

YvonneSays, the short video series fromThat’sandUrban Family,represents a wide range of both Chinese and foreign parents who are looking for the most appropriate education system for their kids. By following us, you will be able to watch a series of conversations between industry leaders and Yvonne, with the aim of bringing practical advice to parents who are eager to learn about international and bilingual education.

意婉說,That’s及Urban Family最新發布的短視頻平台,以多元的角度探究國內外教育體制和本地多元教育問題。我們期望受眾能通過關注平台,更為直接能觀看到Yvonne對話教育行業內大咖、大神及專業人員,從中了解更為符合各自家庭條件的國際教育及雙語教育資訊……

「Teaching resources and prioritization of time. I've talked about time and breadth, what you're offering. So in terms of time, we have a high priority on language, the frequency of language, particularly in English, because at our school, that’s the language of instruction. If you're learning another language, first languageor divisional language, then you might want small regular sessions with a native-speaking teacher. And then you want the equivalent in math and then the equivalent in the topic areas of STEAM. So science and technology, history, geography, math, art and those things, we divide them up as a percentage for each part of the week and know exactly how much of a percentage the children in each year group are getting of each thing. Now that changes, of course, according to age. We have a higher focus on language at a younger age and then we becomeabroader more subject-based curriculum later on.


「It's a bit early in terms of allocation of teaching resources. Of course, they need the right spaces and the correct IT equipment or art equipment, those type of things, but what I really need is skilled experienced teachers to deliver that. That's absolutely critical. Without that, it doesn't really matter what else you do. In this room, it's a very large room, they can do cooking, they can do their technology, they can come in for their reading, all in a homely tight space, which, you know, gives them a sense of ownership and belonging. And that's really important for the youngest children, for the two-year-olds, three-year-olds or four-year-olds. So it's a specially designed space and facility that continues for whatever age or whatever education. You know, you must have the appropriate spaces and equipment for those skilled teachers to be able to deliver the very best thinking in terms of education.」


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