(滑動查看雙語字幕)Hi there!嗨,你好! Hello!你好! Did you find everything, okay?拿到自己想要的東西了麼? Mm-hmm, actually, um, do you guys not have frozen flakes?還好啦,但我沒有找到凍干。 No, I guess not.好吧,我們可能沒有這種產品。 Oh, well.哦,好吧。 Then I guess I didn't find everything okay.那我應該就沒有買到自己想要的。 But it's okay.不過,沒關係。 How unfortunate!真抱歉! But lucky you, this item is actually on sale right now!不過幸運的是,這件商品現在在打折哦! It's two for $8 or four for $16 or eight for $32 and so on and so forth.2包8美元,4包16美元,8包32美元,以此類推。 Wait, four for 16, 32...等等,4包16美元,32…… I don't think it was necessary for you to say the last two options.我認為你沒有必要說最後兩個選項。 Well, one box costs $5.一包的話要5美元哦。 If you bought four, you would save $4!如果你買4包,那你就能省4美元! Nothing unnecessary about saving some money.省下這筆錢何樂而不為呢? Never mind, just the one box, please.無所謂,就一包。 Alrighty, with tax that'll be $5.65.好的,稅後5.65美元。 Would you like to donate five dollars to the Sick Raccoon Foundation?你願意向浣熊救助基金會捐贈5美元嗎? Oh no, thank you!哦,不用了,謝謝! I donated yesterday.我昨天捐過了。 Doesn't mean you can't donate again today.那也不是說你今天就不能捐了。 Charity doesn't have a quota.慈善又不限額。 I agree, but I'm good.我同意這點,但還是不了。 Thank you!謝謝! Do you have something against raccoons?你對浣熊有什麼意見嗎? No, I never said that.不,我從沒這麼說過。 I know you are what you eat.我知道「吃什麼就像什麼」。 But just because raccoons eat garbage, doesn't mean they are garbage, okay?浣熊確實吃垃圾,但這並不意味着它們就是垃圾,好嗎? I just wanted cereal.我只想買包麥片。 How about three dollars?捐3美元怎麼樣? Little Ricky could really use your help.小浣熊們真的需要你的幫助。 Look at him, so cute.看看他,多可愛啊。 I don't know, he looks pretty okay to me.我覺得,這熊看起來氣色挺不錯的呀。 Well, that's where you're wrong.嗯,那你就大錯特錯了。 He doesn't look.他不能看。 He can't.他看不見。 Because he's blind.因為他瞎了。 Because you haven't donated today.因為你今天還沒捐款。 Do you guys not have self-checkout yet?你們這裡沒有自助結賬服務嗎? All right, sir.好的,先生。 How about one dollar?既然這樣,1美元怎麼樣? You could spare one dollar, can't you?1美元又無關痛癢,不是嗎? One dollar so Ricky can see his dying mother one last time.1塊錢可以幫助小浣熊見他垂死的母親最後一面。 By the way, his mother is also blind.順便說一下,他母親也瞎了。 You're telling me raccoon eye transplants really only cost a dollar?你的意思是浣熊眼移植只用一美元? Sir, I saw you park that nice sports car earlier.先生,我剛才看到您停了一輛漂亮的跑車。 I'm sure you won't miss one dollar.我相信你不會吝惜這一美元的。 I WALKED here!我步行過來的! Four quarters.四個25美分的硬幣吧。 That's still a dollar.那還是1美元啊。 Okay, then would you be interested in buying one of our cookies?好的,那麼您有興趣買我們的餅乾嗎? Hand baked by our local Girl Scouts, whom are also sick, blind, deaf, and can't feel.這是由我們當地的女童子軍手工烘焙的,她們有的病了,有的瞎了,有的聾了,沒有任何感覺。 Can't feel?沒有任何感覺? How do they bake them then?那她們是怎麼烘焙的呢? But are blessed enough to use the proceeds towards helping sick raccoons!但是她們願意捐出全部的收益用來幫助生病的浣熊! Fine, okay, I'll take a cookie!好吧,好吧,我買一包餅乾行了吧! How much?多少錢? It's one for 4 dollars, two for 8 dollars, four for 16 dollars and so on and so forth!一包4美元,2包8美元,4包16美元,以此類推! I'll take one.我要一包。 Ah, bless your soul.啊,願上帝保佑你。 Trust that your generosity will help Ricky experience life to the fullest!相信你的慷慨會幫助小浣熊們過上更幸福的生活。 Of course, until his kidney fails.當然,他還有嚴重的腎臟衰竭症。 Are you serious?你是認真的嗎? Just like his mother.就像他母親一樣。 I'll donate $20.我捐20美元。 Oh, thank you!哦!謝謝! Thank you!謝謝! Very much appreciated.非常感謝。 Would you happen to also be interested in signing up for our credit card?您要不要也來註冊一下我們的信用卡呢? It costs $0 and you'll get $50 off your next purchase.免費註冊,而且下次購物會有50美元的折扣。 Actually, you know what?實際上,你知道嗎? I can cancel this transaction.我可以取消這筆交易。 And you can use the card towards this purchase.您可以用這張卡來購買。 It'll only take one to forty-five minutes, is that okay?只需要不到45分鐘時間,您看可以嗎? I just want my cereal.我只想要買一包麥片。 Okay, I went ahead and canceled the transaction.好的,我取消了這次交易。 HUH?哈? Here you go!給你! I took the liberty of filling out the rest of your info.我幫你把信息填上去了哦。 I just need your signature here, here, here, here...只需要你在這裡簽名,這裡,這裡,這裡,還有這裡…… WHAT, HOW?什麼,啥? How do you know my information!你怎麼知道我的信息的! And I'm gonna need a witness here.我需要一個公證人。 You can probably just ask the gentleman behind you.你大概可以問問你後面的那位先生。 Hey, you want to hurry up over there?嘿,你們能快點麼? My bananas are melting.我的香蕉都要融化了。 Okay, whatever.好吧,隨便你。 Okay, so the cereal and a $20 donation.好的,麥片和20美元的捐款。 With your $50 off, you now have $24 and 35 cents left in credit for this transaction.用一張50美元的優惠券,您的卡里現在還有24美元35美分。 Would you like to donate the rest to the Sick Raccoons Foundation and help approximately twenty-four raccoons see again?你願意把剩下這些都捐給患病浣熊基金會,幫助大約24隻浣熊重見光明嗎? Why are all these raccoons blind?!為什麼這些浣熊都瞎了?! And can't I just keep the credit and use it another time?!我就不能留着這些改天再用嗎?! When you're not working?當哪天你不在的時候? God!天哪! Not unless you sign up for our rewards program, which I've already filled out for you.除非你報名參加我們的獎勵計劃,我已經幫你填好了。 I used your info from the credit card application.我用了你信用卡申請表上的信息。 HOW did you get my information?!你怎麼知道我的信息的?! And while I was at it, I also signed you up for the army, co-signed us a lease for my new condo, registered you as an organ donor,與此同時,我還幫你報名參軍,簽了新公寓的租約,登記了器官捐贈, adopted three foster children for you and elected you as vice president of my son's anime club.幫你領養了三個孩子,並推選你為我兒子動漫俱樂部的副會長。 Will that be all today?就這些了,您看怎麼樣? Can I speak with your manager, please?我可以和你們經理說一下話嗎? Oh, I am the manager, sir.哦,我就是經理,先生。 Kerstin Wart, nice to meet you.克斯汀·沃特,很高興見到你。 I also happen to be the owner of this franchise.我碰巧也是這個商店的所有者。 MalWart!馬爾沃特! What would you like to speak to me about?你想和我談些什麼? I just wanted cereal.我只想買一包麥片。 Sir?先生? I just wanted to have a nice bowl of cereal.我只想吃一碗美味的麥片。 Sir, do you have something to say?先生,您有什麼要說的嗎? You guys didn't even have the one I like.你們甚至沒有我喜歡的口味。 Sir, Sir are you still there?先生,先生,你怎麼了? And now I have three children.現在我有了三個孩子。 I also subscribed you to Raccoons Weekly.我還給你訂了浣熊周刊。 Now I have to share my cereal with them.現在我還得和他們分享我的麥片了。 Hello?你好?