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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理學寫作小組:卡卡
審校| 唧唧堂管理學寫作小組:Yian
編輯 |小巴


在國際商務以及許多其它社會科學領域,複製研究長期以來被視為一個「窮親戚」,被貶低和勸阻為「非原創」。作者認為,通過梳理混雜因素、驗證因果機制並測試空間和時間邊界, 重複研究可以激發辯論, 補充作者的知識體系, 並微調理論。作者撰寫這篇社論的目標是推進複製研究。作者通過識別它們的價值並展示它們的不同類型來為它們建立一個案例。作者還提供了一個方法模板, 用於以學術嚴謹的方式將它們落實。最後, 作者就如何增加它們被發表的數量提出了具體的建議。

In international business, as well as in many other social sciences, replication studies have long been treated as a poor relative, discounted and discouraged as 「not original」. We argue that by teasing out confounding factors, validating causal mechanisms, and testing spatial and temporal boundaries, replication studies can stimulate debate, add to our body of knowledge, and fine-tune theory. Our goal in writing this editorial is to promote replication studies. We build a case for them by recognizing their value and showcasing their different types. We also offer a methodological template for carrying them out with academic rigor. Finally, we make concrete recommendations on how to go about increasing the number of them published.

參考文獻:Dau, L.A., Santangelo, G.D. & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2022). Replication studies in international business. Journal of International Business Studies, 53, 215–230.


本文的目的是鼓勵和擴展對自然災害和國際商務(IB)的研究。更具體地說,作者綜述了自然災害的特徵及其對商業環境構成的獨特挑戰,並研究了它們與IB文獻中經常研究的其它類型的災害/危機的不同之處。接下來,作者調查了IB核心理論在自然災害研究中的適用性和挑戰。作者通過擴展新內化理論 (NIT) 來克服有限理性和可靠性的挑戰,確定了通過建立多行業合作夥伴關係和替代供應鏈來管理自然災害威脅的有效策略。作者結合對自然災害特徵的研究和NIT的見解,基於自然災害和跨國企業(MNE)不同程度的地理範圍,為MNE提出了自然災害管理策略。本文最後為IB學者在備災、跨組織協作和供應鏈管理方面提出了新的研究機會。

The purpose of this paper is to encourage and to extend research on natural disasters and international business (IB). More specifically, we review the characteristics of natural disasters and the unique challenges they pose to the business environment and examine how they differ from other types of disasters/crises often researched in the IB literature. Next, we investigate the applicability and challenges of core IB theories to the study of natural disasters. By extending new internalization theory (NIT) to overcome challenges of bounded rationality and reliability, we identify effective strategies for managing the threat of natural disasters through establishing multi-sector partnerships and alternative supply chains. Integrating research on the characteristics of natural disasters and the insights from NIT, we propose natural disaster management strategies for multinational enterprises (MNEs) based on varying degrees of geographic scope of natural disasters and MNEs. This paper concludes with proposing new research opportunities for IB scholars in disaster preparedness, cross-organizational collaborations, and supply chain management.

參考文獻:Oh, C.H., Oetzel, J. (2022). Multinational enterprises and natural disasters: Challenges and opportunities for IB research. Journal of International Business Studies, 53, 231–254.


恐怖主義如何影響公司的投資決策,在全球範圍內越來越受到關注,並代表了國際商務的一個前沿話題。儘管現有的研究表明恐怖主義可以降低總投資水平,但恐怖主義對全球情境下企業研發的影響很少被關注。借鑑實物期權理論,作者認為恐怖主義將導致公司減少其研發投資,因為恐怖主義引起的不確定性增加了研發延期選擇的價值。然而,強大的國家制度,包括強大的專利權保護和低徵用風險,將減輕企業因不確定性而對研發投資的抑制。此外, 跨國公司、較大公司以及現金流較多的公司對其研發決策的不確定性不太敏感。研究假設得到了一系列測試的支持,包括使用基於48個國家的公司級面板數據准實驗的支持。

How terrorism affects firms』 investment decisions is gaining increasing attention globally and represents a frontier topic in international business. Although extant research has shown that terrorism can reduce aggregate investment levels, little attention has been paid to the impact of terrorism on firms』 R&D in a global context. Drawing on real options theory, we argue that terrorism will lead firms to reduce their R&D investment because terrorism-induced uncertainty increases the value of the deferral option in R&D. However, strong national institutions, including strong patent rights protection and low expropriation hazards, will mitigate firms』 disincentive to invest in R&D stemming from uncertainty. Further, multinational firms, larger firms, as well as firms with greater cash flow will be less sensitive to uncertainty in their R&D decisions. Our hypotheses are supported by a battery of tests, including the use of a quasi-experiment, based on firm-level panel data from 48 countries.

參考文獻:Li, D., Tong, T.W., Xiao, Y. et al. (2022). Terrorism-induced uncertainty and firm R&D investment: A real options view. Journal of International Business Studies, 53, 255–267.


在過去的二十年裡,隨着全球化和國際金融市場競爭的加劇,傳統的在岸銀行設立離岸附屬機構和子公司的趨勢越來越明顯。作者研究了離岸金融中心 (OFC) 的子公司業務是否有助於銀行承擔風險。作者構建了一個在 2001 至 2018 年間具有和不具有離岸金融中心業務的銀行國際樣本,並使用了銀行風險承擔的各種代理。作者的結果表明,有離岸金融中心業務的銀行比沒有離岸金融中心業務的銀行承擔更多的風險。作者以有離岸金融中心業務的銀行為重點,發現那些離岸金融中心業務越密集的銀行展示出更高的風險。作者的結果還表明,具有更多監管套利機會的更密集的離岸金融中心業務與更高的銀行風險相關,且母國的限制性銀行資本監管通過離岸金融中心業務促進了銀行的風險承擔。作者的發現與在岸銀行利用離岸金融中心的鬆散監管、低透明度和缺乏監督來從事更具風險的活動的觀點一致。這些發現對國際商務研究具有重要意義,並為世界各地的監管機構提供了監督離岸金融中心銀行業務的有用見解。

The last two decades have witnessed a growing trend of traditional onshore banks establishing affiliates and subsidiaries offshore, along with increased globalization and competition in international financial markets. We examine whether subsidiary operations in offshore financial centers (OFCs) facilitate bank risk-taking. We construct an international sample of banks with and without OFC operations during 2001–2018 and employ various proxies for bank risk-taking. Our results reveal that banks with OFC operations take more risks than banks without OFC operations. Focusing on banks with OFC operations, we find that those with more intensive operations in OFCs exhibit higher risk. Our results also indicate that more intensive operations in OFCs with more regulatory arbitrage opportunities are associated with higher bank risk, and that restrictive bank capital regulations in home countries foster banks』 risk-taking via OFC operations. Our findings are consistent with the view that onshore banks exploit OFCs』 loose regulations, poor transparency, and lack of oversight to pursue riskier activities. These findings have important implications for the international business literature and provide regulators around the world with useful insights into overseeing bank operations in OFCs.

參考文獻:Ge, W., Kim, JB., Li, T. et al. (2022). Subsidiary operations in offshore financial centers and bank risk-taking: International evidence. Journal of International Business Studies, 53, 268–301.


本研究回應了國際商業和國際創業學者們日益增長的呼籲,即要求更多地研究領導者特徵對其公司風險性國際化選擇的影響。作者關注國際創業文獻中所識別的基本領導者特徵, 即風險傾向,開發並測試了一個原始分析框架,表明具有更大風險傾向的首席執行官(CEO) 將傾向於引導其公司走向更大程度的國際化和更具風險的場地/位置(文化距離較遠的國家)和方法/進入模式(收購與聯盟)。作者還通過假設和測試額外的調節關係來更準確地評估代理CEO影響公司國際化決策的基本假設。其中,研究表明,CEO風險傾向對公司國際化選擇的風險的影響(1)當CEO享有更大權力時被放大,且(2)對具有更多國際化經驗的公司而言會減弱。實證方面,分析表明主效應假說和調節假說都得到了顯著且有力的支持。本研究對新興的國際化微觀基礎的文獻、以及高層和國際創業文獻具有啟示意義。

This study addresses the growing calls among international business and international entrepreneurship scholars for greater research attention to the effect of leaders』 characteristics on their firms』 risky internationalization choices. Focusing on the fundamental leader characteristic identified in the international entrepreneurship literature, i.e., risk propensity, we develop and test an original framework for analysis, which suggests that CEOs with greater risk propensity will tend to steer their firms towards greater degrees of internationalization and towards more risky venues/locations (countries at a greater cultural distance) and vehicles/entry modes (acquisitions versus alliances). We also more precisely assess our underlying assumption of agentic CEOs affecting firms』 internationalization decisions by positing and testing additional moderator relationships, in which we suggest that the effect of CEO risk propensity on the riskiness of firms』 internationalization choices will be (1) amplified when CEOs enjoy greater power, and (2) attenuated for firms with greater internationalization experience. Empirically, our analyses show significant and robust support for both our main effect and moderator hypotheses. Our study has implications for the burgeoning literature on the micro-foundations of internationalization, as well as the upper echelons and international entrepreneurship literatures.

參考文獻:Boustanifar, H., Zajac, E.J. & Zilja, F. (2022). Taking chances? The effect of CEO risk propensity on firms』 risky internationalization decisions. Journal of International Business Studies, 53, 302–325.



This paper studies the effect of the United States (US) Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) on US multinational firms』 foreign direct investment (FDI). Unlike prior studies that focused on the passage of the FCPA, our study examines how the actual enforcement of the FCPA affects firms』 foreign investment decisions. We show that initial FCPA enforcement in a host country triggers MNEs to reassess their likelihood of being targeted, which in turn has a strong deterrence effect on subsequent US FDI growth in the host country. This deterrence effect is stronger for host countries with a weaker rule of law and more severe corruption issues. We did not find evidence of significant FDI relocation due to FCPA enforcement. Together, these results provide a comprehensive evaluation of the implications of FCPA enforcement in the global market for FDI.

參考文獻:Jia, W., Li, S. & Zhao, J. (2022). Kicking back against kickbacks: An examination of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and US foreign investment. Journal of International Business Studies, 53, 326–343.


數字全球連動為跨國企業提供了新的機遇,但同時也帶來了獨特的風險,這是國際商務中尚未很好研究的一個領域。本文提出了一個組織信息處理框架,該框架以辯證的方式闡明了這些風險與什麼(風險類型和來源),如何(風險評估和管理)以及誰(弱勢公司)相關,試圖將理論見解和管理行動結合起來。作者關注跨國公司(MNE)所面臨的特有的三類風險 (數字依賴、信息安全和監管複雜性),並解釋國家內部和國家之間各種風險驅動因素。本文探討了跨國公司在承受這些風險方面的差異,並提出信息流強度、地域多樣性、國際戰略和全球平台參與度對公司的數字風險及應對能力具有重大啟示。最後,該框架從個體和集體的角度為跨國企業管理數字風險提供了行動指南,強調了建立和部署數字情報分析流程,以尋求數字全球化聯動的戰略韌性。

Digital global connectivity offers multinational enterprises new opportunities, but it also brings unique risks, an area not yet well examined in international business. This article presents an organizational information-processing framework, which elucidates what (risk types and sources), how (risk assessing and managing), and whom (vulnerable firms) these risks relate to, in a dialectical manner that seeks to combine theoretical insights and managerial actions. We focus on three types of risks (digital interdependence, information security, and regulatory complexity) that MNEs uniquely face, and explain within-country and cross-country risk drivers. We document variances among MNEs in exposure to these risks, proposing that information flow intensity, geographic diversity, international strategy, and global platform participation carry strong implications on the firm’s risk exposure and response. Finally, this framework offers actions essential for MNEs, individually and collectively, to manage digital risks, emphasizing processes of building and deploying digital intelligence in pursuit of transnational resilience for cross-border activities that become increasingly digitally connected.

參考文獻:Luo, Y. (2022). A general framework of digitization risks in international business. Journal of International Business Studies, 53, 344–361.


醫療保健的國際化比其它行業晚很多,但近年來經歷了其貿易和外國直接投資(FDI)的增長。儘管醫療保健是服務經濟的一部分,它卻具有與其它服務行業區分開來的獨特特徵, 並在其全球化和溢出模式上留下印記。在本文中,作者綜述了醫療保健國際化的趨勢,其驅動因素和發展障礙。作者概述了醫療保健行業的特殊特徵,以及它們如何影響貿易和FDI對母國和東道國積極和消極的溢出效應。本文也對國際商務理論、研究和政策的啟示進行了描述。

Internationalizing far later than other sectors, healthcare has seen trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) grow in recent years. While part of the service economy, healthcare has unique features that distinguish it from other service sectors and imprint on its globalization and spillover patterns. In this paper, we review the trends in healthcare internationalization, its drivers, and the obstacles standing in the way. We outline the special characteristics of the healthcare sector and how they affect the positive and negative spillovers from trade and FDI for home and host-countries. Implications for international business theory, research, and policy are delineated.

參考文獻:Shenkar, O., Liang, G. & Shenkar, R. (2022). The last frontier of globalization: Trade and foreign direct investment in healthcare. Journal of International Business Studies, 53, 362–374.




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