當地時間10月20日,英國首相伊麗莎白·特拉斯(Elizabeth Truss)發表辭職聲明,宣布辭去英國保守黨黨首職務。British Prime Minister Liz Truss has announced her resignation following weeks of criticism from her opponents and members of own her Conservative Party and the resignation of two of her top Cabinet picks.英國首相利茲·特拉斯宣布辭職,此前數周,她的反對者和保守黨成員對她進行了批評,她的兩名內閣高層成員也辭去了職務。 Truss said she will remain as prime minister until a successor is chosen. She said a leadership election will be completed within the next week.特拉斯說,她將繼續擔任首相,直到選出繼任者。她說,領導人選舉將在下周內完成。 She said she came into office at a time of great economic instability and was elected with a mandate for change, but, "I recognize though I cannot deliver the mandate."她說,她是在經濟極不穩定的時候上任的,當選時肩負着變革的使命,但「我承認,我不能履行這一使命。」 She announced her resignation in brief remarks outside the prime minister's residence in London.她在倫敦首相官邸外發表簡短講話,宣布辭職。 A series of significant missteps meant that much of the political vision she outlined during her campaign for leader was ditched after seriously adverse reactions from financial markets.一系列重大失誤意味着,在金融市場出現嚴重不良反應後,她在競選領導人期間勾勒出的大部分政治願景都被拋棄了。 Together with her friend and political ally Kwasi Kwarteng, Truss had entered office promising to cut taxes and kickstart the country's economic growth through a form of "trickle-down economics."與她的朋友兼政治盟友夸西·克沃滕格一起,特拉斯上任時承諾要減稅,並通過一種「涓滴經濟學」的形式啟動國家的經濟增長。
But when Kwarteng announced major tax cuts to parliament, alongside new spending plans focused on protecting households from high energy prices, the country's currency plummeted in value, while the costs of government borrowing shot up.但當克沃滕格向議會宣布大幅減稅,以及專注於保護家庭免受高能源價格影響的新支出計劃時,該國貨幣暴跌,而政府借款成本飆升。 特拉斯於今年9月5日中午在英國執政黨保守黨黨首選舉中勝出,接替約翰遜成為英國第78任首相,也是英國歷史上第三位女首相。 前兩位分別是有着「鐵娘子」之稱的瑪格麗特·撒切爾,和經歷了脫歐亂局的特蕾莎·梅。沒想到僅上任45天,有志成為「當代撒切爾」的特拉斯就辭職了,成了英國歷史上任期最短的首相。 Liz Truss the prime minister of the United Kingdom (UK) resigned on Thursday. With only a little over six weeks in office, she became the shortest-serving prime minister in UK history.英國首相伊麗莎白·特拉斯於本周四宣布辭職。上任僅剛過六周,她成為英國歷史上任期最短的首相。 I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative Party. I have therefore spoken to His Majesty The King to notify him that I am resigning as leader of the Conservative Party.我無法履行保守黨選舉我時賦予我的使命。因此,我已通知國王陛下,我將辭去保守黨黨首的職務。 According to Truss, there will be a leadership election to be completed within the next week, and that she will remain as caretaker prime minister until a successor has been chosen.據特拉斯稱,保守黨將在下周內進行領導層選舉,在選出繼任者之前,她將繼續擔任首相。
Truss's resignation came after the mini-budget the fiscal plan announced by her government last month, caused economic chaos and tanked the ruling Conservative Party's poll rating.特拉斯在辭職之前,上個月她剛在政府宣布了「迷你預算案」財政計劃,造成經濟混亂,作為執政黨的保守黨的民意支持率也大幅下跌。 The mini-budget which contained controversial debt-funded tax cuts has been blamed for plunging the British pound to a 37-year low against the U.S. dollarwhile pushing up the cost of government borrowing and mortgage rates.這份飽含爭議的債務融資減稅措施的「迷你預算案」,被指責為英鎊兌美元匯率跌至37年來新低的罪魁禍首。同時它還提高了政府借款成本和抵押貸款利率。 I can't say I was surprised by Liz Truss's resignation because she clearly lost power. Her program of government had been completely undermined, and therefore the clear message coming from her own backbenchers was that her time was up.我對伊麗莎白·特拉斯的辭職並不感到驚訝,因為她顯然已失去了權力。她的政府計劃已經完全失敗,她所在的保守黨的議員明確表示」她的時間到了。 The impact on the Conservative Party the last few weeks is going to be pretty horrific for them, because it's exposed huge divisions within the party. It's going to be very hard to stitch that back together again.過去幾周對保守黨的影響是相當可怕的,因為暴露出了黨內的巨大分歧。將其重新統合起來是非常困難的。
目前公眾最關注的一個點是:誰會是下一任首相。 《蘇格蘭人報》(The Scotsman)在文章《Who Will Be The Next UK Prime Minister?》中給出了幾個猜測: Boris Johnson’s Chancellor was the bookies』 favourite to take over from his former boss, only to be beaten by Liz Truss in the poll of Tory members. He's also favourite to take over from Liz Truss.鮑里斯·約翰遜的財政大臣是博彩公司最中意的一位候選人,但此前在保守黨成員的民意調查中,他卻被利茲·特拉斯擊敗了。可目前他是接替利茲·特拉斯的熱門人選。 Penny Mordaunt recently stepped in for Liz Truss when she was unable to attend parliament to answer an emergency question following the implosion of the so-called mini budget and, is second favourite to take over.彭妮·莫當特最近可能接替利茲·特拉斯,在所謂的迷你預算崩潰後,她已無法出席議會解答緊急問題,但她是第二個最受歡迎的接任者。 A man who needs no introduction, Boris Johnson may have only recently left 10 Downing Street but the bookies think he has a good chance of a swift and dramatic return.鮑里斯·約翰遜就不需要多介紹了,他最近才離開唐寧街10號,但博彩公司認為他很有可能迅速、戲劇性地回歸。 Ben Wallace was Boris Johnson's Secretary of State for Defence, a role he held from July 2019. He is an MP for Preston North, and has was formerly a Conservative list MSP for North East Scotland from 1999 to 2003.本·華萊士是鮑里斯·約翰遜的國防部長,自2019年7月起擔任此職。他是英格蘭普雷斯頓的國會議員,1999年至2003年曾任蘇格蘭東北部保守黨議員。 還有國際貿易大臣巴德諾赫、現任財政大臣亨特等人也加入了競選隊伍,據英媒報道,新首相最晚可能在10月31號上任。 誰會是英國下一任首相呢? 素材來源:蘇格蘭人報 每日最新TED演講推薦 做一個不稱職的殘疾人