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Culture | Back Story文化|背後的故事 Twenty-five years on, 「Titanic」 feels like a prophecy二十五年後,《泰坦尼克號》好似一個預言 We are all Rose and Jack now如今眾人皆是露絲和傑克He was king of the world. The late 1990s were an age of hubris, and James Cameron, the director of 「Titanic」, earned his. Launched 25 years ago, his film was the most expensive ever made—beset, before its release, by doubts about its minor stars and the glum storyline. Effortless sinking-themed headlines awaited. It became the first movie to earn $1bn and won 11 Oscars. At the awards ceremony, which in those days people still watched, Mr Cameron crowned himself world king in an exultant line from the screenplay. 他是世界之王。20世紀90年代末是傲慢的時代,《泰坦尼克號》(「Titanic」)導演詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron)也贏得這一張狂之名。《泰坦尼克號》於25年前上映,昂貴的創作成本創下當時影史之最。不過上映前,該片遭受了重重質疑:演員名不見經傳、故事情節陰沉憂鬱。然而,一經上映,有關大船沉沒的頭條報道紛至沓來。該電影成為影史上第一部票房收入達10億美元的電影,狂攬11項奧斯卡金像獎。在當時,人們還會觀看奧斯卡頒獎典禮的轉播,卡梅隆在頒獎典禮上為自己加冕世界之王,喊出了片中的精彩台詞——「I'm the king of the world」(我是世界之王)! There have been many adaptations of the Titanic story, before and after this one. A silent short came out a month after the disaster in 1912, starring a real-life survivor. A lunatic Nazi propaganda version was shot during the war on Joseph Goebbels’s orders. 「A Night to Remember」, a poignant effort of 1958, overlaps with 「Titanic」 in scenes and motifs—the heavy-handed ironies, a game of ice football on deck, a child gazing at distress flares as if they were fireworks. In both, the band’s musicians play on, say their farewells, then play on again. 無論是《泰坦尼克號》上映前還是上映後,這艘沉船故事的改編版都有很多。1912年泰坦尼克號災難發生一個月後,一部無聲短片便已上映,由現實里的一位倖存者主演。二戰期間,約瑟夫·戈培爾(Joseph Goebbels)下令拍攝了一部荒謬的納粹版《泰坦尼克號》來宣傳納粹。1958年曆盡艱辛拍攝的《冰海沉船》(「A Night to Remember」)與《泰坦尼克號》在場景和主線上都有所重疊——辛辣的諷刺、甲板上的冰塊足球遊戲、小孩凝視着求救信號彈好似在欣賞煙火。兩部電影都上演了這一幕:(泰坦尼克號即將沉沒時)樂隊音樂家們繼續演奏,與他人告別後紛紛回歸,又接着演奏,至死方休。注釋:1. star: If a play or film stars a famous actor or actress, he or she has one of the most important parts in it. 由……主演2. 保羅·約瑟夫·戈培爾(德語:Paul Joseph Goebbels,1897年10月29日-1945年5月1日),德國政治家,納粹德國國民教育與宣傳部部長,擅講演,被稱為「宣傳的天才」,以鐵腕捍衛希特勒政權和維持第三帝國的體制。擴展閱讀:1. 納粹版《泰坦尼克》:沒有德國人,所有人都會死https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1747727579442594998&wfr2. 1958年《冰海沉船》是載入史冊的泰坦尼克號影片http://m.news.xixik.com/content/03dd6a92adda40a3/ Yet for all the competition and its clichés, 「Titanic」 rules the waves. A quarter of a century on, people are still arguing on the internet over whether, in the finale, Jack could have squeezed onto that bit of debris with Rose. The appeal is not just the lavish sets and special effects or Leonardo DiCaprio’s cheekbones. Crucially, Mr Cameron sneaked two films into one three-hour movie, which hinges in the middle as the ship’s hull does in his telling. Without the first half, 「Titanic」 would never have circumnavigated the globe in the late 1990s. With its vision of a flooding, flailing world, the second half makes it wrenching today. 儘管面臨多方競爭,儘管這艘沉船的故事已是老生常談,《泰坦尼克號》還是能脫穎而出,一統江湖。25年過去了,人們依舊在網上討論大結局裡傑克(Jack)到底能不能和露絲(Rose)一起擠上那塊求生的木板殘骸。這部電影的迷人之處不僅在於奢華的布景和特效,或是萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧(Leonardo DiCaprio)的顏值。關鍵在於,導演卡梅隆偷偷把兩段影片剪成一部三小時的電影,按他的說法,就像把泰坦尼克號的船體在中間用鉸鏈連起來一樣。如果沒有前半部分,《泰坦尼克號》不可能在20世紀90年代末風靡全球。而後半部分描述洶湧的海水和動盪不安的世界,這讓今日的人們也感同身受、悲痛萬分。 The first part magnifies a banal experience to a grand scale, one of cinema’s favourite tricks. Facing a stifling future, the posh, slightly annoying teenage heroine, played by Kate Winslet, meets a boy from the wrong side of the tracks. For all his rough edges, he is an artist, and is soon drawing her 「like one of [his] French girls」. Their first (and last) clinch is on the back seat of a car, only Rose reaches this rite of passage on a death-bound ocean liner and in the arms of Mr DiCaprio. 電影的前半部分將一種俗套的經歷演繹到了極致,這是電影導演的慣用手段。凱特·溫斯萊特(Kate Winslet)扮演的女主角露絲是位出身上流社會、偶爾惹人生氣的少女。面對令她絕望的未來,她遇到了一個出身貧寒的男孩。儘管他有很多小毛病,卻是一個藝術家,沒過多久就「像畫他的法國女孩們一樣」把露絲也畫在紙上。他們的第一次(也是最後一次)親密接觸是發生在一輛車的后座上,只不過,露絲是在傑克的臂彎里、在這艘駛向死亡的遊輪上,完成了這一人生大事。 注釋:1.Clinch:a position in which two lovers hold each other tightly2.Rite of passage: a ceremony performed in some cultures at times when an individual changes his status, as at puberty and marriage 過渡禮; 如成人禮和婚禮。此處為隱喻(metaphor)。 The Earth moves. The iceberg scrapes along the bow. As the lower decks flood, the romance is submerged in an action movie. The computer-generated imagery that was cutting-edge in 1997 already looks old-fashioned. Still, the story feels like a prophecy. All disaster flicks prefigure the end of the world, but 「Titanic」 eerily reflects the contours and countdown of the climate emergency. 地球繼續自轉,冰山擦過了船頭。隨着船艙下部被淹沒,浪漫情節也被動作場景所取代。1997年最頂級的電腦特效在今天看來已經落伍,但這個故事依然像是預言。所有災難片都喜歡預言世界末日,但是《泰坦尼克》卻詭異地反映出當今的氣候危機問題以及這一問題的緊迫性。 The warnings about sea ice were ignored. Now the water is rising and the catastrophe unfolding. But there are still choices to be made. Amid a pageant of morality—guts and cowardice, egotism and devotion—there is time, just, to act. 關於海上浮冰的警告被忽視了。海水開始湧起,災難正在上演。但我們要做出選擇,不論道德水平高低——充滿勇氣還是膽小如鼠、自私自利還是真誠奉獻——我們仍然有時間採取行動。 Confronting the unthinkable, some people turn away for as long as possible. Some abjure the daunting unknowns of action and drown in their tailcoats or beds. The rest must decide who to save—themselves, their loved ones or strangers—and how. After a kind of aqueous 「Indiana Jones」, involving handcuffs, axe swings, locked grills and a shoot-up in a deluxe dining room, Jack and Rose selflessly rescue a small boy. 面對未知時,一些人會儘可能久地忽略它們,還有些人會迴避採取行動帶來的令人畏縮的未知可能,然後穿上燕尾服或者躲到被窩裡被淹死。剩下的人必須決定要救哪些人——自己、所愛的人還是陌生人,以及如何救。經歷了一段類似於水上《奪寶奇兵》的情節後——有手銬、揮舞斧頭、鎖死門窗、在高端晚宴廳槍戰等元素,露絲和傑克無私地救了一個小男孩。 Much as it is today, the big challenge is to keep working together across classes and nationalities. Played by Billy Zane and his villainous eyebrows, Cal, the baddie, tries to pay his way onto a lifeboat: there are, after all, too few of them. The first-class rich fare better than the poor in steerage, in the movie as on the ship in 1912. As Mr Cameron has noted, the skewed death toll parallels the unequal impacts of climate change. 和今天一樣,如何讓不同階層和國籍的人團結協作才是最大的挑戰。比利 · 贊恩(BillyZane)用那雙邪惡的眉毛刻畫了大反派卡爾(Cal),他試圖憑藉金錢的力量登上救生艇,畢竟救生艇的數量不夠。電影中,頭等艙的富人比下等艙的窮人境遇好點,這與1912年的實際情況一樣。卡梅隆自己也指出,泰坦尼克號上不同人群的死亡人數差異與氣候變化的不平等影響在本質上反映出了同一問題(貧富差距帶來了不同境遇)。 In the metabolism of Hollywood, tragedy leads to rebirth, and so, inspired by her fling with Jack, Rose swims off into a liberated future. The uncouth has set her free. As in other tales of love in adversity, like 「Dr Zhivago」 or 「The English Patient」, the audience must weigh the feelings of an attractive young couple who barely know each other against a historic calamity. The heritage smooching aside, though, one of the film’s most important tweaks to the factual record lies in something it leaves out. 在好萊塢的故事更迭中,悲劇會帶來重生,因此,露絲與傑克的短暫愛情讓她游向了充滿自由的未來。那個狂放的男人為她帶來了自由。與《日瓦戈醫生》和《英國病人》等講述逆境中愛情的故事一樣,觀眾必須在歷史性災難的背景下,細細感受一對相識不久、充滿魅力的年輕人的感情。且不談傳統的接吻戲份,這部電影對事實做了一些改編,其中至關重要的一點在於有一個細節被忽略了。 On the night the Titanicsank, another ship, the SS Californian, was anchored close by, its wireless operator asleep. The film glosses over this agonising detail in order to concentrate the drama on the doomed liner. From an allegorical point of view, too, the omission is apt. In the real, warming world, no outside help is possible; the heroes and villains are all on board. We are all Rose and Jack now. 在「泰坦尼克」號沉沒當晚,另一艘郵輪「加利福尼亞人」號就停泊在附近,可船上的無線電報員睡着了。電影沒有提及這個令人痛心的細節,好讓劇情聚焦在難逃厄運的「泰坦尼克」號郵輪上。但若把「泰坦尼克號」看作一則寓言,省略這種情節再合適不過:全球變暖的現實世界中同樣不可能存在外援;英雄與惡棍都是同一條船上的人。現在,我們每個人都是露絲和傑克。 翻譯組:Collin,男,崇拜科比的一枚小翻譯Trista,女,雖然我是無業游民,但是我並沒有驕傲琚兒,女,QE在職,夢想能仗翻譯/音樂/健康走天涯 校對組:Dossver,男,是錯永不對真永是真Harold,工作打牌讀書足球不可兼得,我偏全要Nikolae,新手人民教師,聲優探索者,乃木坂47與AKB49