



「技術正幫助我們研究大腦,但大腦對技術的響應又如何呢?」美國紐約大學(New York University)的神經科學家亞歷山德拉·奧喬亞·科恩(Alexandra Ochoa Cohen)如此問道,「圍繞這個問題有許多負面傳聞,大多把罪名加諸屏幕時間,稱其毀掉了我們所有人的生活。儘管已有少量研究調查了這些問題,但真相是我們接觸到的一切都會改變我們的大腦,我們現在只是沒有數據說清楚這些變化的意義到底有多大。」

2019 年 3 月,在美國曼哈頓庫珀聯盟學院(Cooper Union)舉辦的一場名為「人類大腦與人工智能」(Our Brain on A.I.)的討論會上,科恩提出了這樣一個問題:誰在控制誰,我還是機器?

「實際上,最近的一項研究調查了超過 35 萬名青少年,結果發現電子產品使用和健康之間存在微弱的負相關聯繫,然而,研究人員也在吃土豆、戴眼鏡和健康之間發現了同樣的微弱負相關,但我們從不會懷疑吃土豆、戴眼鏡毀掉了一代人。」這項研究以《青少年健康與數碼技術使用之間的聯繫》為題,發表在《自然-人類行為》(Nature Human Behaviour)期刊上。



Tech's Brain Effect: It's Complicated

We don't yet know what the immersion in technology does to our brains, but one neuroscientist says the answer is likely to be that there's good, there's bad, and it's complex.

「Clearly, technology is helping us research the brain, but how is the brain responding to technology?」

NYU neuroscientist Alexandra Ochoa Cohen.

「There’s been a lot of mostly negative hype around this issue, often referred to as screen time, and how it’s ruining all of our lives. And while there』ve been a few studies that have examined these questions, the truth is that everything we encounter changes our brains. And we just don’t have the data right now to say how meaningful these changes actually are.」

Cohen spoke March 21st, at the Cooper Union in Manhattan, during a discussion called Our Brain on A.I. [Artificial Intelligence]: Who’s In Control, Me or the Machine?

「In fact, a recent study examining over 350,000 adolescents found a small but negative association with technology use and well-being, but they also found similar relationships between eating potatoes and wearing eyeglasses and well-being. And yet we don’t ask if potatoes and eyeglasses have destroyed a generation.」

That study, titled 「The association between adolescent well-being and digital technology use,」 appeared this January in the journal Nature Human Behaviour.

「Part of the issue in studying how technology influences our brain is that there are so many different forms of technology that often all get lumped into one category. So how we use technology, what specific technology we use, and what we use it for will be important variables to define in future research.

「And even as we do more and better research on these topics, the answer is still likely to be that it’s complicated」…[full transcript]


Orben, A. and Przybylski, A.K., 2019. The association between adolescent well-being and digital technology use. Nature Human Behaviour, 3(2), pp.173-182.




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