed as a sign of mourning for the king.
📍mourn作動詞,表示「(因失去…而)哀悼,憂傷」,英文解釋為「to feel and show sadness because sb has died; to feel sad because sth no longer exists or is no longer the same」舉個🌰:
They are still grieving for their dead child.
表示「紀念;紀念活動」,英文解釋為「something that is done to remember officially and give respect to a great person or event」。
My arguments with the boss got worse and worse, and finally culminated in my resignation.
abbey /ˈæb.i/ 表示「大修道院;大寺院;大教堂」,英文解釋為「a building where monks or nuns live or used to live. Some abbeys are now used as churches」如:Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特大教堂。
Grand processions through the streets of London and then at Windsor Castle will accompany the queen’s coffin before it is buried on Monday evening in St. George’s Chapel at Windsor.
coffin /ˈkɒfɪn/表示「棺材;棺槨;棺木」,英文解釋為「a box in which a dead body is buried or cremated」。
Buckingham Palace officials have detailed minute-by-minute plans for Monday. Here are some key events.
• Monday morning heads of state and foreign royals will gather at the Royal Hospital Chelsea, a home for retired soldiers in West London. From there, they will travel together to Westminster Abbey, though the palace did not specify the mode of transportation. According to local media reports, the communal transportation has upset many international leaders, disgruntled by rumors that some of them would receive preferential treatment and be allowed to take their own cars.
disgruntled /dɪsˈɡrʌn.təld/ 表示「不滿的;不悅的」,英文解釋為「unhappy, annoyed, and disappointed about something」舉個🌰:
A disgruntled former employee is being blamed for the explosion.
• The doors of Westminster Hall, where the queen is lying in state, will close to the public at 6:30 a.m., in preparation for the queen’s coffin to be moved to Westminster Abbey for her funeral.
表示「遺體瞻仰(期)」,英文解釋為「the period when the dead body of a ruler is displayed to the public before being buried; the display of the body in this way」
• Westminster Abbey will open at 8 a.m. for attendees who have been invited to the funeral.
• A procession will accompany the coffin from Westminster Hall to the abbey. The journey is expected to take less than 10 minutes, and the route will be lined by members of the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines. The procession will be led by about 200 musicians including the pipes and drums from the Scottish and Irish Regiments. The carriage will be followed by King Charles III and members of the royal family.
regiment /ˈredʒ.ɪ.mənt/ 表示「(軍隊的)團;大批,大群(事物或人)」,英文解釋為「a large group of soldiers, or (more generally) any large number of things or people」舉個🌰:
Regiments are usually commanded by a colonel and are sometimes made up of soldiers from a particular city or part of the country.
carriage /ˈkær.ɪdʒ/ 表示「(尤指舊時的)四輪馬車」,英文解釋為「a vehicle with four wheels that is usually pulled by horses and was used mainly in the past」如:a horse-drawn carriage 四輪馬車。
• The dean of Westminster will conduct the funeral service, with readings by Prime Minister Liz Truss and Patricia Scotland, the secretary general of the Commonwealth. The archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. Justin Welby, will give the sermon.
archbishop /ˌɑːtʃˈbɪʃ.əp/ 表示「大主教」,英文解釋為「a bishop of the highest rank who is in charge of churches and other bishops in a particular large area」舉個🌰:
The Archbishop of Canterbury holds the highest position in the Church of England.
Reverend /ˈrev.ər.ənd/的縮寫,表示「(對基督教教士的尊稱)大人」,英文解釋為「a title for a priest of the Christian Church」,如:如:the Reverend H. Clark H·克拉克牧師大人。
sermon /ˈsɜː.mən/ 表示「布道,講道」,英文解釋為「a part of a Christian church ceremony in which a priest gives a talk on a religious or moral subject, often based on something written in the Bible」舉個🌰:
The Reverend William Cronshaw delivered/preached the sermon.
• Toward the end of the ceremony, two minutes of silence will take place across Britain. The service is to end at 12 p.m.
• A procession will then follow the coffin to Wellington Arch, near Hyde Park, before being driven to Windsor.
Distinguished guests 受邀貴賓
Buckingham Palace has not disclosed the names of attendees, but President Joe Biden has said he will attend, as will the leaders of Germany and Italy. Australia’s leader, Anthony Albanese, and New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, have accepted invitations, and so has Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, according to the BBC. Emperor Naruhito and his wife, Empress Masako, of Japan are to attend, and so is the new president of Kenya, William Ruto.
empress /ˈem.prəs/ 表示「女皇;皇后」,英文解釋為「a female ruler of an empire, or the wife of a male ruler of an empire」
Of course, members of the British royal family will attend. And members of other royal families from across Europe have confirmed their presence, including King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, and the king’s mother, Princess Beatrix.
King Felipe VI of Spain will represent the country at the funeral as the head of state, the Spanish government said. But reports of a private invitation received by his father, the former king, Juan Carlos, have raised eyebrows in Spain. King Juan Carlos abdicated in 2014 and left his country in the wake of fraud investigations, which have since been dropped. He now lives in the United Arab Emirates.
raise eyebrows

in the wake of

Westminster Abbey has more than 2,000 seats, and Buckingham Palace said in a statement that 200 people who were recognized in the queen’s honors list this year would also join the congregation, including those who made 「extraordinary contributions」 to the response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and have volunteered in their local communities.
congregation /ˌkɒŋ.ɡrɪˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ 表示「(在宗教場所參加膜拜、祈禱的)會眾」,英文解釋為「a group of people who have come together in a religious building for worship and prayer」舉個🌰:
The priest asked the congregation to kneel.
After the funeral, a senior palace official said, visiting heads of state and government representatives would attend a reception hosted by the foreign secretary.
A final stop, at Windsor Castle 最後一站,溫莎城堡
At Windsor, the hearse will join a new procession to St. George’s Chapel. There, a committal service will take place. It is open to the queen’s past and present staff, including those who have worked on private estates.
hearse /hɜːs/ 表示「靈車,柩車」,英文解釋為「a vehicle used to carry a body in a coffin to a funeral」
committal /kəˈmɪt.əl/ 1)表示「收監;送入精神病院」,英文解釋為「the process of sending someone to a prison or mental hospital」舉個🌰:
The psychiatric team decided that committal would not be beneficial in her case.
2)表示「下葬」,英文解釋為「the burial of a corpse」
The service will be conducted by the dean of Windsor.
Before the final hymn, the crown jeweler will remove the Imperial State Crown, the orb and the scepter, which are resting on top of the coffin, and place them on the altar.
hymn /hɪm/ 表示「讚美詩,聖歌」,英文解釋為「a song of praise that Christians sing to God」如:a hymn book 讚美詩集。
orb /ɔːb/ 表示「球體;球狀物」,英文解釋為「something in the shape of a ball」如:the glowing orb of the sun 火球般的太陽。
表示「(象徵君主權位的)權杖」,英文解釋為「a decorated stick that is carried by a queen or king during some official ceremonies as a symbol of their authority」
altar /ˈɔːl.tər/ 表示「聖壇,祭壇」,英文解釋為「a type of table used in ceremonies in a Christian church or in other religious buildings」
After the hymn, the coffin will be lowered into the royal vault, a burial chamber under the chapel.
vault /vɒlt/ 表示「(教堂的)地下墓室;(墓地的)墓穴」,英文解釋為「a room under a church or a small building in a cemetery where dead bodies are buried」舉個🌰:
She was buried in the family vault.
The archbishop of Canterbury will pronounce the blessing, which will be followed by the singing of 「God Save The King.」
The burial service that will follow, at 7:30 p.m., also conducted by the dean of Windsor, will be private.
「The Queen is to be buried together with The Duke of Edinburgh,」 her late husband, Buckingham Palace said in a release.
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raise eyebrows
in the wake of
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