
Edited By: Prof Tatiana Fumasoli & Dr Christine Teelken

Online ISSN:1468-2273

CiteScore (2021): 3.5

CiteScore (2021): Social Science (Education) - 281/1406

Special Edition

Special Issue on Great Bay Area

Higher education is a significant part of regional development and plays a key role in promoting economy and society. The central government of China expects its research universities to drive the national initiative known as the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA). Specifically, the universities are to provide the scientific talent and technical expertise for the GBA to become the next world center of innovation in science and technology. This special issue title is Renovating of Higher Education in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. This issue will identify the accomplishments, challenges, obstacles, and possibilities for research universities in the GBA. In the process, it will address a number of questions about the major characteristics of universities across the GBA, their diversity in finance, governance, curriculum, academic staff, research output, knowledge exchange, and cooperation, both domestic and international. It will consider the most influential stakeholders and how they steer higher education in the GBA. The guest editors invite researchers in the field of comparative and international higher education to address the key issues with groundbreaking insights grounded in data analyzes from diverse perspectives. This special issue adds a unique case to the field of comparative and international higher education – one that brings together universities in two systems of China under a policy initiative that aim to raise the GBA to a world leading status in science and technology while retaining the essential dynamism that sets the university apart from all other social institutions.

All papers will be double reviews. The journal favors empirical studies, and comparative case studies that draw on data from different institutions. The issue will give priority to papers that are of interest to an international scholars in the field.

Guest Editors

Xu Liu, Assistant Professor, Center for Higher Education Research, Southern University of Science and Technology

Gerard A. Postiglione, Emeritus Professor and Honorary Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong

Submission Instruction

Please write a proposal of 1000 words to by 15th November 2022. We will reply to your abstract by 30th November 2022.

When you submit your full manuscript, please select the response 「Special Issue on Greater Bay Area」 to indicate the guest editor in a timely manner

More Instructions could be found at

Special Issue Timeline

Abstract Deadline: 15th November 2022

Workshop to discuss the manuscript: February 2023

Submission Deadline of the first draft: March 2023

Submission Deadline of the revised manuscripts: November 2023

Acceptance Deadline: March 2024

The Expected Publication date: June 2024

About the Journal





Higher education studies, policy, organisation, leadership, management, academic profession and careers


高等教育研究協會(The Society for Research into Higher Education)成立於1965年,旨在促進高等教育各個方面的研究。協會希望就討論高等教育政策、組織、管理、課程、與教學方法等議題以促進相應學科的發展。

我們認為影響因子並不是衡量一本期刊成功與否的唯一標準,我們正在改進衡量和提升 Wiley 期刊影響力和作者科研成果影響力的方式。在未來,我們將採用更廣泛的基於期刊和基於文章的評價指標,以提供更豐富的形式來展示期刊表現。



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