The government is planning to allow independent tourists to come to Japan and exempt them from visas if they have been vaccinated three times or submit a pre-arrival test result, Fuji TV reported Monday. It also intends to abolish the daily arrival cap, which is currently set at 50,000, the report added.日本政府計劃允許國外個人遊客自由行,若接種了三次疫苗或提交入境前核酸檢測陰性結果,即可免除簽證。富士電視台周一報道。報告補充說,它還打算取消每日入境人數上限,目前為5萬人。Prime Minister Fumio Kishida reportedly plans to make a decision as early as the end of this week, with an eye to implementing the revisions by October. If the plan goes ahead, it would mark a major shift in Japan's border restrictions, which have been conservative compared with those of fellow Group of Seven members.據報道,日本首相岸田文雄計劃最早在本周末做出決定,着眼於在10月份之前實施修訂。如果該計劃得以實施,將標誌着日本邊境限制的重大轉變,與七國集團的其他成員國相比,這些數字一直是保守的。Up until now, the government has eased access to the country in baby steps amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The report came after Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Seiji Kihara told a Fuji TV program on Sunday that Japan will consider easing all three restrictions — the daily arrival cap, restrictions on independent tourists and visa requirements for short-term visitors from countries previously eligible for a waiver — in the "not-so-distant future."到目前為止,在新冠肺炎疫情的影響下,中國政府已經逐步放寬了入境限制。在此之前,日本內閣官房副長官木原誠司周日在富士電視台節目中表示,日本將考慮放寬這三項限制——每日入境上限,自由行的限制,以及對免簽國短期遊客的簽證要求。
"Amid the weakening yen, inbound (tourism) will have the greatest effect" on the economy, Kihara said, also noting that fall is famed as being a good time for eating in Japan. "And there are the autumn leaves and powder snow. There are many foreign visitors who want to come visit Japan." Last week, the yen fell to a 24-year low of ¥144 to the dollar.木原誠司說,在日元疲軟的情況下,入境(旅遊業)將對經濟產生最大(積極)的影響。還指出,在日本,秋天被認為是吃飯的好時節。「還有秋天的樹葉和雪霜。想來日本旅遊的外國遊客很多。上周,日元匯率跌至144日元兌1美元,是24年來最低匯率。Japan eased its border restrictions last Wednesday, raising the daily arrival cap from 20,000 to 50,000, allowing nonguided tourists to come to Japan and dropping the requirement for pre-arrival PCR testing for vaccinated travelers.上周三,日本放寬了邊境限制,將每日入境人數上限從2萬人提高到5萬人。允許無導遊的遊客來日本,並取消對接種疫苗的遊客進行入境前PCR檢測的要求。

Ukraine has called for more Western arms and assistance as it seeks to take back more territory from Russia. It comes after Ukrainian forces retook as many as 20 towns and villages in the east of the country within 24 hours.烏克蘭尋求從俄羅斯手中奪回更多領土,呼籲西方國家提供更多武器和援助。在此之前,烏克蘭軍隊在24小時內奪回了該國東部多達20個城鎮和村莊。Will Russia hit back with missile strikes against the city of Kharkiv, causing blackouts. But President Putin's tactics have been criticized by on the leading military commanders fighting on the ground. Officially, the Kremlin says its forces are regrouping, not retreating. Well, this was a situation just a few weeks ago, with Russia still in control of much of the east of the country.俄羅斯是否會以導彈襲擊哈爾科夫市進行反擊,導致停電。但普京總統的戰術受到了在地面作戰的主要軍事指揮官的批評。克里姆林宮官方表示,其軍隊正在重新集結,而不是撤退。這是幾周前的情況,當時俄羅斯仍控制着該國東部的大部分地區。That's the area in red. But mapping in the last 24 hours shows significant gains by the Ukrainians, in purple to the east and as far south as Izyum from the capital Kyiv. Our Ukraine correspondent, James Waterhouse, sent us this report. War can be both symbolic as well as significant, and today was just that.
那是紅色的區域。但過去24小時的地圖顯示,烏克蘭人在東部和從首都基輔向南一直到伊濟姆的紫色區域取得了重大進展。本台駐烏克蘭記者詹姆斯·沃特豪斯為我們發來報道。戰爭既可以是象徵性的,也可以是重大的,而今天就是這樣。Russian ambitions once again abandoned. Moscow calls this a regrouping. It's more like a retreat and a quick one. Kyiv is claiming to have taken back almost all of the Kharkov region, even Russian officials admit to being outnumbered by eight to one here. You was, is and always will be Ukraine, says this soldier.俄羅斯的野心再次被放棄。莫斯科稱這是一次重組。這更像是一個快速的撤退。基輔聲稱已經奪回了哈爾科夫幾乎所有的地區,就連俄羅斯官員也承認,基輔的人數是這裡的8比1。你過去是,現在是,將來也永遠是烏克蘭,這名士兵說。
A major power station reduced to this, causing trains to stop working on Kharkov's metro. For some much more was lost than just power.Ukraine is pushing on more than one front that has risks, but it's enough to worry One of Putin's biggest allies, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov "If changes are not made", he said in an online post, "I will be forced to go to the country's leadership."一個主要的發電站降到了這個程度,導致哈爾科夫的地鐵列車停止運行。對一些人來說,失去的不僅僅是權力。烏克蘭正在推進的不止一條戰線存在風險,但這足以讓普京最大的盟友之一感到擔憂,車臣領導人拉姆贊·卡德羅夫在網上發帖稱,「如果不做出改變」,「我將被迫去找國家領導層。」I've got to say, it is incredibly difficult to independently verify those claims by the Ukrainian Army because of restrictions imposed on the work of journalists in areas where this counter offensive is happening.But last night, president Zelensky talked about this offensive. He said, these operations are continuing.我不得不說,由於記者在反攻地區的工作受到限制,獨立核實烏克蘭軍隊的這些說法非常困難。但昨晚,澤倫斯基總統談到了這場攻勢。他說,這些行動仍在繼續。And again, he seemed to be calling for more weapons from the West, saying that Ukraine and the West must strengthen cooperation to defeat, in his words, Russian terror. Hugo, thank you very much for that update.他似乎再次呼籲西方提供更多武器,稱烏克蘭和西方必須加強合作才能擊敗,用他的話說,俄羅斯的恐怖進攻。雨果,非常感謝你的最新消息。Unions representing American railroad workers are in talks with major freight railroads over a labor dispute and are expected to go on a nationwide strike Friday unless the two sides reach an agreement.據美國媒體報道,代表美國鐵路工人的工會正因勞資糾紛與主要貨運鐵路公司進行談判,若雙方不能達成協議,工會將於9月16日起召集全國大罷工。About 60,000 railroad workers are expected to strike across the country, which would shut down about 40% of long-distance trade routes, costing the economy an estimated $2 billion a day and crippling multiple industries.屆時,全美預計有6萬名鐵路工人罷工,約40%長途貿易路線癱瘓,預計每天貿易損失將近20億美元,重創多個行業。All 12 unions are needed to reach an agreement with the railroads to avert a strike, with three still on the table and one rejecting a tentative agreement, a report said.報道稱,所有12個工會與鐵路公司達成協議才能避免罷工,目前有3個工會仍在談判中,1個工會拒絕初步協議。
The railroad workers said that attendance rules are too strict, leaving little time for rest, medical care and family time.不少美國鐵路工人抱怨出勤政策過於嚴苛,幾乎沒有時間休息、就醫和陪伴家人。A nationwide rail strike could paralyze shipments of food, crude oil, and industrial materials, and supply chain disruptions could fuel already high inflation.分析認為,全美范國的鐵路罷工將使食品、原油、工業材料等運輸中斷,供應鏈混亂或將加劇本就處於高位的通貨膨脹。Meanwhile, the Biden administration is scrambling to develop a plan to use trucks, ships and planes to keep the most crucial goods moving if the railroads stop rolling.同時,拜登政府正擬定緊急應對方案,計劃調度卡車、輪船和飛機,來保證鐵路罷工下關鍵物資的運輸。跟人工智能合作