
The Wellington College China Festival of Education is almost here. Once again, they are bringing together educators, parents and general enthusiasts to share insights on the latest developments in the field of education.

The Festival kicks off on Saturday 16 April at their Tianjin campus and continues at their Hangzhou campus on Sunday, April 17. It finally wraps up in Shanghai on Saturday, April 23.

Building on the massive success of last year, this online component will provide a forum for those unable to attend in person, and will expand the Festival's reach to a more global audience.

They have an exciting roster of speakers from the UK and abroad who will be dialing in to present to and talk with participants. They range from art therapists to authors, from a fighter pilot to even a rugby star.

This year's theme is Excellence in Education. Speakers will be sharing their ideas through five strands:

Exploring Education in China

Technology and Education

Transition Points in Education

'The Future is in Our Hands'

Wellbeing and Mental Health

Today, we are excited to share their schedule of virtual speakers and events for their Shanghai campus:

Virtual Festival of Education

Monday to Friday,April18–22,2022

Virtual events areopen to all and admission is free

Scan the QR code to register for

the Virtual Festival of Education

Live Festival of Education

Live events are an opportunity to engage with passionate education professionals in person. Seating is therefore limited.

Saturday,April 16 – Tianjin

Sunday,April 17 – Hangzhou

Saturday, April 23 – Shanghai

Scan the QR code to buy the tickets forthe LiveFestival

To learn all about the speakers and what they will be sharing, scan the code below for the 2022 Festival of Education. Wellington looks forward to seeing you in April.

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