
對少數人來說 ,喝酒有益健康

酒精對心臟有益的說法,只在某 些擁有正確基因的人身上成立。



研究人員分析了 600 名瑞典的心臟病男女性患者,並與約 3000 名健康受試者做了比較。他們詢問受試者的飲酒習慣,測量了血液膽固醇,並且對每位受試者體內調控膽固醇轉運到肝臟的基因進行了測序。

結果發現適度飲酒,即一天幾杯,可以整體上將心臟病風險降低 20%。但是,擁有特定膽固醇轉運基因變體的受試者是否受益更多呢?他們的心臟病風險降低了 80%。而該基因變體本身並沒有保護作用,只在飲酒後才有用。研究結果發表在《酒精》(Alcohol)期刊上。

遺憾的是,我們中只有約 15% 的人擁有這一變體。這項研究的作者,來自瑞典哥德堡大學(University of Gothenburg)達格·塞爾(Dag Thelle)表示,過去那些在統計學上發現適量飲酒對心臟有微小益處的研究,或許正是基於包含了少數這些幸運兒的大樣本人群,畢竟他們身上表現出來顯著的益處。但是,絕大多數飲酒者根本沒有得到任何好處。


Select Few Can Truly

Drink to Their Health

Alcohol's supposed benefit to the heart may only be available to people with the right genes. Christopher Intagliata reports

If you like to wind down with a drink, you've perhaps also rationalized the act with this often repeated claim: <<News Anchor: "You don't have to feel guilty about imbibing a little red or white: in small amounts it is good for your heart.">> But a new study finds that alcohol's supposed benefit may in fact only be available to certain people—who happen to have the right genes.

Researchers studied 600 Swedish men and women with heart disease, and compared them to some 3,000 healthy volunteers. They asked the subjects about their drinking, measured their blood cholesterol, and sequenced each subject's version of a gene that governs the transport of cholesterol to the liver.

Turns out, moderate drinking—a couple of drinks a day—appeared to lower heart disease risk overall by 20 percent. But subjects who had a specific variant of that cholesterol transport gene, and tipped back a few? They had an 80 percent reduction in heart disease risk. And the gene variant isn't protective by itself; only when combined with booze. The results appear in the journal Alcohol. [Kirsten Mehlig et al: CETP TaqIB genotype modifies the association between alcohol and coronary heart disease: The INTERGENE case-control study]

Unfortunately, only about 15 percent of us have this variant. Study author Dag Thelle, of the University of Gothenburg, says that past studies which found what looks statistically like a slight heart benefit of moderate drinking in large populations, could actually just be detecting this huge alcohol benefit, in the small, lucky gene group. While the vast majority of drinkers get no benefit at all.

So any message here for drinkers? <<"In my view there is not. Not at this time. It's far too early to say anything.">> The study's too small, he says, and has to be repeated. However, <<"Most of my friends they claim they drink moderately. But when I look at them I see there's quite a large variation.">> Before you order that next round, you might wanna take that idea to heart...[full transcript]


Mehlig, K., Strandhagen, E., Svensson, P.A., Rosengren, A., Torén, K., Thelle, D.S. and Lissner, L., 2014. CETP TaqIB genotype modifies the association between alcohol and coronary heart disease: the INTERGENE case-control study. Alcohol, 48(7), pp.695-700.




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