McDonald's in Russia has a new name - Vkusno & tochka, which translates to "Tasty and that's it".On June 12, the updated fast food chain opens 15 venues in Moscow and the region, including the flagship venue on Pushkinskaya Square.此外,據路透社12日報道,「就是這麼好吃」也更換了此前的品牌標識,新版標識為綠色背景,有一個紅色圓圈和兩根橙色線條,代表一個漢堡和兩根炸薯條,並配上新的宣傳語:「名雖改,愛猶在」。The outlet sported a new logo —a stylised burger with two fries —plus a slogan: 「The name changes, love stays」.
據此前報道,麥當勞於今年5月中旬發布聲明稱,在俄羅斯經營三十多年後,公司宣布將退出該市場,並已啟動出售其俄羅斯業務的程序,尋求將在俄業務打包出售給當地買家。在退出俄羅斯市場後,麥當勞將這些餐廳出售給了當地特許經營人亞歷山大·戈沃爾。據悉,麥當勞在當地有約850家餐廳,其中大部分為直營店。McDonald's suspended all 850 of its restaurants in Russia on March 14. On May 16, the company, whose share in the catering market reached 7%, announced its withdrawal from Russia and, through the mediation of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, sold the business to a Russian owner, businessman Alexander Govor.
據法新社報道,戈沃爾於當日稱:「我有宏偉的計劃,不僅要經營現有的850家門店,還要開拓新門店。」這家新連鎖快餐店的首席執行官帕羅耶夫(Oleg Paroyev)還表示,除首批15家分店之外,將有50家分店預計於當地時間13日重新開業。報道稱,麥當勞公司表示,戈沃爾同意繼續僱傭現有員工至少兩年,並償還對供應商、房東及公用事業公司的欠款。Under the sale conditions, Govor agreed to retain employees for at least two years and fund liabilities to suppliers, landlords and utilities, McDonald's said.On Monday, another 50 restaurants are set to open, according to Oleg Paroyev, general manager of the new group.據路透社,帕羅耶夫稱該公司計劃在6月底前在俄羅斯重開200家,並在夏季結束前重開全部850家。Paroev said the company planned to reopen 200 restaurants in Russia by the end of June and all 850 by the end of the summer.