
對話技術與哲學系列研討會 IX

Alexander R. Galloway: 十個命題簡述數碼哲學發展史


對話技術與哲學系列研討會 IX

Alexander R. Galloway: 十個命題簡述數碼哲學發展史


2022年11月1日,星期二香港時間下午8至10時 美國東部標準時間上午 8點至上午 10時



「數碼哲學」指的是什麼?數碼哲學家(digital philosophers)在處理這一問題時通常求助於物理學或計算機科學更甚於哲學,他們聲稱世界在其最基本層面上是離散的(這也常被稱為「數碼物理學」)。數碼哲學家在自然世界中為他們的主張尋找證據——例如亞原子粒子的離散自旋狀態或 DNA 的編碼能力。然而,在這次討論數碼哲學的演講中,我們將不再假借於自然,而是視之為哲學實踐的一個具體決定。我們將通過十個數學命題(mathemes)來探索這個決定,其中包括一些拒絕或背離數碼哲學的替代公式。

Alexander R. Galloway 是一位作家和計算機程序員,致力於研究哲學、技術和媒體理論。他是紐約大學媒體、文化和傳播學教授。他撰寫了有多本有關數碼媒體和批判理論的著作,其中包括《不可計算:長期數碼時代的遊戲和政治》(Verso,2021 年)。


對話技術與哲學系列研討會由Cosmotechnics/Critical AI 研究項目發起,香港城市大學和哲學與技術研究網絡聯合支持。該系列在 2021年秋季和2022年期間進行,與技術哲學領域的知名學者進行對話,以回應當今哲學和技術的逼切問題。


2021. 許煜: 秘法家斯蒂格勒 (05.08.2021)

2022. 技術的政治哲學:列奧·施特勞斯之後(05.08.2022)

對話技術與哲學系列研討會錄影 I. Catherine Malabou: 後生模仿 (14.10.2021)

II. 工程與技術哲學的全球視野(11.11.2021)

III. Jean-Hugues Barthélémy:邁向哲學相對性 (24.11.2021

IV. Susanna Lindberg:貝爾納·斯蒂格勒對音樂的熱愛(7.12.2021)

V. Anna Longo: 預測性科技與預言性技術之爭(19.1.2022)

VI. Henning Schmidgen:機械規範性(2.22.2022)

VII. Andrew Feenberg: 意義與存在(17.03.2022)

VIII. Luciana Parisi:工具性和可能性(27.04.2022)

Dialogues on Philosophy and Technology seminar series IX

Alexander R. Galloway: A Brief History of Digital Philosophy in 10 Expressions

In dialogue with Yuk Hui

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

8pm-10pm HKT 8am-10am EST

Online Event, register to join via Zoom:

What does it mean to speak of "digital philosophy"? While often appealing to physics or computer science more than philosophy proper, digital philosophers are those who claim that the world is discrete at its most fundamental level. (The moniker "digital physics" is also sometimes used as a synonym.) Digital philosophers furnish evidence for their claim by appealing to the natural world - in, for example, the discrete spin states of subatomic particles, or the encoding capacities of DNA. Yet in this talk, we will approach digital philosophy not as a thesis about nature but as a specific decision within the act of doing philosophy. We will explore this decision through a series of simple mathemes - 10 of them - including some alternative formulas that have refused or otherwise departed from the long history of digital philosophy.
Alexander R. Galloway is a writer and computer programmer working on issues in philosophy, technology, and theories of mediation. He is Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University. He is the author of several books on digital media and critical theory, including Uncomputable: Play and Politics in the Long Digital Age (Verso, 2021).

About the series

The Dialogues on Philosophy and Technology seminar series is initiated by the Cosmotechnics/Critical AI research project, supported by the City University of Hong Kong in collaboration with the Research Network for Philosophy and Technology. The series running from Fall/Spring 2021/22 features talks and workshops with leading scholars in the philosophy of technology and aims to address urgent questions on philosophy and technology today.

Bernard Stiegler Memorial Lecture

2021.Yuk Hui:Bernard Stiegler, the Mystagogue (05.08.2021)

2022. Carl Mitcham: Political Philosophy of Technology: After Leo Strauss(05.08.2022)

Dialogues on Philosophy and Technology seminar series

I. Catherine Malabou: Epigenetic Mimesis (14.10.2021)

II. Global Perspectives on Philosophy of Engineering and Technology (11.11.2021)

III. Jean-Hugues Barthélémy: Towards Philosophical Relativity (24.11.2021)

IV. Susanna Lindberg: Bernard Stiegler’s love of music(7.12.2021)

V. Anna Longo: Predictive Technology vs. Prophetic Techne (19.1.2022)

VI. Henning Schmidgen: Machinic Normativity (22.02.2022)

VII. Andrew Feenberg: Meaning and Existence (17.03.2022)

VIII. Luciana Parisi:Instrumentality and Possibility (27.04.2022)

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