寫在前面 01免費外刊分享群最近很多賣外刊的平台/網盤都掛了,後台有小夥伴私信小編問我們這裡還免費分享外刊嗎?小編的回答是:必須的!雖然已經發過多次推文,例如獲取經濟學人的N種方法,如何在官網半價訂閱經濟學人,講過了這麼多方法,但還是有辣麼多小夥伴不會或者懶得弄。於是小編再次建了群,會每天以及每周在群里分享外刊,有興趣的小夥伴掃碼進群(已經加入公眾號其他群的小夥伴請不要重複加群),謝謝。如果群滿了,請轉發這篇文章到朋友圈,私信小編微信foxwulihua3即可加入進群。進群發廣告者一律踢,不接受任何解釋,謝謝理解。掃以下二維碼進群(已更新): 1.每個工作日早上群里分享The world in brief為什麼要讀the world in brief?引用翻譯組 裸考過一筆經驗貼中寫的一段話:每天精讀經濟學人Espresso。Espresso相當於經濟學人的微縮版,每周六天,每天五篇,給閱讀經濟學人提供了必要的背景知識。每天看有連貫性,如同看一部連續劇,而世界就是這個大舞台。 2.每周末會隨機分享多種外刊PDF
Business|Bartleby商業|巴托比專欄 When bosses walk in employees』 shoes老闆化身打工仔 It is hard for managers to understand what life is like for staff. But not impossible管理人員很難了解員工的生活狀況,不過並非難於登天 Any managerworth their salt knows the value of spending time 「walking in their customers』 shoes」. There are many ways to do it. You can observe customers in their natural habitat. Pernod Ricard’s boss recently told Bloomberg, a news service, about his habit of bar-hopping in order to see what people want to drink. Such research is a lot less fun if your company makes soap dispensers for public toilets but the same principle applies. 任何稱職的管理人員都懂得,花時間設身處地為客戶着想很重要。要想做到這一點,辦法也是五花八門。比如,可以觀察客戶真實生活中的消費習慣。近日,保樂力加(Pernod Ricard)的老闆向彭博新聞社透露,他習慣挨家酒吧去喝酒,以此來觀察人們想喝什麼。當然,如果你的公司專門生產公廁給皂器,那這種研究方法恐怕索然無味,但站在客戶角度思考這一原則同樣適用。 注釋:1. worth one’s salt: warranting respect in a certain field or area, typically because one does one’s job well. 稱職的;勝任的2. 保樂力加(Pernod Ricard)是一家法國公司,為全球第二大葡萄酒與烈酒生產集團(第一為帝亞吉歐),於1975年由保樂(Pernod)與力加(Ricard)兩家公司合併而成。 You can be a customer yourself, buying your company’s products, ringing your own helplines and enduring the same teeth-grinding muzak. Or you can hear from your customers directly. Jeremy Hunt, who has just been appointed Britain’s finance minister but was once its longest-serving health secretary, started each day in that job by reading a letter of complaint from a patient or their family, and writing back to each correspondent personally. If you cancel one internal meeting a week and use that time to hear from customers instead, you will come out ahead on the trade. 你還可以化身客戶,購買公司產品,撥打公司熱線,忍受單調枯燥的電梯背景音樂。你也可以直接聽取客戶的意見。英國新任財政部長傑里米·亨特(Jeremy Hunt)曾是任期最長的衛生部長,每天工作第一件事就是查看病人或家屬發來的投訴信,然後親自提筆,逐封回信。如果你每周能取消一次內部會議,用這個時間來聽取客戶意見,那麼你將有望成為行業中的佼佼者。 注釋:Muzak: Muzak was eventually introduced into elevators in the 1900s to soothe stressed travellers and since then has been used for everything from influencing consumer behaviour in shopping centers and calming down nervous patients at doctors offices and dentists.https://www.westcoastelevators.com.au/elevator-music/ This idea does not apply only to customers. It can also be useful inside the organisation. Walking in employees』 shoes is a way for bosses to understand what impedes productivity, what saps morale and what makes workers feel valued. A sense of affinity can come from living in the same community as other members of staff. Recent research found thatceos in Denmark who lived within 5km of their offices seemed to foster better work environments than those who lived farther away. But short of moving house, how else can managers get inside workers』 heads? 這種方法不僅適用於客戶,也可以應用於公司內部。站在員工的角度換位思考,老闆就可以理解是什麼限制了生產力發展,為什麼員工士氣低迷,如何才能讓員工感受到被重視。與員工生活在同一個社區也能拉近距離。近期有研究表明,在丹麥,相比起那些住址離公司很遠的CEO,住在公司5公里範圍內的CEO可以營造更好的工作氛圍。但是,除了搬家外,管理人員還有什麼辦法能走進員工的內心世界呢? Even if a boss genuinely wants to hear the unvarnished truth, employees may not be comfortable delivering it. Anonymous surveys can help encourage honesty, as can exit interviews, but even in these settings, workers may temper their views. Reviews on sites like Glassdoor can be brutal, but the motives of the people posting them are not always transparent. Corporate-messaging apps like Slack can provide a partial window into how some teams are getting on, but surveillance is not a form of empathy. And none of this is the same as knowing what it is actually like to be an employee. 即使老闆真的想聽真心話,員工可能也不願意說出來。匿名調查可以鼓勵員工直抒胸臆,離職面談同理。但即使在這些情況下,員工也有可能不會完全敞開心扉。Glassdoor等網站上的評論的確直截了當,但發布者的動機卻不得而知。Slack等企業通訊軟件內置「單向」窗口,管理人員可以藉此監督團隊協作情況,但並不能表現同理心。以上這些都不能真正了解員工的真實境地。 注釋:1. Glassdoor是一個允許用戶參與評論企業的網站,任何企業的現任員工和前員工都可以在該網站上匿名評論僱主。2. Slack是一個適用於業務溝通的消息發送應用程序,它將人們與他們需要的信息聯繫起來。Slack將人員集中到統一的團隊中,改變了組織的溝通方式。 It is very hard for managers to replicate the experiences of normal employees. Rooms will magically become available if the boss asks for one; everyone else has to roam around the building like wildebeest that have become separated from the herd. Managers do not have to remind people of their names. They are less likely to suffer some of the common feelings that undermine workers』 enthusiasm for their jobs: rare is the boss who feels overlooked or underappreciated. And they are also much less likely than employees to encounter incivility from colleagues. 管理人員很難和普通員工感同身受。假設老闆需要空房,馬上就會有房間奇蹟般地空出來。要是換成其他人,都得像落單的牛羚一般在樓里到處搜尋。管理人員不需要提醒別人自己叫什麼名字。他們很少能體會到打擊員工工作熱情的共同感受:畢竟老闆很少會感到自己被人忽視或輕視,也不大可能會遭遇同事的無禮對待。 One option is to appear on 「Undercover Boss」, an entertaining reality-tvshow in which executives put on preposterous disguises, work in their own organisations and discover what life is really like for their workers. If you go down this route you will learn a lot, but you will have to admit to an audience of millions that you have absolutely no idea what is going on in your own organisation. (A less involved option is not to bother with the cameras and to wear your own home-made disguise in the office, though there is a risk your moustache will fall off at a pivotal moment.) 還有個方法是像真人秀節目《臥底老闆》里那樣,老闆們偽裝成誇張的角色,潛入自家公司工作,探秘員工的真實生活。選擇這種方式會讓你受益匪淺,但是你不得不在上百萬的觀眾面前承認自己對公司的狀況一慨不知。另一個較為輕鬆的辦法是,不用費勁去布置攝像頭拍攝,自己喬裝打扮後直接進入辦公室,但注意大鬍子千萬別在關鍵時刻掉落。 Even without disguises it is good for managers to spend time doing the same work as their underlings. (It is also good for them to stop referring to people as underlings.) Airlines and retailers have run schemes that involve executives working in front-line roles in airports and on shopfloors. DoorDash, a delivery app, has a programme called WeDash that requires salaried employees to make regular drop-offs. And bosses can do things for themselves that people without assistants must navigate alone. Filling out expense forms is a chore: everyone should have to do their own, at least occasionally. By default bosses should fly in the same airline class as their colleagues do. And so on. 哪怕不加偽裝,管理人員也可以花時間做些「手下」的活兒,而且最好別把員工稱作「手下」。航空公司和零售商已經開展了一些項目,讓高管在機場和門店擔任一線工作。外賣應用DoorDash有一個名為WeDash的項目,要求所有受薪員工定期外出送餐。領導也可以試試在沒有助理的情況下,親自處理一些瑣碎的事務。比如填寫費用報銷表,每個人都得自己填(至少偶爾要填一填);一般情況下,領導應該和同事乘坐同等艙位,以此類推。 注釋:WeDash: DoorDash is asking its employees, all the way up the ranks to its CEO, to again make a delivery at least once a month. ... Its founders said they wanted to engage the company in community and philanthropic efforts from the outset.https://abc7.com/doordash-employee-delivery-wedash-ceo/11398322/ If managers can learn a few things by walking in employees』 shoes, there is also value in workers thinking about what life is like as a boss. It is not all business-class travel and people agreeing with you. Imagine getting in a lift and conversation around you always dying. Imagine being grumbled about all the time, or knowing that your absence causes a general lightening of the mood. Imagine not being able to kick a difficult decision upstairs. The boss wears much nicer shoes but they can still pinch. 如果管理人員能通過站在員工角度思考而有所收穫,那麼員工站在領導角度思考也是有意義的。當領導並不只是意味着出差必坐商務艙,旁人皆言聽計從。想象一下,一進電梯,身邊的談話總是戛然而止;想象一下,一直被人埋怨的滋味,或是知道自己不在時,別人才會感到輕鬆愉悅;想象一下,面臨艱難抉擇,自己無法將其束之高閣。領導的位置的確光鮮亮麗,但也不是那麼好坐的。 翻譯組:Devin,榮枯有數,得失難量Jemma,一手抓吃飯,一手抓學習Humi,在躺平、側臥和睡夢中尋找詩和遠方Summer,女,QE在職,夢想能仗走天涯翻譯/音樂/健康 校對組:Rain,蒙村小香菜Alison,「貪玩又自由的風箏」Sean,男大學生,相信奶茶在手翻譯無憂