



Russia Prepares to Annex Parts of Ukraine as Staged Votes End

The Wall Street Journal

Russia is set to formally annex occupied territories in Ukraine after staging referendums that involved coercion, threats and, in some places, soldiers going door to door and forcing people to vote at gunpoint.

Kyiv and Western governments have described the votes as a sham designed to confer a veneer of legitimacy to Moscow’s seizure of Ukrainian land seven months on from its invasion. They could also enable Moscow to claim that any effort by Ukrainian forces to recapture the territories, in the south and east of the country, amounts to an attack on Russia itself.

Residents in the occupied areas said Russian soldiers compelled them to vote, guns drawn, in a choreographed show of support for Moscow’s plan to make their regions part of Russia. They said some Russian sympathizers were brought in from other regions to cast their votes at polling places to create the impression that it was a regular vote.

「This referendum, they’re doing it in their Russian style, just for pictures,」 said Serhiy Ivaschenko, the head of a district in the city of Kherson, the only regional capital Moscow has seized since the full-scale invasion began this year. He has been going back and forth between Kherson and Ukrainian territory, leaving the city just before the staged voting began, but remains in touch with many people who are still there. He estimated that around 30% of Kherson’s prewar population remains in the city.

「The Russians knock on doors,」 Mr. Ivaschenko said. 「It’s usually two women with a ballot box. And of course two soldiers with guns. But they don’t have the resources to knock on all the doors.」

Voting in Russian-controlled parts of four regions—Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia—began on Sept. 23 and ended Tuesday afternoon, local time. As was widely expected, the official results claimed to show overwhelming support in the occupied territories for joining Russia, opening the way for Russian President Vladimir Putin to announce their annexation on Friday, when he is scheduled to address Russia’s parliament, the U.K.’s Ministry of Defense said.

According to official results, 93% of voters in Russian-controlled parts of the Zaporizhzhia region checked the box in favor of joining Russia; in Luhansk, it was 91% in favor; in Kherson, it was 87% in favor. A comparable figure was expected in Donetsk.

In a similar exercise, held in Crimea after Moscow seized the peninsula from Ukraine in 2014, 97% voted in favor of joining Russia, according to official results.

The upper house of Russia’s parliament will consider formally annexing the provinces next Tuesday, according to Russian state media.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. would never recognize the annexation of Ukrainian territory by Moscow and that Washington would impose 「additional severe and swift costs on Russia,」 adding that Kyiv 「has the absolute right to defend itself throughout its territory, including to take back the territory that has been illegally seized one way or another by Russia.」

「Because there is no change at all in the territory that is being annexed by the Russians—as a matter for us, or for the Ukrainians—the Ukrainians will continue to do what they need to do to get back the land that has been taken from them,」 Mr. Blinken told reporters in Washington on Tuesday. 「We will continue to support them in that.」

The British defense ministry said, 「Russia’s leaders almost certainly hope that any accession announcement will be seen as a vindication of the 『special military operation』 and will consolidate patriotic support for the conflict.」

Russian state television has portrayed the vote as a success, showing interviews with residents of the occupied regions saying how relieved they are that they will soon be part of Russia.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, 「The Russian legal system and the executive branch are ready for the possible admission of new constituent entities to Russia following the referenda in the respective territories.」

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Russia Prepares to Annex Parts of Ukraine as Staged Votes End

The Wall Street Journal

Russia is set to formally annex occupied territories in Ukraine after staging referendums that involved coercion, threats and, in some places, soldiers going door to door and forcing people to vote at gunpoint.



annex /əˈneks/表示「(通常指用武力或擅自)吞併;兼併;強占」,英文解釋為「to take possession of an area of land or a country, usually by force or without permission」舉個🌰:

The UK annexed this small island west of Scotland in 1955.


🎬電影《蘭開斯特之王》(The King)中的台詞提到:What lands in France have you now annexed? 你吞併了法國的哪些土地?


territory /ˈter.ɪ.tər.i/ 表示「領土;領域;領地;活動範圍」,英文解釋為「(an area of) land, or sometimes sea, that is considered as belonging to or connected with a particular country or person」舉個🌰:
He was shot down in enemy territory.


1)表示「上演;舉辦;舉行」,英文解釋為「to organize and present a play or an event for people to see」,如:to stage a ceremony/an event/an exhibition 舉行儀式/活動/展覽,舉個🌰:

The local theatre group is staging a production of 『Hamlet』.

2)表示「組織;籌劃」,英文解釋為「to organize and take part in action that needs careful planning, especially as a public protest」,如:to stage a ceremony/an event/an exhibition 舉行儀式/活動/展覽。

3)表示「使發生;使出現」,英文解釋為「to make sth happen」舉個🌰:
After five years in retirement, hestaged a comebackto international tennis.

🎬電影《無罪的罪人》(Presumed Innocent)中的台詞提到:Your opinion is that this was... a staged rape? 你的看法是這是…有預謀的強姦?


referendum /ˌref.əˈren.dəm/ 表示「(就重大政治或社會問題進行的)全民公決,全民公投」,英文解釋為「a vote in which all the people in a country or an area are asked to give their opinion about or decide an important political or social question」


coercion /kəʊ'ɜːʃ ə n/ 表示「強迫;脅迫,逼迫」,英文解釋為「the use of threats or orders to make someone do something they do not want to do」,舉個🌰:
The defendant explained that he had been acting under coercion.

🎬電影《寧靜的熱情》(A Quiet Passion)中的台詞提到:There's bullying and there's coercion. 那個地方既有欺凌 氣氛又高度壓制。

at gunpoint

表示「在槍口威脅下;用槍威脅」,英文解釋為「experiencing or using a threat of killing with a gun」舉個🌰:

The family were held at gunpoint for an hour while the men raided their house.


Kyiv and Western governments have described the votes as a sham designed to confer a veneer of legitimacy to Moscow’s seizure of Ukrainian land seven months on from its invasion. They could also enable Moscow to claim that any effort by Ukrainian forces to recapture the territories, in the south and east of the country, amounts to an attack on Russia itself.



sham /ʃæm/ 表示「假象;騙局;假冒者;冒牌貨」,英文解釋為「something that is not what it seems to be and is intended to deceive people, or someone who pretends to be something they are not」舉個🌰:

It turned out that he wasn't a real doctor at all - he was just a sham.



confer /kənˈfɜːr/ 1)表示「授予(稱號、榮譽);賦予(優勢)」,英文解釋為「to give an official title, honour, or advantage to someone」舉個🌰:

An honorary doctorate was conferred on him by Peking University.


2)表示「(常指為達成行動決議而)商討,商議,協商」,英文解釋為「to exchange ideas on a particular subject, often in order to reach a decision on what action to take」舉個🌰:

I need some time to confer with my lawyer.


🎬電影《小婦人》(Little Women)中的台詞提到:No, writing doesn't confer importance. It reflects it. 不 寫作並不能讓一件事情變得重要 只能反映其重要性。


veneer /vəˈnɪər/ 表示「掩飾物;虛飾」,英文解釋為「something that hides something unpleasant or unwanted」舉個🌰:

She managed to hide her corrupt dealings under a veneer of respectability.



legitimacy /ləˈdʒɪt.ə.mə.si/ 表示「合法性」,英文解釋為「the quality of being legal 」舉個🌰:

The lawyers expressed serious doubts about the legitimacy of military action.



seizure /ˈsiːʒə/ 1)表示「占領,奪取,攫取;查封,沒收,充公」,英文解釋為「the action of taking something by force or with legal authority」,如:the seizure of power/property/control 對權力/財產/控制權的攫取。

2)表示「心臟病突發」,英文解釋為「a sudden failure of the heart」舉個🌰:
He died of a seizure.

也可以泛指疾病的驟發,突發,發作,英文解釋:a very sudden attack of an illness in which someone becomes unconscious or develops violent movements,如:an epileptic seizure 癲癇突發。


表示「入侵,侵略」,英文解釋為「an occasion when an army or country uses force to enter and take control of another country」舉個🌰:
They were planning to mount an invasion of the north of the country.


recapture /ˌriːˈkæp.tʃər/ 表示「(尤指用武力)奪回,收復,重新占領」,英文解釋為「to take something into your possession again, especially by force」舉個🌰:

The army recaptured the town.

amount to sth

表示「等於;意味着;達到;總計」,英文解釋為「to be the same as something, or to have the same effect as something」舉個🌰:

His behaviour amounted to serious professional misconduct.

Residents in the occupied areas said Russian soldiers compelled them to vote, guns drawn, in a choreographed show of support for Moscow’s plan to make their regions part of Russia. They said some Russian sympathizers were brought in from other regions to cast their votes at polling places to create the impression that it was a regular vote.



表示「強迫;迫使;使必須」,英文解釋為「to force sb to do sth; to make sth necessary」舉個🌰:
The law can compel fathers to make regular payments for their children.

🎬電影《無語問蒼天》(Awakenings)中的台詞提到:Nothing to compel her to keep going. 沒有任何事物強迫她繼續前行。

🎬電影《神奇女俠》(Wonder Woman)中的台詞提到:I compel you to tell me the truth. 我命令你說出真相。


choreographed /ˈkɒr.i.ə.ɡrɑːft/ 表示「(活動等)精心設計的」,英文解釋為「(of an event or course of action) planned very carefully」舉個🌰:

The campaigns are very choreographed, and they have a message that they want to get out that day.



sympathizer /ˈsɪm.pə.θaɪ.zər/ 表示「支持者;信奉者」,英文解釋為「a person who supports a political organization or believes in a set of ideas」

cast a/your vote


All the votes in the election have now been cast and the counting has begun.

「This referendum, they’re doing it in their Russian style, just for pictures,」 said Serhiy Ivaschenko, the head of a district in the city of Kherson, the only regional capital Moscow has seized since the full-scale invasion began this year. He has been going back and forth between Kherson and Ukrainian territory, leaving the city just before the staged voting began, but remains in touch with many people who are still there. He estimated that around 30% of Kherson’s prewar population remains in the city.

在今年發動全面入侵後俄羅斯拿下的唯一一個州首府赫爾松市,一個區的負責人Serhiy Ivaschenko說:「這次公投按照他們俄羅斯的方式進行,純粹是為了拍照。」他一直在赫爾松和烏克蘭政府控制地區之間來回奔波,在投票開始前離開了赫爾松市,但與許多留在那裡的人仍保持着聯繫。他估計,開戰前赫爾松人口中約有30%仍在該市。

「The Russians knock on doors,」 Mr. Ivaschenko said. 「It’s usually two women with a ballot box. And of course two soldiers with guns. But they don’t have the resources to knock on all the doors.」



ballot /ˈbælət/ 1)表示「無記名投票」,英文解釋為「Aballotis a secret vote in which people select a candidate in an election, or express their opinion about something.」舉個🌰:
The result of the ballot will not be known for two weeks.

2)表示「選票」,英文解釋為「A ballot is a piece of paper on which you indicate your choice or opinion in a secret vote.」舉個🌰:
Election boards will count the ballots by hand.

Voting in Russian-controlled parts of four regions—Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia—began on Sept. 23 and ended Tuesday afternoon, local time. As was widely expected, the official results claimed to show overwhelming support in the occupied territories for joining Russia, opening the way for Russian President Vladimir Putin to announce their annexation on Friday, when he is scheduled to address Russia’s parliament, the U.K.’s Ministry of Defense said.

俄羅斯控制的頓涅茨克、盧甘斯克、赫爾松和扎波羅熱四個地區於9月23日開始公投,在當地時間周二下午結束投票。英國國防部表示,正如人們廣泛預期的那樣,官方結果聲稱在這些占領地區,絕大多數人支持加入俄羅斯,這為俄羅斯總統普京(Vladimir Putin)在周五宣布吞併這些領土鋪平了道路,按照安排普京屆時將在俄羅斯議會發表講話。


overwhelming /ˌəʊvəˈwɛlmɪŋ/ 1)表示「難以抵擋的;無法抗拒的;強悍而令人難以應對的」,英文解釋為「difficult to fight against」舉個🌰:
She felt an overwhelming urge/desire/need to tell someone about what had happened.

2)表示「巨大的,極大的;(數量上)壓倒性的」,英文解釋為「You can use overwhelming to emphasize that an amount or quantity is much greater than other amounts or quantities.」舉個🌰:
An overwhelming majority has voted in favour of the proposal.


表示「為…安排時間;安排,排定」,英文解釋為「to arrange that an event or activity will happen at a particular time」舉個🌰:
The meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.


parliament /ˈpɑː.lɪ.mənt/ 表示「議會」,英文解釋為「in some countries, the group of (usually) elected politicians or other people who make the laws for their country」舉個🌰:
On Tuesday the country's parliament voted to establish its own army.

According to official results, 93% of voters in Russian-controlled parts of the Zaporizhzhia region checked the box in favor of joining Russia; in Luhansk, it was 91% in favor; in Kherson, it was 87% in favor. A comparable figure was expected in Donetsk.


In a similar exercise, held in Crimea after Moscow seized the peninsula from Ukraine in 2014, 97% voted in favor of joining Russia, according to official results.



peninsula /pɪˈnɪnsjʊlə/ 表示「半島」,英文解釋為「A peninsula is a long narrow piece of land that sticks out from a larger piece of land and is almost completely surrounded by water.」

The upper house of Russia’s parliament will consider formally annexing the provinces next Tuesday, according to Russian state media.


U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. would never recognize the annexation of Ukrainian territory by Moscow and that Washington would impose 「additional severe and swift costs on Russia,」 adding that Kyiv 「has the absolute right to defend itself throughout its territory, including to take back the territory that has been illegally seized one way or another by Russia.」

美國國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)表示,美國永遠不會承認俄羅斯對烏克蘭領土的吞併,美國將讓俄羅斯付出「額外的嚴重且迅速到來的代價」,他還說,烏克蘭「有絕對的權利在其所有領土上進行自衛,包括奪回被俄羅斯以這種或那種方式非法奪取的領土」。


1)表示「推行;強制實行」,英文解釋為「to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received」舉個🌰:

Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes.

📍《經濟學人》(The Economist)一篇分析拜登貿易政策的文章中提到:The other matter is what Mr Biden will do with the tariffs imposed by Mr Trump. 另一件事是拜登將如何處理特朗普實施的關稅。

2)表示「把(尤指信仰或生活方式)強加於」,英文解釋為「to force someone to accept something, especially a belief or way of living」舉個🌰:
I don't want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children.

3)表示「勉強;打擾,麻煩」,英文解釋為「to expect someone to do something for you or spend time with you when they do not want to or when it is not convenient for them」舉個🌰:
She's always imposing on people - asking favours and getting everyone to do things for her.


表示「迅速的,敏捷的,快的」,英文解釋為「Aswiftevent or process happens very quickly or without delay.」舉個🌰:

Our task is to challenge the U.N. to make a swift decision.

「Because there is no change at all in the territory that is being annexed by the Russians—as a matter for us, or for the Ukrainians—the Ukrainians will continue to do what they need to do to get back the land that has been taken from them,」 Mr. Blinken told reporters in Washington on Tuesday. 「We will continue to support them in that.」


The British defense ministry said, 「Russia’s leaders almost certainly hope that any accession announcement will be seen as a vindication of the 『special military operation』 and will consolidate patriotic support for the conflict.」



表示「辯護;證明無罪;洗冤」,英文解釋為「the fact of proving that what someone said or did was right or true, after other people thought it was wrong;the fact of proving that someone is not guilty or is free from blame, after other people have blamed them」


表示「愛國的;有愛國心的」,英文解釋為「showing love for your country and being proud of it」如:patriotic fervour/pride 愛國熱情/自豪感。


consolidate /kənˈsɒl.ɪ.deɪt/ 表示「(使)鞏固;(使)加強」,英文解釋為「to become, or cause something to become, stronger, and more certain」舉個🌰:

The success of their major product consolidated the firm's position in the market.


Russian state television has portrayed the vote as a success, showing interviews with residents of the occupied regions saying how relieved they are that they will soon be part of Russia.



1)portray表示「描繪,描述,描寫」,英文解釋為「to represent or describe someone or something in a painting, film, book, or other artistic work」舉個🌰:
The painting portrays a beautiful young woman in a blue dress.

2)表示「扮演(某角色)」,英文解釋為「to act a particular role in a film/movie or play」,舉個🌰:
Her father will be portrayed by Tom.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, 「The Russian legal system and the executive branch are ready for the possible admission of new constituent entities to Russia following the referenda in the respective territories.」

克里姆林宮發言人佩斯科夫(Dmitry Peskov)說:「在各被占領區進行公投之後,俄羅斯的法律體系和行政部門已經為可能接納新的組成實體加入俄羅斯做好了準備。」

- 今日盤點 -

at gunpoint
amount to sth
cast a/your vote









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