


- 你在哪兒讀的大學?

- 騰訊會議。


1. 怎麼表達線上教學 / 在線教學 / 遠程教學?線下教學呢?線上線下結合的模式呢?
2. double whammy是什麼意思?triple whammy呢?
3. What's the key finding of this working paper?


Virtual learning set poor children even further behind, study shows

From: The Washington Post

May 9, 2022

Students in high-poverty schools paid a far higher price for virtual learning than did their peers in low-poverty schools, leaving vulnerable students even further behind than when the pandemic started, according to a working paper published last week by the National Bureau of Economic Research. The authors focused on the costs of virtual learning and warned of dire consequences from not addressing the gaps.

「If the achievement losses become permanent,」 the study warns, 「there will be major implications for future earnings, racial equity and income inequality, especially in states where remote instruction was common.」

One crucial finding showed that the gaps were not as severe in districts that held more in-person schooling during the pandemic.

「The most important results in our study was that remote instruction had very disparate impacts in high-poverty and low- poverty schools,」 said Thomas Kane, an education and economics professor at Harvard and one of the co-authors of the paper. Kane said it’s not clear why students in high-poverty schools lost so much more ground but said it’s 「likely reflecting difference in access to broadband access at home, devices at home, study space at home.」

Students in poverty suffered a double-whammy: They stood to lose the most from virtual learning — and they, on average, spent more time learning remotely. High-poverty schools had on average 5.5 more weeks of remote instruction than mid- and low-poverty schools, the study found. Black and Latino students were also more likely to learn online.

The paper is likely to fuel the debate over whether keeping students out of classrooms last school year was prudent. Many big city districts, like those in Los Angeles and D.C., remained closed until the second half of the school year or operated in hybrid mode for most of the school year, choosing to be more cautious in the face of pandemic uncertainty.

This happened in part because of the pressure from teacher unions, which voiced reservations about returning to the classroom. But many families of color — whose communities were hardest-hit by the pandemic — also chose to keep their children home, expressing more fears about safety than White parents.

In many GOP-led states, governors forced school districts to reopen. While gaps between students in high- and low-poverty schools persist in districts that remained open for the entire 2020-2021 school year, they did not grow during the pandemic.

The nation’s public school system has long been beset by inequality, which is reflected in everything from the buildings students learn in to the number of books in the library to the level of experience of the teachers in front of the classrooms. Students of color and those in poverty tend to attend schools that have fewer resources than their affluent White peers, compounding and perpetuating other inequalities. In 2018, a study by the Education Trust, a nonprofit that focuses on school equity issues, found that Black, Latino and Native American students receive 13 percent less funding than White students.

But the pandemic has highlighted educational inequality and created a new sense of urgency to address it. A year ago, the American Rescue Plan provided $190 billion for schools, with much of the funding targeted at high-poverty schools.

「The pandemic shed a light on a situation that has existed for a very long time, which is that bright and eager Black and Latino students and students from low-income communities … who want and deserve amazing educational opportunities aren’t getting them,」 said Allison Socol of the Education Trust.

She said she hopes this paper — and the pandemic — 「will be a call to action and will light a fire under school leaders and policymakers and the public to do what has been needed for a long time.」

Both she and Kane emphasized the importance of schools directing the windfall of federal money from the American Rescue Plan to proven academic interventions, such as tutoring or extending the school year. Districts are required to spend only 20 percent of the funds to address learning loss, but they said school leaders should be allocating far more.

「I’m most concerned the catch-up plans that districts are working on are just nowhere near the magnitude to make up for these losses,」 Kane said.

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Virtual learning set poor children even further behind, study shows

From: The Washington Post

May 9, 2022

Students in high-poverty schools paid a far higher price for virtual learning than did their peers in low-poverty schools, leaving vulnerable students even further behind than when the pandemic started, according to a working paper published last week by the National Bureau of Economic Research. The authors focused on the costs of virtual learning and warned of dire consequences from not addressing the gaps.



作動詞,表示「仔細看,端詳;費力地看」,英文解釋為「to look carefully or with difficulty」舉個🌰:
When no one answered the door, she peered through the window to see if anyone was there.

作名詞,表示「同齡人;同輩;同等社會地位(或能力)的人」,英文解釋為「a person who is the same age or has the same social position or the same abilities as other people in a group」舉個🌰:
Do you think it's true that teenage girls are less self-confident than their male peers?



表示「易受傷的;易受影響(或攻擊)的;脆弱的」,英文解釋為「able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked」舉個🌰:

I felt very vulnerable, standing there without any clothes on.



bureau /ˈbjʊərəʊ/ 1)表示「(政府部門的)局,處,科」,英文解釋為「a government organization」如:the Federal Bureau of Investigation 聯邦調查局。

2)表示「(搜集或提供信息的)辦事處,辦公室,機構」,英文解釋為「an organization or a business that collects or provides information」舉個🌰:Her disappearance was reported to the police department's Missing Persons Bureau.



表示「極其嚴重的;危急的」,英文解釋為「very serious」,如:living in dire poverty 生活赤貧,dire warnings/threats 嚴重的警告/威脅,舉個🌰:

Such action may have dire consequences.


「If the achievement losses become permanent,」 the study warns, 「there will be major implications for future earnings, racial equity and income inequality, especially in states where remote instruction was common.」



1)表示「可能的影響(或作用、結果)」,英文解釋為「a possible effect or result of an action or a decision」舉個🌰:

The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside.


2)表示「含意;暗指,暗示」,英文解釋為「an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly」舉個🌰:

From what she said, the implication was that they were splitting up.



equity /ˈek.wɪ.ti/ 1)表示「(公司的)股本,股票值;股票」,英文解釋為「the value of a company, divided into many equal parts owned by the shareholders, or one of the equal parts into which the value of a company is divided」舉個🌰:

He sold his equity in the company last year.


2)表示「公平;公正」,英文解釋為「the situation in which everyone is treated fairly and equally」如:a society based on equity and social justice 建立在公平公正和社會正義基礎之上的社會。

📍private equity (PE) 私募股權;私人股本。據百度百科介紹,PE也就是私募股權投資,從投資方式角度看,是指通過私募形式對私有企業,即非上市企業進行的權益性投資,在交易實施過程中附帶考慮了將來的退出機制,即通過上市、併購或管理層回購等方式,出售持股獲利。

One crucial finding showed that the gaps were not as severe in districts that held more in-person schooling during the pandemic.


「The most important results in our study was that remote instruction had very disparate impacts in high-poverty and low- poverty schools,」 said Thomas Kane, an education and economics professor at Harvard and one of the co-authors of the paper. Kane said it’s not clear why students in high-poverty schools lost so much more ground but said it’s 「likely reflecting difference in access to broadband access at home, devices at home, study space at home.」

「我們研究中最重要的結果是,遠程教學在高貧困和低貧困學校的影響非常不同,」哈佛大學教育和經濟學教授、該研究報告的共同作者之一托馬斯·凱恩(Thomas Kane)說。凱恩說,還不清楚為什麼對高貧困學校的學生如此不利,但他說,這「可能反映了家庭寬帶接入、家庭設備和家庭學習空間的不同。」


disparate /ˈdɪs.pər.ət/ 表示「截然不同的;迥然不同的,不相干的」,英文解釋為「consisting of things or people that are very different and not related to each other」舉個🌰:

Scientists are trying to pull together disparate ideas in astronomy.


lose ground

表示「失寵;失去支持;處於不利的地位;退卻」,英文解釋為「to become less popular or to be given less support; to go into a position where you are less strong, advanced, or successful than someone else」


broadband /ˈbrɔːd.bænd/ 表示「寬帶」,英文解釋為「a system that makes it possible for many messages or large amounts of information to be sent at the same time and very quickly between computers or other electronic devices」舉個🌰:

Internet connection via broadband offers many advantages.


Students in poverty suffered a double-whammy: They stood to lose the most from virtual learning — and they, on average, spent more time learning remotely. High-poverty schools had on average 5.5 more weeks of remote instruction than mid- and low-poverty schools, the study found. Black and Latino students were also more likely to learn online.



whammy /ˈwæmɪ/本義表示「晦氣,霉運;具有負面影響地大情;劇烈地打擊」,英文解釋為「a magical spell or power that causes someone to have a difficult or unpleasant time」舉個🌰:

He put the whammy on me.


📍此處的double whammy可以理解為「禍不單行;雙重災難,雙重打擊」,英文解釋為「a situation when two unpleasant things happen at almost the same time」舉個🌰:

Farmers have faced the double whammy of a rising dollar and falling agricultural prices.


📍類似的,triple whammy可以理解為「三重打擊」(A threefold blow or setback)。


Latino /ˌlætˈiː.nəʊ/ 表示「(生活在美國的)拉丁美洲人,拉丁美洲後裔」,英文解釋為「a person who lives in the US and who comes from, or whose family comes from, Latin America」

The paper is likely to fuel the debate over whether keeping students out of classrooms last school year was prudent. Many big city districts, like those in Los Angeles and D.C., remained closed until the second half of the school year or operated in hybrid mode for most of the school year, choosing to be more cautious in the face of pandemic uncertainty.



表示「加劇;增加;加強;刺激;激起」,英文解釋為「To fuel a situation means to make it become worse or more intense.」如:to fuel speculation/rumours/fears 引起猜測/謠傳/恐懼,舉個🌰:

The result will inevitably fuel speculation about his future.



prudent /ˈpruː.dənt/ 表示「謹慎的,慎重的;精明的」,英文解釋為「careful and avoiding risks」舉個🌰:

It's always prudent to read a contract carefully before signing it.



表示「(兩種完全不同的東西的)混合」,英文解釋為「something that is a mixture of two very different things」舉個🌰:

His work is an interesting hybrid of popular and classical music.


This happened in part because of the pressure from teacher unions, which voiced reservations about returning to the classroom. But many families of color — whose communities were hardest-hit by the pandemic — also chose to keep their children home, expressing more fears about safety than White parents.



表示「表示,表達,吐露(感情或意見)」,英文解釋為「to tell people your feelings or opinions about sth」舉個🌰:

A number of parents havevoiced concernabout their children's safety.



reservation /ˌrez.əˈveɪ.ʃən/ 1)表示「存疑;保留意見;異議」,英文解釋為「a doubt or feeling of not being able to agree with or accept something completely」舉個🌰:

Workers and employees shared deep reservations about the wisdom of the plan.


2)表示「預訂;預約」,英文解釋為「an arrangement in which something such as a seat on an aircraft or a table at a restaurant is kept for you」

3)表示「野生動物保護區;自然保護區;禁獵區」,英文解釋為「an area of land in which wild animals are protected」舉個🌰:

He's the chief warden of a big-game reservation.


... of color

person of colour / people of colour / POC 表示「非白色人種,有色人種」,英文解釋為「used to refer to a person who is/people who are not racially white」

In many GOP-led states, governors forced school districts to reopen. While gaps between students in high- and low-poverty schools persist in districts that remained open for the entire 2020-2021 school year, they did not grow during the pandemic.



GOP, 老大黨,指美國共和黨,the Grand Old Party的縮寫。共和黨(Republican Party)與民主黨(Democratic Party)並列為美國當代的兩大主要政黨。


1) 表示「繼續存在(發生)」,英文解釋為「If something bad persists, it continues to exist or happen」舉個🌰:
If the pain persists, you must see a doctor.

2) 表示「堅持;執意」,英文解釋為「to continue to do something, although this is difficult, or other people oppose it」舉個🌰:
『I don't think it's right,』 He persisted.

The nation’s public school system has long been beset by inequality, which is reflected in everything from the buildings students learn in to the number of books in the library to the level of experience of the teachers in front of the classrooms. Students of color and those in poverty tend to attend schools that have fewer resources than their affluent White peers, compounding and perpetuating other inequalities. In 2018, a study by the Education Trust, a nonprofit that focuses on school equity issues, found that Black, Latino and Native American students receive 13 percent less funding than White students.

美國公立學校系統長期以來一直受到不平等的困擾,這反映在從學生學習的教學樓到圖書館的書籍數量,再到教室前教師的經驗水平等方方面面。有色人種和貧困學生往往在資源比富裕白人同齡人少的學校上學,持續加劇了其他不平等現象。2018年,專注於學校公平問題的非營利組織教育信託基金(Education Trust)的一項研究發現,黑人、拉丁裔和美洲土著學生獲得的資助比白人學生少13%。


beset /bɪˈset/ 表示「困擾的;充滿…困難的」,英文解釋為「having a lot of trouble with something, or having to deal with a lot of something that causes problems」舉個🌰:

With the amount of traffic nowadays, even a trip across town is beset by/with dangers.



表示「富裕的;富足的」,英文解釋為「having a lot of money or owning a lot of things」如:affluent nations 富有國家。


compound /ˈkɒm.paʊnd/ 作名詞,1)表示「化合物,複合物,混合物」,英文解釋為「a chemical that combines two or more elements」舉個🌰:
Salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.

2)表示「(圍起來的)場地,樓群,院落」,英文解釋為「an area surrounded by fences or walls that contains a group of buildings」舉個🌰:

They marched into the compound.


作動詞,表示「使加重,使加劇,使惡化」,英文解釋為「to make a problem or difficult situation worse」舉個🌰:

Her terror was compounded by the feeling that she was being watched.


🎬電影《盜夢空間》(Inception)中的台詞提到:And when you enter a dream within that dream, the effect is compounded. 當你進入夢中夢,效果會更強。


perpetuate /pəˈpɛtjʊˌeɪt/ 表示「使永久化;使持久化;使持續」,英文解釋為「to make sth such as a bad situation, a belief, etc. continue for a long time」如:to perpetuate injustice 持續造成不公正。

📺美劇《我為喜劇狂》(30 Rock)第二季中的台詞提到文中的兩個詞,perpetuate和stereotype:I don't want to perpetuate any black stereotypes. 字面意思:我不想加深任何黑人的成見;字幕組處理為:我不想聽這些陳詞濫調。

⚠️區分:perpetrate /ˈpɜːpətreɪt/ 表示「犯(罪);做(錯事);干(壞事)」(to commit a crime or do sth wrong or evil),如:to perpetrate a crime/fraud 犯罪/行騙。

📍 perpetrator /ˈpɜːpətreɪtə(r)/表人,指的是「作惡者;犯罪者」,英文解釋為「someone who does something morally wrong or illegal」。

📺美劇《疑犯追蹤》(Person of Interest)的片頭經典台詞就有一句:But victim or perpetrator, if your number is up, we'll find you.(但無論是受害人還是行兇者,只要你的號碼被列出來,我們就會找到你。)

But the pandemic has highlighted educational inequality and created a new sense of urgency to address it. A year ago, the American Rescue Plan provided $190 billion for schools, with much of the funding targeted at high-poverty schools.



表示「使引起注意,強調」,英文解釋為「to attract attention to or emphasize something important」舉個🌰:

The report highlights the need for improved safety.


「The pandemic shed a light on a situation that has existed for a very long time, which is that bright and eager Black and Latino students and students from low-income communities … who want and deserve amazing educational opportunities aren’t getting them,」 said Allison Socol of the Education Trust.

「這場疫情揭示了一種存在已久的情況,那就是聰明而熱切的黑人和拉丁裔學生以及來自低收入社區的學生…他們想要並值得獲得良好的教育機會,卻沒有得到這些機會,」教育信託基金的艾莉森·索科爾(Allison Socol)說。

shed light on

cast/shed/throw light on sth 表示「使(問題等)較容易理解;為…提供解釋;使…較容易理解;闡明;使…清楚地顯出」,英文解釋為「to make a problem, etc. easier to understand」舉個🌰:

As an economist, he was able to shed some light on the problem.


She said she hopes this paper — and the pandemic — 「will be a call to action and will light a fire under school leaders and policymakers and the public to do what has been needed for a long time.」


light a fire under sb

表示「使(某人)加快,加強(尤指在過去行動遲緩的情況下)」,英文解釋為「to make someone act quickly or forcefully, especially someone who has not been doing enough before」舉個🌰:

The coach tried to light a fire under the team in his halftime speech.


Both she and Kane emphasized the importance of schools directing the windfall of federal money from the American Rescue Plan to proven academic interventions, such as tutoring or extending the school year. Districts are required to spend only 20 percent of the funds to address learning loss, but they said school leaders should be allocating far more.



表示「意外之財;意外獲得的東西」,英文解釋為「an amount of money that you win or receive from someone unexpectedly」舉個🌰:

This has created a windfall on Wall Street.



表示「干涉,介入;(由家庭成員、朋友或醫護人員共同開會勸導有酗酒或毒癮問題者接受現實並開始治療的)干預活動」,英文解釋為「Intervention is the act of intervening in a situation. A meeting at which someone with a drug or alcohol problem is asked by family members, friends, or health workers to accept the fact that they have a problem and is encouraged to get treatment」

learning loss

Broadly speaking, learning loss describes the loss of knowledge and skills that students experience when they’re not in school. It’s the idea that learning decays over time if students don’t engage with it regularly.

📍疫情發生以後,學校關閉、學時縮減加上低效的遠程線上課程而引發的、值得關注的一個話題:「學習損失」(Learning Loss)。

「I’m most concerned the catch-up plans that districts are working on are just nowhere near the magnitude to make up for these losses,」 Kane said.


nowhere near

nowhere near 表示「(距離、時間、數量或質量)遠遠沒有,遠非」,英文解釋為「not close in distance, time, amount, or quality」舉個🌰:

The house was nowhere near the beach.



magnitude /ˈmæɡ.nɪ.tʃuːd/ 1)表示「(尺寸、規模、重要性等)大的程度;巨大;重大,重要性」,英文解釋為「the large size or importance of something」舉個🌰:

They don't seem to grasp the magnitude of the problem.


2)表示「震級」(the size of an earthquake)。

- 今日盤點 -

lose ground
... of color
shed light on
light a fire under sb
learning loss
nowhere near









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