天氣越來越涼,讓本就起床困難的朋友們變得更加掙扎。對有些人來說,清晨總是美妙的。但為什麼對有些人來說起床總是如此困難?真的只是因為「懶惰」嗎?According to research, 90% of adolescents have difficulty waking up in the morning. Other research shows while more of us become morning people as we age, many adults struggle to wake up, too.根據研究,有90%的青少年早上起床困難。另有研究表明,儘管隨着年齡增長有些人會起得變早,但還是有很多成年人起床時掙扎萬分。「起床」這個行為對我們來說再平常不過。但為什麼一個簡單的起床行為,有時會讓我們感覺神清氣爽,有時讓我們感覺頭腦昏沉?為什麼有時就想按時起床,有時就要賴着不起?要回答這些問題,首先要弄懂起床時我們的身體會發生什麼變化。The body prepares to wake up in the hour or so before you awaken — your body temperature begins to rise,and blood pressure increases. Serotonin and cortisol flood the brain, and the neurons and activity start firing.我們的身體準備起床時,或準備起床之時,你的體溫和血壓開始升高,血清素和皮質醇充斥大腦,神經元和神經活動開始活躍。當人自然醒來時,睡眠通常在非快速眼動睡眠,即輕睡眠階段結束。這會讓你一覺醒來神清氣爽、精力充沛。但如果你是被鬧鐘吵醒的,那你可能會覺得昏沉沉的。If using an alarm, which can go off during periods of deeper sleep, you might find that you wake up feeling groggy, especially if yourbedtime and wake-up times vary day to day.而如果鬧鐘在深度睡眠階段響起,那你醒來可能會覺得昏沉沉的,特別是在作息不規律時,這種情況尤為嚴重。但是,即使是在淺睡眠時醒來,也很少有人能馬上起床就立刻準備好迎接新的一天。
每個人都會經歷從睡着到醒着的過渡階段,這一階段稱為「睡眠慣性」。對有些人來說,這一階段會持續幾分鐘;有些人則不然。除非長期睡眠不足,不然這一階段一般持續不超過30分鐘。而你能感受到多少「睡眠慣性」取決與你的生理節律和睡眠習慣。Your circadian rhythm is your internal body clock, which is tuned to a 24-hour cycle, and research suggests those clocks can have natural preferences for day or night that show up in our DNA. Some people are predisposed to early wake-ups, whereas others naturally sleep later.生理節律是你體內的生物鐘,以24小時為周期。研究表明,生物鐘對白天或夜晚有自然的偏好,這是在我們的DNA中體現出來的。有些人容易起得早,而另一些人則天生睡得晚。找到適合自己的作息規律很重要。想要起床不困難,睡得好很重要,需要我們養成良好的睡前習慣,堅持合適的作息規律。A relaxing evening helps you fall asleep. Avoid stressors like email and tough talks with family members at least an hour before bed. To get in the mood for slumber, you canstretch, take a warm shower or bath, or read a book in a low-lit room.夜晚放鬆有助於入睡。至少在睡前一小時避免郵件、與家人嚴肅的談話等會造成壓力的活動。想要進入睡眠狀態,你可以拉伸、洗個熱水澡,或者在光線較暗的房間裡看看書。Yes, alcohol makes you feel sleepy. But it makes it harder to stay asleep and can make you feel groggy in the morning, too. If you do hit the hooch, stick to one drink and have it with dinner, or at least 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.酒精的確會讓你昏昏欲睡。但它讓你更難保持睡眠狀態,還會讓你在早上感到昏昏沉沉。如果你非要喝點酒,那就小酌一小杯,晚餐時喝,或者至少在睡覺前2到3小時喝。研究表明,在早上你對新一天要面臨的壓力大小的預期,最終會影響你當天的體會。因此,有意識地、積極地對待起床可以讓你一整天都儘量保持冷靜。If you wake up some days at 6 am, others at 8 am, and still others at 11 am, you’re confusing your circadian rhythm. While some people plan to let themselves sleep as late as possible on weekends, that can actually be counterintuitive, throwing off your body clock even more.如果你有時在早上6點醒來,有時在8點醒來,有時在11點醒來,那就混亂了自己的生物鐘。雖然有些人想在周末晚睡些,但實際上,這樣做是有悖直覺的,甚至還會打亂生物鐘。Studies show that exposure to bright, white light in the morning can increase alertness. Sunlight is great, simply open your bedroom curtains.研究表明,早晨明亮的白光可以提高警覺性。陽光是很好的,拉開臥室的窗簾讓明媚的陽光照進來。Starting your day with a daily wake-up meditation can help set the stage for a successful day. By cultivating your peace of mind before jumping into your day, you can put yourself in the best position to treat yourself and others with kindness.讓清晨的冥想開始新的一天。冥想可以幫助你為順利的一天打下基礎。在新一天工作開啟之前,先培養平和的心態,這樣你就能擺正善待自己和他人的最佳位置。Jumping jacks or a brisk walk can get your blood pumping and rev up yournervous system. You'll feel more alert in the moment -- and hours later, too.開合跳或快步走可以讓促進血液循環,激活神經系統。你會在晨練的時候變得更加清醒,這一狀態可以維持幾個小時。