A huge flower basket arrangement with the theme "blessings to China" will be installed in Beijing's Tian'anmen Square as part of the plan to decorate the square and Chang'an Avenue — the capital's main thoroughfare — for the upcoming National Day holiday next month.據2022年國慶天安門廣場及長安街沿線花卉布置方案顯示,天安門廣場中心將布置「祝福祖國」巨型花果籃。Since 1984, Tian'anmen Square in the heart of Beijing has hosted huge displays to celebrate the National Day holiday,with their design and related technology developing over the years.自1984年以來,天安門廣場便會舉辦大型展覽慶祝國慶,其設計和相關技術多年來不斷發展。 Meanwhile, flowers will be planted covering a total area of 7,000 square meters between Jianguomen and Fuxingmen along Chang'an Avenue through the heart of the capital to create a celebratory atmosphere,said Liu Mingxing, head of the bureau's afforesting division.「長安街沿線建國門至復興門之間,還將種植地栽花卉7000平方米,營造出喜慶歡樂的節日氛圍,」北京市園林綠化局城鎮綠化處處長劉明星表示。 The main floral arrangement in the center of the square, which has been an annual National Day decoration since 2011, will be 18 meters high,the same as last year, and the overall area of the decorations in Tian'anmen Square will be 5,050 square meters.自2011年以來,廣場中心的主要花卉布置一直是一年一度的國慶裝飾,將有18米高,與去年一樣;天安門廣場的整體裝飾面積將達到5050平方米。
The 14 flower terraces along Chang'an Avenue will display different types of flowers and showcase a variety of themes related to the nation's development,such as innovation and green development.長安街沿線的14個花卉平台將展示不同類型的花卉,並展示與國家發展相關的各種主題,如創新和綠色發展。 Two of the flower terraces — one in the shape of a rainbow and the other resembling a Chinese knot — celebrate the upcoming 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,which is proposed to be convened in Beijing on Oct 16.其中的兩個花壇,分別以彩虹門和中國結為主景,鑲嵌有「喜迎二十大」組字,烘托喜迎盛會的喜慶氛圍。二十大擬於10月16日在北京召開。 According to the bureau, up to 100 species of flowers will make their debut on the terraces — both local and imported,which will help make the decoration more vivid and colorful.據北京市園林綠化局介紹,百個國內外新品種將首次亮相天安門廣場和長安街,讓花壇釋放「花樣」魅力。
In addition to the square and Chang'an Avenue, all of the districts in the city will also have their own floral decorations, said Liu."Beijing will have a total of 50 themed flower terraces during the period and around 19 million plants will be used," he said.劉明星表示,除了天安門廣場和長安街,全市各區今年也將在國慶節及黨的二十大期間開展景觀保障工作。劉明星說:「在此期間,全市將布置主題花壇50個,使用花卉1900萬餘盆。 "All of the work will be completed by the end of this month."Li Yunlu, a 30-year-old Beijing resident,said she would bring her parents to the square during the National Day holiday to take a family photo in front of the flower basket,which has become a tradition for the family.將於9月底前完成全部花卉布置工作,」30歲的北京居民李雲璐(音譯)說,自己會在國慶節期間帶父母到花籃前拍全家福,這是他們家的傳統。 "We feel very happy and cherish our good life more every time when we see the beautiful flowers and the smiles on the people's faces around us," she said.李雲璐說:「每當我們看到周遭美麗的花朵和人們臉上的笑容時,便會感到非常幸福,更加珍惜我們的美好生活。」China is ready to work with other members of the Group of 20 (G20) to promote the reform of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and achieve the UN sustainable development goals, according to an official from the Ministry of Commerce (MOC).中國商務部官員表示,中國願與20國集團其他成員一道,推動世界貿易組織(WTO)改革,實現聯合國可持續發展目標。 Wang Shouwen, vice commerce minister and China international trade representative at the MOC, made the remarks via video link at the G20 Trade, Investment and Industry Ministerial Meeting held in Indonesia from Thursday to Friday.中國商務部副部長、商務部國際貿易談判代表王受文在周四至周五於印尼舉行的G20貿易、投資和工業部長會議上通過視頻發表了上述講話。 Adhering to its new development philosophy, China is committed to fostering green development partnerships, carrying out international investment cooperation, and promoting the green development of the Belt and Road, Wang said.中國堅持新發展理念,致力於培育綠色發展夥伴關係,開展國際投資合作,推動「一帶一路」綠色發展。 To build a global community of health for all, China has cooperated with more than 120 countries and regions on vaccines, Wang said.Amid efforts to push forward industrial digitization and digital industrialization,China is advancing its process of joining the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement and strengthening international cooperation on the digital economy, according to the vice minister.為構建人類健康共同體,中國與120多個國家和地區開展了疫苗合作。王受文表示,中方大力推動產業數字化和數字產業化發展,積極推進加入《數字經濟夥伴關係協定》進程,加強數字經濟國際合作。 Wang called on all parties to oppose unilateralism and protectionism,and avoid adopting discriminatory policies and measures that could distort global investment, industrial chains and supply chains.王受文表示,各方應摒棄單邊主義、保護主義思維,避免出台歧視性政策措施造成全球投資和產業鏈供應鏈扭曲。 每日最新TED演講推薦 關注老師們的心理健康