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1. 企業價值分解
企業市場價值的經濟決定因素是什麼?我們藉助具有類固定勞動力和三種異質資本投入的廣義新古典投資模型來回答這個問題。使用美國公司層面的數據估計結構模型後,本文發現,根據行業區分,平均而言,現有勞動力占公司市場價值的 14-21%,實物資本占30-40%,知識資本占比20-43%,品牌資本占比6-25%。我們的研究為理解勞動力和無形資本投入對公司價值的重要性提供了直接的經驗證據。
What are the economic determinants of a firm’s market value? We answer this question through the lens of a generalized neoclassical model of investment with quasi-fixed labor and three heterogeneous capital inputs. We estimate the structural model using firm-level data on US firms and find that, on average and depending on the industry, installed labor force accounts for 14–21% of firms』 market value, physical capital accounts for 30–40%, knowledge capital accounts for 20–43%, and brand capital accounts for 6–25%. Our analysis provides direct empirical evidence for the importance of labor and intangible capital inputs for understanding firm value.
Frederico Belo, Vito D. Gala, Juliana Salomao, Maria Ana Vitorino, Decomposing firm value, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 143, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 619-639.
2. 管理信念的微觀與宏觀視角研究
本文研究了管理信念中的偏見如何影響管理決策、公司績效和宏觀經濟。藉助一項對美國經理人的新調查數據,我們發現了三個事實:(1) 經理們並不會過分樂觀:平均銷售增長的預測不會超過實際情況;(2) 管理人員往往過於精確:他們低估了未來銷售增長的波動性;(3) 管理者過度推斷:他們的預測在市場出現正面衝擊後過於樂觀,而在負面衝擊後過於悲觀。為了量化偏見的影響,本文估計了一個動態一般均衡模型。其中,異質性企業的管理者通過主觀信念做出前瞻性的招聘決策。過度精確和過度推斷導致管理者對公司層面的衝擊反應過度,在調整成本上花費過多,破壞了往常公司價值的2.1%至6.8%。普遍的過度反應導致了過度波動與再分配,使消費者福利相對於理性預期均衡狀態降低了0.5%至 2.3%。上述發現表明,過度反應會放大資產價格和商業周期的波動。
This paper studies how biases in managerial beliefs affect managerial decisions, firm performance, and the macroeconomy. Using a new survey of US managers I establish three facts. (1) Managers are not overoptimistic: sales growth forecasts on average do not exceed realizations. (2) Managers are overprecise: they underestimate future sales growth volatility. (3) Managers overextrapolate: their forecasts are too optimistic after positive shocks and too pessimistic after negative shocks. To quantify the implications, I estimate a dynamic general equilibrium model in which managers of heterogeneous firms use a subjective beliefs process to make forward-looking hiring decisions. Overprecision and overextrapolation lead managers to overreact to firm-level shocks and overspend on adjustment costs, destroying 2.1% to 6.8% of the typical firm’s value. Pervasive overreaction leads to excess volatility and reallocation, lowering consumer welfare by 0.5% to 2.3% relative to the rational-expectations equilibrium. These findings suggest overreaction could amplify asset-price and business-cycle fluctuations.
Cite: Jose Maria Barrero, The micro and macro of managerial beliefs, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 143, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 640-667.
3. 氣候政策的實際影響:金融約束和溢出效應
We document that localized policies aimed at mitigating climate risk can have unintended consequences due to regulatory arbitrage by firms. Using a difference-in-differences framework to study the impact of the California cap-and-trade program with U.S. plant-level data, we show that financially constrained firms shift emissions and output from California to other states where they have similar plants that are underutilized. By contrast, unconstrained firms do not make such adjustments. Overall, unconstrained firms do not reduce their total emissions, whereas constrained firms increase their total emissions after the cap-and-trade rule, undermining the effectiveness of the policy.
Cite: Söhnke M. Bartram, Kewei Hou, Sehoon Kim, Real effects of climate policy: Financial constraints and spillovers, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 143, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 668-696.
4. 匯率中的缺失風險溢價
We use a present-value model of the real exchange rate to impose structure on the currency risk premium. We allow the currency risk premium to depend on both the interest rate differential and a latent component: the missing risk premium. Consistent with the data, our present-value model implies that the real exchange rate should predict currency returns. We find that the missing risk premium, not the interest rate differential, explains most of the variation in the real exchange rate. Moreover, our model sheds light on puzzling relations between the interest rate differential, the real exchange rate, and the currency risk premium.
Cite: Magnus Dahlquist, Julien Pénasse, The missing risk premium in exchange rates, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 143, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 697-715.
5. 馴服偏差動物園
The success of behavioral economics has led to a new challenge: many biases offer observationally similar predictions for a targeted financial anomaly. To tame this bias zoo, we combine subjective survey responses with observational data to propose a new approach, one that is robust to question-specific biases introduced through surveys. We illustrate this approach by administering a nationwide survey of Chinese retail investors to elicit their trading motives. In cross-sectional regressions of respondents』 actual turnover on survey-based trading motives, perceived information advantage and gambling preference dominate other motives, though they are not the most prevalent biases based on survey responses.
Cite: Hongqi Liu, Cameron Peng, Wei A. Xiong, Wei Xiong, Taming the bias zoo, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 143, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 716-741.
6. 全球市場上存在主場優勢嗎?
International equity mutual funds increasingly hire managers from countries linked to their geographic mandate. We show these funds with 「home-linked managers」 exhibit a strong bias to invest in stocks of the managers' home countries and attract more flows. Portfolios of stocks from countries in which a fund has a home-field advantage outperform those managed by funds without home-linked managers. We are unable to identify specific sources of an information advantage associated with the home-linked manager's performance. But an analysis of fund flows reveals a role of investor trust in home-linked managers earned primarily through past superior performance.
Cite: Murali Jagannathan, Wei Jiao, G. Andrew Karolyi, Is there a home field advantage in global markets?, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 143, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 742-770.
7. 學生貸款信貸擴張的後果:來自三十年違約周期的證據
This paper studies the link between credit availability and student loan repayment using administrative federal student loan data. We demonstrate that policy-driven changes in credit available to high-default institutions explain almost all of the historical time-series variation in defaults. Between 1981 and 1988, eligibility for federal loans was expanded, leading to the entry of institutions with borrowers more likely to default. From 1988 to 1992, credit access was tightened, leading to the exit of many institutions with high default rates. After 1992, the cycle was repeated, with credit access gradually loosened by unwinding many of the pre-1992 reforms.
Cite: Adam Looney, Constantine Yannelis, The consequences of student loan credit expansions: Evidence from three decades of default cycles, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 143, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 771-793.
8. 走在快車道上:信息獲取成本與信息生產
Using the introduction of high-speed rail (HSR) as an exogenous shock to costs of information acquisition, we show reductions in information-acquisition costs lead to (i) a significant increase in information production, evidenced by a higher frequency of analysts visiting portfolio firms and (ii) improvement in output quality, manifested in higher forecast accuracy and better recommendations. The effect is more pronounced for firms with information that is difficult to produce. Importantly, more information production is also associated with improved price efficiency. We corroborate these findings using a large-scale survey of financial analysts. Finally, both the empirical and survey results highlight the importance of soft information in analysts』 unique-information production.
Cite: Deqiu Chen, Yujing Ma, Xiumin Martin, Roni Michaely, On the fast track: Information acquisition costs and information production, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 143, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 794-823.
9. 繁忙的破產法庭和信貸成本
This paper estimates the effect of bankruptcy court caseload on access to credit by exploiting firms』 plausibly exogenous exposure to the largest recorded drop in court backlog in the United States following the 2005 consumer bankruptcy reform. I show that a drop in court congestion reduces the time firms spend in bankruptcy and increases recovery values, which is priced into credit spreads and loan maturities. Consistent with a shock to credit supply, less congested courts increase firm leverage but leave default risk unchanged. A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that backlog in bankruptcy courts costs corporate borrowers at least $740 million per year in interest payments.
Cite: Karsten Müller, Busy bankruptcy courts and the cost of credit, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 143, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 824-845.
10. 注意力誘因與投資者風險承擔
本文使用了一個大樣本數據,來研究個人注意力誘因會如何影響金融風險承擔的問題。該數據庫記錄了一項經紀服務的交易過程,即向散戶投資者發送標準化股票推送消息。通過利用雙重差分(DID)模型,我們發現,注意力的誘因會增加投資者的冒險行為。我們的 DID係數意味着受關注的交易的槓桿率比未受關注的交易槓桿率平均高出19個百分點。本文還提供了一系列橫截面數據分析,以識別受這種影響更強的投資者和股票。
This paper investigates how individual attention triggers influence financial risk-taking based on a large sample of trading records from a brokerage service that sends standardized push messages on stocks to retail investors. By exploiting the data in a difference-in-differences (DID) setting, we find attention triggers increase investors』 risk-taking. Our DID coefficient implies attention trades carry, on average, a 19 percentage-point-higher leverage than non-attention trades. We provide a battery of cross-sectional analyses to identify the groups of investors and stocks for which this effect is stronger.
Cite: Marc Arnold, Matthias Pelster, Marti G. Subrahmanyam, Attention triggers and investors』risk-taking, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 143, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 846-875.
11. 地方銀行、信貸供給與房價
I study the effects of an increase in the supply of local mortgage credit on house prices by exploiting a natural experiment from Switzerland. In 2008, retail customers migrate deposits from universal banks that are suffering overseas losses to homogeneous and narrowly-local mortgage banks. Using the distance between the two types of banks as an instrument for deposit growth, I show that local mortgage banks increase mortgage lending, which correlates with subsequent house price growth in their markets. My results highlight that bank specialization plays an important role in the allocation of capital.
Cite: Kristian Blickle, Local banks, credit supply, and house prices, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 143, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 876-896.
12. 搜尋股權溢價
具有遞歸效用、搜尋摩擦和資本積累的動態隨機一般均衡模型,是形成資產價格和商業周期統一理論的良好開端。該模型再現了每年4.27%的股權溢價、12.42%的股市波動率和 1.97%的平均利率,同時還保留了合理的商業周期動態。股票溢價和股市波動具有很強的逆周期性,而利率和消費的增長在很大程度上是不可預測的。由於工資的慣性,儘管該模型已經通過投資平滑了消費,但是股息依然保留了順周期性。此外,商業周期的福利成本巨大,高達33.6%。
A dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with recursive utility, search frictions, and capital accumulation is a good start to forming a unified theory of asset prices and business cycles. The model reproduces an equity premium of 4.27% per annum, a stock market volatility of 12.42%, and an average interest rate of 1.97%, while retaining plausible business cycle dynamics. The equity premium and stock market volatility are strongly countercyclical, whereas the interest rate and consumption growth are largely unpredictable. Because of wage inertia, dividends are procyclical despite consumption smoothing via investment. The welfare cost of business cycles is huge, 33.6%.
Cite: Hang Bai, Lu Zhang, Searching for the equity premium, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 143, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 897-926.
Publicly traded firms contribute less to total nonfarm employment and GDP now than in the 1970s. Major reasons for this development are the decline of manufacturing, the shift towards more production abroad in manufacturing, and the growth of the service economy as firms providing services are less likely to be listed on exchanges. A firm's stock market capitalization is much less instructive about its employment now than earlier. Market capitalizations have not become systematically less informative about firms』 contribution to GDP. Listed stock market superstars account for less employment than they did in the 1970s.
Cite: Frederik P. Schlingemann, René M. Stulz, Have exchange-listed firms become less important for the economy?, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 143, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 927-958.
14. 為什麼商業貸款利率如此具有粘性?私人信息對貸款利差的影響
Past studies find that commercial loan spreads are 「sticky」 in the sense that they do not fully respond to changes in open market rates or observable firm credit risk characteristics. In this paper, we provide evidence that the appearance of stickiness arises, in part, because the intensity of bank screening varies inversely with changes in both observable firm credit risk characteristics and credit market conditions. Our analysis demonstrates that stickiness in loan spreads does not necessarily indicate loan mispricing or misallocation of credit.
Cite: Cem Demiroglu, Christopher James, Guner Velioglu, Why are commercial loan rates so sticky? The effect of private information on loan spreads, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 143, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 959-972,