
英國皇家化學會老牌期刊ChemComm將於 2022 年10月26日(北京時間 22:00;英國當地時間 15:00)舉行免費的線上研討會,由ChemComm執行編輯Richard Kelly 博士主持,邀請ChemComm新銳科學家專輯作者、馬薩諸塞大學尤明旭教授以及ChemComm顧問委員會成員、杜克大學Amanda Hargrove 教授講述最新科研進展。



ChemComm 研討會

10 月 26 日 22:00




報告題目:Imaging cell membrane dynamics and mechanical landscapes with DNA probes

2008 年本科畢業於北京大學化學與分子工程學院,2012 年獲得佛羅里達大學博士學位(導師:譚蔚泓教授),2013 年為佛羅里達大學和密歇根州立大學聯合項目博士後,2014 年在康奈爾大學從事博士後研究。2016 年加入馬薩諸塞大學阿默斯特分校,任助理教授,主要開展基於 DNA/RNA 的納米器件和探針分子的設計合成及其在生物傳感和生物醫學方面的應用研究。

Dr. Mingxu You is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He received his B.S. in Chemistry from Peking University in 2008, and his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Florida in 2012. During his graduate studywith Prof. Weihong Tan, Dr. You developed several DNA-based nanodevices for cancer diagnosis and cell membrane analysis. Dr. You further pursued his postdoctoral researchwith Prof. Samie R. Jaffrey atWeill Cornell Medicine, interested in developing RNA-based fluorescent sensors for cellular imaging. Dr. Youstarted his independent careerat UMass Amherstin 2016.His laboratory is now applying nature’s building blocks, DNA/RNA, to develop next-generation platforms for disease diagnostics and therapy.Dr. You has been recognized in several awards, including the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, NIH MIRA, NSF CAREER, and ACS Burlew Award.In addition, he has been recognized as an Emerging Investigator in journals includingAnalytical Methods,Supramolecular Chemistry,Frontiers in Chemistry,Materials Chemistry Frontiers,Nanoscale,andChemComm.


Amanda Hargrove教授


報告題目:Modulating the conformation and function of disease-relevant RNA with small molecules
Amanda E. Hargrove is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Duke University. Prof. Hargrove earned her Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Texas at Austin followed by an NIH postdoctoral fellowship at Caltech. Prof. Hargrove’s laboratory at Duke focuses on developing small molecule probes to investigate the structure and function of RNA molecules relevant to human disease. The lab works to understand the fundamental drivers of selective small molecule:RNA recognition and to use this knowledge to functionally modulate viral and oncogenic RNA structures. Congruent with the interdisciplinary nature of this program, Prof. Hargrove holds a secondary appointment in the Biochemistry Department and membership in the Duke Cancer Institute, the Pharmaceutical Sciences Training Program, and the Center for Biological and Tissue Engineering. Recent honors include the Sloan Research Fellowship, American Chemical Society Women Chemists Committee Rising Star Award, Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize in Supramolecular Chemistry,ChemCommEmerging Investigator Lectureship,RSC Medicinal ChemistryEmerging Investigator Lectureship, and the NSF CAREER Award. Prof. Hargrove serves as Editor-in-Chief ofMedicinal Research Reviewsand is a member of theChemComm,Current Protocols, andSupramolecular Chemistryeditorial advisory boards.


Urgent communications of outstanding significance from across the chemical sciences

Chem. Commun.
2-年影響因子*6.065分5-年影響因子*5.976分最高 JCR 分區*Q2 化學-綜合CiteScore 分†10.2分中位一審周期‡23天

ChemComm (Chemical Communications) 報道來自世界各地的化學研究新進展,涵蓋化學中的各個領域,包括但不限於分析化學、生物材料化學、生物有機/藥物化學、催化、化學生物學、配位化學、晶體工程、能源、可持續化學、綠色化學、無機化學、無機材料、主族化學、納米科學、有機化學、有機材料、金屬有機、物理化學、超分子化學、合成方法學、理論和計算化學等。作為英國皇家化學會論文總被引次數最高的老牌期刊,ChemComm 擁有悠久的歷史,對論文質量、期刊口碑以及審稿的公平性有着長期的堅持。作為一本發表通訊為主的期刊,ChemComm 從投稿到發表的速度一直是業內領先。


Douglas Stephan🇨🇦 多倫多大學

Associate editors

Lutz Ackermann🇩🇪 哥廷根大學

Davide Bonifazi🇦🇹 維也納大學

Penny Brothers🇦🇺 澳大利亞國立大學

Rachel Caruso🇦🇺 皇家墨爾本理工大學

Fengtao Fan (范峰滔)🇨🇳 中科院大連化學物理研究所

Itaru Hamachi🇯🇵 京都大學

Michaele Hardie🇬🇧 利茲大學

Kim Jelfs🇬🇧 倫敦帝國理工學院

Chao-Jun Li (李朝軍)🇨🇦 麥吉爾大學

Connie Lu🇺🇸 明尼蘇達大學

Marinella Mazzanti🇨🇭 洛桑聯邦理工學院

Amy Prieto🇺🇸 科羅拉多州立大學

S Ramakrishnan🇮🇳 科學研究所

Yang Tian (田陽)🇨🇳 華東師範大學

Sandeep Verma🇮🇳 坎普爾理工學院

* 2021 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2022)†CiteScore 2021 by Elsevier‡中位數,僅統計進入同行評審階段的稿件


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