



AI won an art contest, and artists are furious

From: CNN

Jason M. Allen was almost too nervous to enter his first art competition. Now, his award-winning image is sparking controversy about whether art can be generated by a computer, and what, exactly, it means to be an artist.

In August, Allen, a game designer who lives in Pueblo West, Colorado, won first place in the emerging artist division's "digital arts/digitally-manipulated photography" category at the Colorado State Fair Fine Arts Competition. His winning image, titled "Théâtre D'opéra Spatial" (French for "Space Opera Theater"), was made with Midjourney — an artificial intelligence system that can produce detailed images when fed written prompts. A $300 prize accompanied his win.

"I'm fascinated by this imagery. I love it. And I think everyone should see it," Allen, 39, told CNN Business in an interview on Friday.

Allen's winning image looks like a bright, surreal cross between a Renaissance and steampunk painting. It's one of three such images he entered in the competition. In total, 11 people entered 18 pieces of art in the same category in the emerging artist division.

The definition for the category in which Allen competed states that digital art refers to works that use "digital technology as part of the creative or presentation process." Allen stated that Midjourney was used to create his image when he entered the contest, he said.

Midjourney is one of a growing number of such AI image generators — others include Google Research's Imagen and OpenAI's DALL-E 2. Anyone can use Midjourney via Discord, while DALL-E 2 requires an invitation, and Imagen has not been opened up to users outside Google.

The newness of these tools, how they're used to produce images, and, in some cases, the gatekeeping for access to some of the most powerful ones has led to debates about whether they can truly make art or assist humans in making art.

This came into sharp focus for Allen not long after his win. Allen had posted excitedly about his win on Midjourney's Discord server on August 25, along with pictures of his three entries; it went viral on Twitter days later, with many artists angered by Allen's win because of his use of AI to create the image, as a story by Vice's Motherboard reported earlier this week.

"This sucks for the exact same reason we don't let robots participate in the Olympics," one Twitter user wrote.

"This is the literal definition of 'pressed a few buttons to make a digital art piece'," another Tweeted. "AI artwork is the 'banana taped to the wall' of the digital world now."

Yet while Allen didn't use a paintbrush to create his winning piece, there was plenty of work involved, he said.

"It's not like you're just smashing words together and winning competitions," he said.

You can feed a phrase like "an oil painting of an angry strawberry" to Midjourney and receive several images from the AI system within seconds, but Allen's process wasn't that simple. To get the final three images he entered in the competition, he said, took more than 80 hours.

First, he said, he played around with phrasing that led Midjourney to generate images of women in frilly dresses and space helmets — he was trying to mash up Victorian-style costuming with space themes, he said. Over time, with many slight tweaks to his written prompt (such as to adjust lighting and color harmony), he created 900 iterations of what led to his final three images. He cleaned up those three images in Photoshop, such as by giving one of the female figures in his winning image a head with wavy, dark hair after Midjourney had rendered her headless. Then he ran the images through another software program called Gigapixel AI that can improve resolution and had the images printed on canvas at a local print shop.

Allen is glad the debate over whether AI can be used to make art is capturing so much attention.

"Rather than hating on the technology or the people behind it, we need to recognize that it's a powerful tool and use it for good so we can all move forward rather than sulking about it," Allen said.

Cal Duran, an artist and art teacher who was one of the judges for the competition, said that while Allen's piece included a mention of Midjourney, he didn't realize that it was generated by AI when judging it. Still, he sticks by his decision to award it first place in its category, he said, calling it a "beautiful piece".

"I think there's a lot involved in this piece and I think the AI technology may give more opportunities to people who may not find themselves artists in the conventional way," he said.

Allen won't yet say what the text prompt was behind his winning image — he's planning to keep it a secret until he publishes a larger related work that he hopes will be finished later this year.

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AI won an art contest, and artists are furious

From: CNN

Jason M. Allen was almost too nervous to enter his first art competition. Now, his award-winning image is sparking controversy about whether art can be generated by a computer, and what, exactly, it means to be an artist.

傑森·艾倫(Jason M. Allen)幾乎緊張得不敢參加他的第一次藝術比賽。現在,他獲獎的圖像引發了關於藝術是否可以由計算機生成以及作為一名藝術家到底意味着什麼的爭議。


表示「引發」,英文解釋為「If one thing sparks another, the first thing cause the second thing to start happening.」舉個🌰:

My teacher organized a unit on computer science that really sparked my interest.


此前,《後浪》和「青年」一文的標題中就用到:Bilibili's May 4th Youth Day video sparks discussion on social media 引發熱議。


📍stir表示「激發,激起(強烈的感情);引起(強烈的反應)」,英文解釋為「to make someone have a strong feeling or reaction」,舉個🌰:

The poem succeeds in stirring the imagination.


📍provoke也表示「激起,引起」,英文解釋為「to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one」,如:provoke debate/discussion 激起辯論/討論。

📍spur 鼓動;激勵;鞭策;刺激;鼓舞」,英文解釋為「If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.」舉個🌰:

It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.


🎬電影《龍之心3:巫師的詛咒》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台詞提到:To spur the clans to war. 激勵部族發起戰爭。


表示「爭議;爭論;爭辯」,英文解釋為「a lot of disagreement or argument about something, usually because it affects or is important to many people」舉個🌰:

There was a big controversy surrounding/over the use of drugs in athletics.


In August, Allen, a game designer who lives in Pueblo West, Colorado, won first place in the emerging artist division's "digital arts/digitally-manipulated photography" category at the Colorado State Fair Fine Arts Competition. His winning image, titled "Théâtre D'opéra Spatial" (French for "Space Opera Theater"), was made with Midjourney — an artificial intelligence system that can produce detailed images when fed written prompts. A $300 prize accompanied his win.

今年8月,居住在科羅拉多州(Colorado)西普韋布洛(Pueblo West)的遊戲設計師艾倫在科羅拉多州博覽會藝術比賽中獲得了新興藝術家組「數字藝術/數字合成攝影」類別的第一名。他的獲獎作品名為「Théâtre D'opéra Sspace al」(法語中「太空歌劇院」的意思),是由Midjourney製作的。Midjourney是一種人工智能系統,可以根據輸入文本提示詞生成相應圖像。他的獲獎將獲得300美元的獎金。


表示「新興的,發展初期的」,英文解釋為「starting to exist」如:emergent economies/markets 新興經濟/市場。


1)表示「部門(如部、處、室、科等)」,英文解釋為「a separate part of an army or large organization」如:the sales division 銷售部。

2)表示「(體育運動的)級」,英文解釋為「a group of teams that play against each other in a particular sport」如:The team plays in one of the lower divisions. 低一級隊伍的球員。


1)表示「操縱,控制」,英文解釋為「to control something or someone to your advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly」舉個🌰:

Throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media.


2)表示「(用手)操縱,控制」,英文解釋為「to control something using the hands」舉個🌰:

The wheelchair is designed so that it is easy to manipulate.



📍rig表示「(採取不正當的手段)操縱;對…做手腳」,英文解釋為「to arrange dishonestly for the result of something, for example an election, to be changed」舉個🌰:

He said the election had been rigged.


📍此前,在故意改低女生成績 東京醫科大學被曝操控男女錄取比例一文中,紐約時報的標題就用了rig這個詞:Japanese Medical School Accused of Rigging Admissions to Keep Women Out. 操縱錄取結果 rig admissions.


作名詞,1)表示「園遊會,遊樂會」,英文解釋為「a public event, often held outside, where you can take part in competitions and buy small things and food, often organized to collect money for a particular purpose」,如:the school fair 學校遊樂會。

2)表示「集市」,英文解釋為「a public event in the countryside where farm animals and farm products are sold」,如:a county/state fair 縣/州農畜產品集市。

3)表示「商品展銷會,商品交易會」,英文解釋為「a large show at which people who work in a particular industry meet, and sell and advertise their products」,如:a book/antiques/toy fair/art fair 書展/古玩交易會/玩具展銷會/藝術博覽會。

📍此前,在長期不讀書會降低表達能力嗎?文中出現過book fairs 書展這個表達,原句:Scholastic, which operates book fairs in schools and publishes popular children's books including the Harry Potter and Captain Underpants series, has been commissioning the 「Kids and Family Reading Report」 since 2006. 學樂教育集團經常在學校舉辦圖書展,出版過許多風靡一時的兒童讀物,其中包括《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)和《內褲超人》(Captain Underpants)系列圖書。

4)作形容詞,表示「(皮膚)白皙的;(頭髮)淺黃的,金色的」,英文解釋為「(of skin) pale, or (of hair) pale yellow or gold」舉個🌰:

All my family are fair-skinned.


fine art

表示「美術(指繪畫和雕塑)」,英文解釋為「painting and sculpture」如:a fine arts degree 美術學位。


作動詞,表示「供給;供應;(尤指規律地或連續地)把…放進(機器或系統)」,英文解釋為「to supply something to a person or thing, or put something into a machine or system, especially in a regular or continuous way」舉個🌰:

The vegetables are fed into the machine at this end.


feed一詞,作名詞時,不知道你有沒有聽過「Feed流」或者「信息流」這樣的說法,熟悉互聯網行業的人可能會比較了解,指的就是持續向用戶提供內容更新的信息流服務,比如朋友圈(Moments),微博,抖音的形式,你可以以時間線或者興趣度一條一條地往下刷或者說閱讀。可以看下Web feed或者News feed的英文解釋:a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content.

📍《經濟學人》(The Economist)一篇講述戰鬥機AI飛行員的文章中提到:Ms Broadbent’s team is also experimenting with novel ways to deliver information to a pilot, from a Twitter-like feed to an anthropomorphic avatar. 布羅德本特的團隊也在測試用推特式消息流、擬人化形象等各種新鮮方式向飛行員發送信息。


作名詞,1)表示「(計算機屏幕上的)提示符(顯示計算機已經準備好接受指令)」,英文解釋為「a sign on a computer screen that shows that the computer is ready to receive your instructions」

2)表示「(給演員的)提詞,提白」,英文解釋為「words that are spoken to an actor who has forgotten what he or she is going to say during the performance of a play」

作動詞,表示「促使;導致;激起」,英文解釋為「to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen」舉個🌰:

His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd.


📺美劇《斯巴達克斯:血與沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台詞提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他們為何遭此不幸。

"I'm fascinated by this imagery. I love it. And I think everyone should see it," Allen, 39, told CNN Business in an interview on Friday.

「我被這些圖像迷住了。我很喜歡。我想每個人都應該看一看,」39歲的艾倫在周五接受CNN Business採訪時說。


fascinated /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪd/ 表示「極感興趣的;入迷的」,英文解釋為「extremely interested」舉個🌰:

I was fascinated to hear about his travels in Japan.


🎬電影《哈利·波特與死亡聖器》(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)中的台詞提到:Well, Neville, I’m sure we』d all be fascinated to hear what you have to say. 納威,我可以肯定大家都很想聽聽你要說的事。

Allen's winning image looks like a bright, surreal cross between a Renaissance and steampunk painting. It's one of three such images he entered in the competition. In total, 11 people entered 18 pieces of art in the same category in the emerging artist division.



表示「離奇的;怪誕的;夢幻般的;超現實的」,英文解釋為「very strange; more like a dream than reality, with ideas and images mixed together in a strange way」。


Renaissance /rəˈneɪ.səns/ 表示「文藝復興的」,英文解釋為「from or relating to the period when there was a new increase in interest and activity in art, literature, and ideas in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries」如:Renaissance art/painting/architecture 文藝復興時期的藝術/繪畫/建築。


steampunk /ˈstiːm.pʌŋk/ 表示「蒸汽朋克(以想象中使用蒸汽機而不是現代動力的時代為背景的小說或電影;基於此的時尚風格)」,英文解釋為「books or movies about an imagined time when machines use steam for power rather than modern engines and methods, or a style of fashion based on this」

The definition for the category in which Allen competed states that digital art refers to works that use "digital technology as part of the creative or presentation process." Allen stated that Midjourney was used to create his image when he entered the contest, he said.


Midjourney is one of a growing number of such AI image generators — others include Google Research's Imagen and OpenAI's DALL-E 2. Anyone can use Midjourney via Discord, while DALL-E 2 requires an invitation, and Imagen has not been opened up to users outside Google.

Midjourney是越來越多的此類人工智能圖像生成器之一——其他包括谷歌研究院(Google Research)的Imagen和OpenAI的DALL-E 2。任何人都可以通過Discord使用Midjourney,而DALL-E 2則需要邀請,Imagen尚未向谷歌以外的用戶開放。

The newness of these tools, how they're used to produce images, and, in some cases, the gatekeeping for access to some of the most powerful ones has led to debates about whether they can truly make art or assist humans in making art.



表示「守門,把關控制」,英文解釋為「the activity of trying to control who gets particular resources, power, or opportunities, and who does not」

This came into sharp focus for Allen not long after his win. Allen had posted excitedly about his win on Midjourney's Discord server on August 25, along with pictures of his three entries; it went viral on Twitter days later, with many artists angered by Allen's win because of his use of AI to create the image, as a story by Vice's Motherboard reported earlier this week.



表示「參賽作品;參賽答卷」,英文解釋為「An entry for a competition is a piece of work, a story or drawing, or the answers to a set of questions, which you complete in order to take part in the competition.」


表示「(通過網絡在個體之間迅速)病毒式的(傳播)」,英文解釋為「used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.」舉個🌰:

Here's alistof thetopten viralvideosthisweek.


📍常用短語 go viral,字面意思就是「像病毒一樣傳播、擴散」,引申為「走紅,十分流行,瘋狂傳播」,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以說go viral.

"This sucks for the exact same reason we don't let robots participate in the Olympics," one Twitter user wrote.


"This is the literal definition of 'pressed a few buttons to make a digital art piece'," another Tweeted. "AI artwork is the 'banana taped to the wall' of the digital world now."



banana taped to the wall指的是2019年在美國巴塞爾藝術展(Art Basel)上,一根被膠帶粘貼在牆上的香蕉賣出天價:12萬美元。詳見:一根香蕉賣12萬美元???



literal /ˈlɪt.ər.əl/ 表示「(意義)字面的,根本的」,英文解釋為「The literal meaning of a word is its original, basic meaning.」舉個🌰:

The literal meaning of "television" is "seeing from a distance".

television 的字面意思是「從遠處看」。


作動詞,表示「用膠布固定;用膠布封住;用帶子綑紮」,英文解釋為「to use strips of sticky material, especially to fix two things together or to fasten a parcel」舉個🌰:

She taped a note to the door.


Yet while Allen didn't use a paintbrush to create his winning piece, there was plenty of work involved, he said.


"It's not like you're just smashing words together and winning competitions," he said.


You can feed a phrase like "an oil painting of an angry strawberry" to Midjourney and receive several images from the AI system within seconds, but Allen's process wasn't that simple. To get the final three images he entered in the competition, he said, took more than 80 hours.


First, he said, he played around with phrasing that led Midjourney to generate images of women in frilly dresses and space helmets — he was trying to mash up Victorian-style costuming with space themes, he said. Over time, with many slight tweaks to his written prompt (such as to adjust lighting and color harmony), he created 900 iterations of what led to his final three images. He cleaned up those three images in Photoshop, such as by giving one of the female figures in his winning image a head with wavy, dark hair after Midjourney had rendered her headless. Then he ran the images through another software program called Gigapixel AI that can improve resolution and had the images printed on canvas at a local print shop.

他說,首先,他調整措辭,讓Midtravel生成了穿着褶邊裙子和戴着太空頭盔的女性圖像——他說,他試圖將維多利亞風格的服裝與太空主題融為一體。隨着時間的推移,他對自己的文本提示詞進行了許多細微的調整(例如調整光線和色彩的和諧),他創作了900個迭代版本,最終得到了參賽的三張圖像。他在Photoshop中對這三張圖像進行調整,比如他給Midtravel生成的其中一個無頭女性角色加上了一個黑捲髮的腦袋。然後,他通過另一個名為Gigapixel AI的軟件來提高圖像的分辨率,並在當地一家印刷店將這些圖像印在畫布上。


frilly /ˈfrɪl.i/ 表示「多飾邊的,多褶邊的」,英文解釋為「with a lot of frills」如:a baby in a white frilly dress 穿着白色多褶邊衣服的寶寶。


表示「稍稍調整(機器、系統等);稍稍改進」,英文解釋為「to make slight changes to a machine, system, etc. to improve it」舉個🌰:

I think you'll have to tweak these figures a little before you show them to the boss.


📍此前在浴霸能不能?欲罷不能!一文中講述蘋果發布的新版Apple Watch Series 5僅僅相對上一個版本沒有太大更新時就提到:The Apple Watch Series 5 features a slightly tweaked design. Apple Watch Series 5的設計略有調整。


1)表示「反覆(通常為了作出改善而重複做某事)」,英文解釋為「the process of doing something again and again, usually to improve it, or one of the times you do it」如:the repetition and iteration that goes on in designing something 在設計某物時的重複與反覆修改。

2)表示「迭代,疊代(數學裡若干次使用一個數學法則得出的量)」,英文解釋為「an amount that you get when you use a mathematical rule several times」。


表示「捲曲的;波浪式的」,英文解釋為「having a series of curves」舉個🌰:

She has wavy blond hair.



1)此前,在經濟學人翻譯的出路在哪裡?這篇文章中出現過,render表示「翻譯,把...譯成...」,通常用法為render sth into English/Russian/Chinese etc,將sth譯成英語/俄語/漢語等,舉個🌰:

She is rendering the book into English from French.


2)表示「(以某種方式)表達;表現」,英文解釋為「to express or present something in a particular way」,如:a sculpture rendered in bronze 一尊青銅雕像;

3)此處含義為「使成為;使變得;使處於某種狀態」,英文解釋為to cause someone or something to be in a particular state,舉個🌰:

His rudeness rendered me speechless.


4)還可以指「給予,提供」,英文解釋為to give something to someone or do something, because it is your duty or because someone expects you to,如:an obligation to render assistance to those in need 為有困難的人提供援助的義務,舉個🌰:

We see that freight railroads make good profits while rendering excellent service.


5)還還還可以表示「粉刷;給(牆壁)抹灰(或水泥)」,英文解釋為to put a first layer of plaster or cement on a wall.


1)表示「決議」,英文解釋為「Aresolutionis a formal decision made at a meeting by means of a vote.」舉個🌰:

He replied that the UN had passed two major resolutions.


2)表示「決心,決定」,英文解釋為「If you make aresolution, you decide to try very hard to do something.」舉個🌰:

They made a resolution to lose all the weight gained during the Christmas holidays.


3)熟詞僻義,表示「(顯微鏡、電視、計算機顯示屏等的)清晰度,分辨率」,英文解釋為「the ability of a microscope, or a television or computer screen, to show things clearly and with a lot of detail」如:a high/low resolution image 高/低清晰度圖像。


canvas /ˈkæn.vəs/ 我們比較熟悉的意思是表示「(帆布)畫布;油畫」,英文解釋為「a piece of canvas used for painting on; a painting done on a piece of canvas , using oil paints」,還可以指「摔跤或者拳擊比賽的台子/地面」(the canvas-covered floor of a boxing or wrestling ring)。

🎬電影《洛奇6:永遠的拳王》(Rocky Balboa)提到:He is out cold as he crumbles to the canvas. 他倒在了拳台上失去意識/活生生倒在了拳台上。

Allen is glad the debate over whether AI can be used to make art is capturing so much attention.


"Rather than hating on the technology or the people behind it, we need to recognize that it's a powerful tool and use it for good so we can all move forward rather than sulking about it," Allen said.



sulk /sʌlk/可以作名詞,表示「慍怒;生悶氣」,英文解釋為「a period of not speaking and being bad-tempered because you are angry about sth」舉個🌰:

He was in a sulk upstairs.


也可以直接作動詞,表示:面有慍色;生悶氣,英文解釋為「to look angry and refuse to speak or smile because you want people to know that you are upset about sth」舉個🌰:

He went off to sulk in his room.


Cal Duran, an artist and art teacher who was one of the judges for the competition, said that while Allen's piece included a mention of Midjourney, he didn't realize that it was generated by AI when judging it. Still, he sticks by his decision to award it first place in its category, he said, calling it a "beautiful piece".

作為比賽評委之一的藝術家兼美術老師卡爾·杜蘭(Cal Duran)說,雖然艾倫的作品指出是由Midjourney生成,但在評判時並沒有意識到它是由人工智能生成的。儘管如此,他仍然堅持自己的決定,將其評為該類別的第一名,他說,並稱其為「出色的作品」。

stick by sth/sb

表示「(尤指困境中)繼續支持(某人/某事),對(某人)不離不棄」,英文解釋為「to continue to support something or someone, especially in a difficult situation」舉個🌰:

We must stick by our decision.


"I think there's a lot involved in this piece and I think the AI technology may give more opportunities to people who may not find themselves artists in the conventional way," he said.



表示「傳統的;常規的;普通的」,英文解釋為「traditional and ordinary」如:conventional behaviour/attitudes/clothes 傳統行為/態度/服裝。

Allen won't yet say what the text prompt was behind his winning image — he's planning to keep it a secret until he publishes a larger related work that he hopes will be finished later this year.


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fine art




















stick by sth/sb










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- END -






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