

《衝突解決雜誌》(The Journal of Conflict Resolution)是一份關於人類衝突的社會科學研究和理論的跨學科期刊。除了關於國際衝突以外,也探究國內衝突、群際衝突和人際衝突。2021年該刊影響因子為3.211,在國際關係的96種期刊中排名第18。




Putting Terror in Its Place: An Experiment on Mitigating Fears of Terrorism among the American Public



What’s Fair in International Politics? Equity, Equality, and Foreign Policy Attitudes



Quick on the Draw: American Negativity Bias and Costly Signals in International Relation



Atomic Ambiguity: Event Data Evidence on Nuclear Latency and International Cooperation



Does Insurgent Selective Punishment Deter Collaboration? Evidence from the Drone War in Pakistan



Oil Price Shocks and Conflict Escalation: Onshore versus Offshore



Measuring Human Rights Abuse from Access to Information Requests



題目:Putting Terror in Its Place: An Experiment on Mitigating Fears of Terrorism among the American Public

作者:Daniel Silverman,卡耐基梅隆大學政治與戰略研究所助理教授,他的研究重點是暴力衝突的動力學,特別是衝突的心理動機的減輕。Daniel Kent,俄亥俄州立大學政治學博士,他的論文側重於使用機器學習方法來預測國際衝突和檢測社會網絡的溢出效應。Christopher F. Gelpi,俄亥俄州立大學默森國際安全研究中心主任,他的主要研究興趣是國際軍事衝突的動因和解決。


An American’s yearly chance of being killed by a terrorist attack sits at roughly 1 in 3.5 million. Yet, over 40 percent of Americans consistently believe that they or their family members are likely to be a terror victim. Can these inflated estimates of the risks of terrorism be brought closer to reality? With trillions of dollars spent on the 「War on Terror,」 this question is not just theoretically but practically important. In order to investigate, we use an experimental approach assessing whether people update their beliefs about terrorism when given factual information about the relative risks it presents. We find that public fear of terrorism and demand for countering it can be sharply reduced with better information, dropping essentially to pre-9/11 levels after the treatment and staying that way two weeks later. These results suggest that countering the indirect costs of terrorism may largely require providing more context and perspective.


題目:What’s Fair in International Politics? Equity, Equality, and Foreign Policy Attitudes

作者:Kathleen Powers,達特茅斯學院政府系助理教授,著有《國際政治中的民族主義》一書;Joshua D. Kertzer,哈佛大學政府系教授,著有《國際政治中的決心》一書。Deborah Jordan Brooks,達特茅斯學院政府系助理教授;Stephen G. Brooks,達特茅斯學院政府系教授,著有《國際安全的政治經濟學》、《失衡的世界:國際關係和美國首要地位的挑戰》等書。


How do concerns about fairness shape foreign policy preferences? In this article, we show that fairness has two faces—one concerning equity, the other concerning equality—and that taking both into account can shed light on the structure of important foreign policy debates. Fielding an original survey on a national sample of Americans, we show that different types of Americans think about fairness in different ways, and that these fairness concerns shape foreign policy preferences: individuals who emphasize equity are far more sensitive to concerns about burden sharing, are far less likely to support US involvement abroad when other countries aren’t paying their fair share, and often support systematically different foreign policies than individuals who emphasize equality. As long as IR scholars focus only on the equality dimension of fairness, we miss much about how fairness concerns matter in world politics.


題目:Quick on the Draw: American Negativity Bias and Costly Signals in International Relations

作者:SeokJoon Kim,聖母大學國際安全中心博士後研究員。


States signal their intentions to domestic and foreign audiences but are not always believed. Why do people believe some state signals but not others? Using a survey experiment on a representative sample of the US public, this study finds that individuals have a negativity bias when assessing the credibility of state signals. They take other states』 aggressive actions as evidence of deep hostility but are skeptical of the credibility of conciliatory gestures. The experimental result shows that the mobilization of a small proportion of an army is perceived credible enough as an aggressive action, while the removal of even a large proportion is not perceived as conciliatory. The psychological mechanism found here is a strong foundation for theorizing about how individuals process information embedded in state signals and can improve our understanding of signaling.


題目:Atomic Ambiguity: Event Data Evidence on Nuclear Latency and International Cooperation

作者:Eleonora Mattiacci,阿默斯特學院政治科學專業助理教授;Rupal N. Mehta,內布拉斯加大學林肯分校政治科學系副教授;Rachel Elizabeth Whitlark,喬治亞理工學院薩姆納恩國際事務學院副教授。


How does dual-use technology influence cooperation? This study explores how the development of nuclear latency (the technological precursors to nuclear weapons) affects U.S. cooperative overtures toward its possessors. We argue that the ambiguous nature of nuclear latency creates uncertainty about the intentions of its possessors and impacts cooperation. Using event data, we find that a state’s possession of overt lab-scale enrichment and reprocessing facilities is significantly correlated with greater cooperative overtures from the United States toward that country. These overtures may serve as effective tools to counter nuclear proliferation among these states. Yet, when latent states engage in a concerted effort to keep their facilities secret, both at the lab and a more advanced 「pilot」 stage, this relationship is reversed. These results carry important implications for the impact of emerging, dual-use technologies on international security broadly.


題目:Does Insurgent Selective Punishment Deter Collaboration? Evidence from the Drone War in Pakistan

作者:Vincent Bauer,美國海軍分析中心數據科學團隊的研究科學家;Michael J. Reese,芝加哥大學國際關係委員會高級講師;Keven Ruby,芝加哥大學「芝加哥安全與威脅項目」高級研究員。


Scholars of civil wars have long argued that non-state actors can use selective punishment to reduce collaboration with state adversaries. However, there is little systematic evidence confirming this claim, nor investigation into the mechanisms at play. In this paper, we provide such evidence from the drone war in Pakistan. Militants in Pakistan’s tribal areas engaged in a brutal counterespionage campaign with the aim of reducing collaboration with the United States. Our analysis combines a novel dataset of collaborator killings with data on drone strike outcomes. We find that strikes killed half as many militant leaders and fighters following collaborator killings and that this suppressive effect likely works by deterring spying in the future. Beyond providing an empirical confirmation of the selective punishment hypothesis, our paper suggests an unacknowledged vulnerability of the drone program to reprisals against local allies and collaborators that limits its effectiveness as a long-term tool of counterterrorism.


題目:Oil Price Shocks and Conflict Escalation: Onshore versus Offshore

作者:JørgenJuel Andersen,BI挪威商學院經濟學副教授;Frode Martin Nordvik,挪威克里斯蒂安斯塔德大學經濟、創新與技術學院副教授;Andrea Tesei,倫敦瑪麗女王大學經濟與金融學院副教授。


We reconsider the relationship between oil and conflict, focusing on the location of oil resources. In a panel of 132 countries over the period 1962-2009, we show that oil windfalls escalate conflict in onshore-rich countries, while they de-escalate conflict in offshore-rich countries. We use a model to illustrate how these opposite effects can be explained by a fighting capacity mechanism, whereby the government can use offshore oil income to increase its fighting capacity, while onshore oil may be looted by oppositional groups to finance a rebellion. We provide empirical evidence supporting this interpretation: we find that oil price windfalls increase both the number and strength of active rebel groups in onshore-rich countries, while they strengthen the government in offshore-rich ones.


題目:Measuring Human Rights Abuse from Access to Information Requests

作者:Sarah A. V. Ellington,特拉華大學政治學與國際關係博士;Benjamin E. Bagozzi,特拉華大學政治學與國際關係副教授;Daniel Berliner,倫敦經濟學院政府系政治科學與公共政策副教授。


Existing measures of human rights abuses are often only available at the country-year level. Several more fine-grained measures exhibit spatio-temporal inaccuracies or reporting biases due to the primary sources upon which they rely. To address these challenges, and to increase the diversity of available human rights measures more generally, this study provides the first quantitative effort to measure human rights abuses from textual records of citizen-government interactions. Using a dataset encompassing over 1.5 million access-to-information (ATI) requests made to the Mexican federal government from June 2003 onward, supervised classification is used to identify the subset of these requests that pertain to human rights abuses of various types. The results from this supervised machine learning exercise are validated against (i) gold standard ATI requests pertaining to past human rights abuses in Mexico and (ii) several accepted external measures of sub-national and sub-annual human rights abuses. In doing so, we demonstrate that the measurement of human rights abuses from citizen-submitted ATI request texts can provide measures of human rights abuse that exhibit both high validity and notable spatio-temporal specificity, relative to existent human rights datasets and variables.

編譯 | 楊佳霖

審校 |李博軒

排版 | 張譽璇


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