
Edited By: Ralf Barkemeyer, Dima Jamali, Stefan Markovic, Georges Samara

Impact factor (2021):5.056

Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2022): 77/155 (Business)5/57 (Ethics)

Online ISSN:2694-6424

© John Wiley & Sons Ltd


Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility (BEER) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to business ethics and business and society research. The journal seeks original high-quality scholarship relating to Business Ethics, the Environment, and Responsibility. The range of contributions reflects the variety and scope of ethical, sustainability, and responsibility issues faced by business organizations worldwide. Of note, the journal seeks under-represented views and voices across the globe, with particular emphasis on high-quality scholarship contextualized in developing countries. BEER employs a comprehensive view of scholarship, drawing on a variety of methodologies and disciplinary perspectives, to advance knowledge, discourse and practice in relation to Business Ethics and Business-Society relations in the broadest sense. Recent Special Issues have covered themes such as 「Grand challenges in developing countries: Context, relationships, and logics」 (2021, Volume 30, Issue S1), 「Practicing Management Wisely」 (2020, Volume 29, Issue S1), 「Gender and Governance in Developing Economies」 (2018, Volume 27, Issue 4) and 「Capturing Advances in CSR: Developed Versus Developing Country Perspectives」 (2017, Volume 26, Issue 4).


Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility (BEER) 開放2023年的特刊 (Special Issue) 徵集,提案提交截止日期為2022年10月31日。如果您有興趣擔任客座編輯,長按下方二維碼,用一分鐘填寫表單。Wiley特刊編輯團隊期待與您交流!



SI proposals should include the following information in a Word Document:

Contact information, including full affiliations, phone, e-mail, and professional addresses of all Guest Editors.

Background information for all Guest Editors related to the proposed theme and previous editorial experience with BEER and/or other journals or publications.

750-1000 word overview of the proposed theme with description of 1) significant work in the field; 2) current gaps in our understanding of the theme; and 3) the theme’s relevance to business ethics, the environment and social responsibility in distinctive, evocative, and unique ways—conceptually, empirically, and/or methodologically.

Strategy for advertising the Call for Papers beyond the publication on BEER’s and Wiley’s homepages. This includes, but is not limited to social media, conferences, and individual networks.

A well-considered timeline from acceptance of the Special Issue proposal including initial submission deadline, revise & resubmit processing, and final papers completion.

A list or description of indicative scholars who might submit to the Special Issue.

A list of proposed ad hoc editorial board members/reviewers (including email addresses or affiliations).

A draft of the Call for Papers.

Special issue proposals can be submitted via Word by 31 October 2022.


Criteria for Evaluating SI Proposals

How the proposal aligns with BEER’s Aims & Scope

Relevance and innovative character of the proposed topic

Past work and track record of SI guest editors

Potential of the topic in relation to the influence in the field and research agenda

Potential impact and visibility of the Special Issue

Ability to attract strong submissions through networks, associations, and learned societies

Association with a conference is a plus

如您有任何特刊議題準備的問題歡迎聯繫期刊內容發展編輯 Celine Wang(。學術討論問題請聯繫特刊學術編輯Dr. Ralf Barkemeyer (


我們認為影響因子並不是衡量一本期刊成功與否的唯一標準,我們正在改進衡量和提升 Wiley 期刊影響力和作者科研成果影響力的方式。在未來,我們將採用更廣泛的基於期刊和基於文章的評價指標,以提供更豐富的形式來展示期刊表現。



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