Want to reach thousands of followers with posts promoting your lockdown delivery service?
That’s Shanghaiislining up a number of online delivery roundups on our WeChat, website and across our social media platforms.
There is also the option of standalone posts tailor-made to promote all that is best about your delivery service.
We'recurrently offering exclusive packages, with content compiled by our experienced editorial team.
We will be running regular online deliverylisticles on WeChat, our website and across our social media platforms,reaching thousands and thousands of people and families across Shanghai.
Exclusive Article
You can also advertise your delivery service with banner ads in Top WeChat Posts on the officialThat’s Shanghaiaccount, once again reaching thousands and thousands of people and families across Shanghai.
For enquires on any of the above, contact us by email on billyxian@thatsmags.com and by WeChat through the ID: billyjunior317 or by scanning the QR code below:
▼For morenews, click 'Read more' (閱讀原文) below.