Russia on Saturday opened a criminal probe into a blast that blew up a truck and heavily damaged a vital bridge linking the Crimea peninsula to Russia.
The blast on the strategic road-and-rail bridge earlier in the day brought down sections of road, prompting gleeful messages from Ukrainian officials.當天早些時候,這座具有戰略意義的公路鐵路橋發生爆炸,導致部分道路坍塌,烏克蘭官員卻對此歡欣鼓舞。A Ukrainian presidential adviser posted a message on Twitter saying the incident was just "the beginning"but stopped short of saying Ukrainian forces were responsible for the blast.一名烏克蘭總統顧問在推特上發文稱,這一事件只是「開始」,但他沒有說烏克蘭軍隊對這次爆炸負責。"Everything illegal must be destroyed, everything that is stolen must be returned to Ukraine, everything occupied by Russia must be expelled,"Mykhailo Podolyak wrote.「所有『非法的東西』都必須銷毀,所有『被盜的東西』都必須歸還烏克蘭,所有『被俄羅斯占領的東西』都必須被驅逐,」米哈伊洛·波多利亞克寫道。Russia's investigative committee said it had "initiated a criminal case in connection with the incident on the Crimean bridge,"adding that "a truck was blown up."俄羅斯調查委員會表示,已就克里米亞大橋事件提起刑事訴訟,並表示「爆炸炸毀了一輛卡車。」"According to preliminary information, this morning on the automobile part of the Crimean bridge from the side of the Taman Peninsula, a truck was blown up, which caused seven fuel tanks to ignite on a train heading towards the Crimea peninsula," the committee said on Saturday. "As a result, two lanes partially collapsed."「根據初步信息,一輛來自塔曼半島方向的卡車在克里米亞大橋的汽車通行處發生爆炸,導致7節前往克里米亞半島方向的鐵路罐車起火,」該委員會周六表示,最終,兩條車道部分坍塌。Dramatic videos on social media show the giant bridge on fire and partially collapsed into the sea.Later, the Emergency Ministry said the fire had been extinguished, the Russian news agency Interfax reported.社交媒體上的戲劇性視頻顯示,這座巨大的大橋起火併部分坍塌入海。據俄羅斯國際文傳電訊社報道,隨後,緊急狀態部表示,大火已被撲滅。The investigative committee said it had sent detectives to the scene. "Investigators of the Russian Investigative Committee are establishing all thecircumstances of the incident and persons involved in the crime."調查委員會表示,已派出偵探前往現場。俄羅斯調查委員會的調查人員正在確定這起事件的所有情況和參與犯罪的人員。China on Sunday launched its first comprehensive solar probe, the Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory (ASO-S), according to the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.據中國科學院國家天文台稱,中國周日發射了首個綜合性太陽探測衛星——夸父一號(先進天基太陽天文台衛星)。The satellite was launched atop a Long March-2D carrier rocket from northwest China's Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 7:43 a.m. Beijing Time and has entered the designated orbit.衛星於北京時間早上7點43分由長征二號丁型運載火箭從中國西北部的酒泉衛星發射中心發射升空,並已進入預定軌道。A space-borne observatory running at a sun-synchronous orbit is not hampered by the Earth's rotations, while an Earth-based telescope can see the sun only in the daytime.運行在太陽同步軌道上的太空天文台不會受到地球自轉的影響,而地基望遠鏡只能在白天看到太陽。
"ASO-S is capable of probing the sun 24 hours daily for most of the year," said Gan Weiqun, the satellite's principal scientist from the Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). "Its longest daily time-out is no more than 18 minutes when briefly running through the shadow of Earth each day from May to August."「先進天基太陽天文台能夠在一年中的大部分時間裡每天24小時探測太陽,」中國科學院紫金山天文台(PMO)的衛星首席科學家甘為群說。「僅僅在每年5至8月,每天會有短暫時間進入地球的陰影,『休息』最長的一天也不超過18分鐘。」The solar probe, with a projected life of no less than four years, is designed to accumulate and transmit back some 500 gigabytes of data within a day, which is equivalent to tens of thousands of high-quality images.太陽探測器的預計壽命不少於4年,設計用於在一天內積累和傳輸大約500千兆字節的數據,相當於數萬張高質量的圖像。
"The onboard detectors take pictures every few seconds or minutes, and during solar eruptions, they can rapidly increase their shutter speed to only one second so as to capture solar activities with more details," said Huang Yu, associate chief designer of ASO-S science application system.夸父一號科學應用系統副總設計師黃宇說:「機載探測器每隔幾秒或幾分鐘拍攝一次照片,在太陽爆發期,能變為1秒內成像1次,詳細記錄下太陽活動的整個過程。」During its in-orbit operation, three ground stations in the cities of Sanya, Kashgar and Beijing, far apart from each other, will receive data from space, before sending them in packages over the next four years to a 2,048-core powerful computer mounted at the PMO for decoding.在其在軌運行期間,位於三亞、喀什和北京的三個相距遙遠的地面站將接收來自太空的數據,然後在未來四年內將數據打包發送到安裝在紫金山天文台的2048核強大計算機進行解碼。暴風構成的藝術