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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理學寫作小組:ZHAOBYYY
審校| 唧唧堂管理學寫作小組:金喵喵
編輯 |小巴



Economic theory suggests that negative peer events can result in market-wide spillovers that help unaffected firms take real actions to enhance corporate governance. Motivated by the SEC's concern about cybersecurity, I study the role of peer events in corporate governance using the setting of data breaches. While controlling for firm-specific time-varying unobservable characteristics, I find that peer data breaches are associated with a reduction in future internal control material weaknesses for non-breached firms. The association is robust to a changes analysis and varies cross-sectionally with breach, firm, and board characteristics. Inferences remain consistent when studying IT-related material weaknesses only. Finally, non-breached firms are more likely to have a cybersecurity expert on the top management team after a peer breach. My findings have important implications for mandatory disclosure regulation in general and, in particular, suggest that regulators can help reduce market-wide exposure to cyber risk by facilitating disclosure of cyber incidents.


Musaib Ashraf; The Role of Peer Events in Corporate Governance: Evidence from Data Breaches. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 1–24.



We find that corporate credit rating changes have an effect on firms' voluntary disclosure behavior that is independent of the information they convey about firm fundamentals. Our analyses exploit two separate quasi-experimental settings that generate either exogenous credit rating downgrades or credit rating upgrades (i.e., credit rating label changes). We find evidence of a negative relation between the direction of the credit rating label change and the provision of voluntary disclosure in both settings—firms respond to exogenous downgrades by increasing voluntary disclosure and to exogenous upgrades by decreasing voluntary disclosure. The effects we document are attributable to the regulatory role rather than the information role of credit ratings. Overall, our analyses indicate that credit rating agencies as gatekeepers influence firms' provision of voluntary disclosure.


Riddha Basu, James P. Naughton, Clare Wang; The Regulatory Role of Credit Ratings and Voluntary Disclosure. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 25–50.



The SEC requires equity crowdfunding (ECF) companies to provide assured financial statements. Assurance can be provided with certification by management or an audit or review by an independent accountant. We utilize the ECF setting to examine whether voluntary assurance facilitates capital formation. We find that companies that provide either reviewed or audited financial statements during a capital campaign are marginally more likely to raise their target capital.

They also raise more funds and attract more investors relative to companies that only provide management-certified financial statements. However, relative to reviews, audits are not associated with a greater likelihood of success in an ECF offering other than attracting more investors. Finally, we find that assurance is indirectly associated with a company's post-ECF survival and its ability to raise future capital. This suggests that assurance at the time of ECF has implications for a company's success beyond ECF.


Evisa Bogdani, Monika Causholli, W. Robert Knechel; The Role of Assurance in Equity Crowdfunding. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 51–76.



A dedicated investor relations (IR) function facilitates direct and ongoing dialog between management and shareholders. This paper examines whether this form of engagement mitigates activism that relies upon support from other shareholders. We find that IR engagement is associated with increased investor confidence in management and the board, as well as a lower likelihood of activism, with this deterrent effect becoming stronger when there are fewer frictions surrounding the development of mutual understanding and trust with investors. We also find that when firms do experience an activist campaign, firms with IR engagement have less costly and contentious campaigns, including a lower likelihood of CEO turnover, than those without such a commitment. Taken together, our findings suggest that direct and ongoing IR engagement is an important factor in achieving mutual understanding and trust between the firm and its shareholders, which deters activist investors and mitigates the costly escalation of initiated campaigns.


Kimball L. Chapman, Gregory S. Miller, Jed J. Neilson, Hal D. White; Investor Relations, Engagement, and Shareholder Activism. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 77–106.



This study provides the first large-scale study of the performance of expected-return proxies (ERPs) internationally. Analyst-forecast-based ICCs are sparsely populated and not robustly associated with future returns. Earnings-model-forecast-based ICCs are well-populated, but are unreliable outside the U.S. We adapt and extend the log-linear and present-value (LPV) framework—combining an accounting valuation anchor, its expected growth, and market prices—for estimating ERPs internationally, and implement a correction for the use of stale accounting data. An LPV ERP anchored on the book value of equity is positively associated with future returns in 26 of 29 equity markets, and largely subsumes the predictive ability of a broad set of firm characteristics previously shown to be associated with expected returns.


Akash Chattopadhyay, Matthew R. Lyle, Charles C. Y. Wang; Expected Stock Returns Worldwide: A Log-Linear Present-Value Approach. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 107–133.



Exploiting the setting of staggered adoption of the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine (IDD) in U.S. state courts, we examine how quasi-exogenous restrictions of outside employment opportunities affect CEO compensation structure. The IDD adoption constrains executives' ability to work for competitors, which likely decreases CEOs' tendency to take risks by increasing the cost of job loss and reducing the reward to risk taking. We expect the board to respond by increasing the sensitivity of CEO wealth to stock volatility (vega) to encourage risk taking. We find a significant increase in vega post-IDD adoption. The effect is stronger among CEOs with greater career concerns. The effect also increases with the ex-ante CEO mobility and the importance of trade secrets, suggesting the board increases vega more when there is a greater reduction in CEO outside opportunities. Overall, we provide new evidence on how external labor market frictions affect the convexity of CEO compensation.


Wen Chen, Sumi Jung, Xiaoxia Peng, Ivy Xiying Zhang; Outside Opportunities, Managerial Risk Taking, and CEO Compensation. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 135–160.



This study addresses the international debate over whether the rotation of audit firms should be mandatory. Mandatory rotation rules have been adopted by the European Union, but these rules have not been established in the United States. Proponents of the policy believe that a long-tenure auditor-client relationship leads to the auditor building an excessive economic bond with the client, which may then erode auditor independence. Motivated by this claim, I build a theoretical model that compares auditor incentives to issue independent reports under regimes with and without mandatory rotation. The model demonstrates conditions under which mandatory rotation could actually impair auditor independence, contrary to the popular view.


Aysa Dordzhieva; Disciplining Role of Auditor Tenure and Mandatory Auditor Rotation. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 161–182.



We examine the effect of foreign employment on two outcomes—income shifting and the tax uncertainty of foreign transactions. Using a hand-collected sample of employment disclosures, we partition our sample into firm-years with a higher or lower degree of foreign employment. Using two distinct income shifting models, we document that, on average, a high degree of foreign employment is associated with greater tax-motivated income shifting out of the U.S. We also posit and find that a high degree of foreign employment enhances the economic substance of foreign transactions, reducing the tax uncertainty associated with foreign income. We conduct additional analyses to mitigate selection bias concerns, and we use exogenous changes to the costs and benefits of income shifting using foreign employment to strengthen identification.

Our results highlight firms' use of employees as part of a tax-efficient supply chain and how foreign employment enhances income shifting opportunities between jurisdictions.


Katharine D. Drake, Nathan C. Goldman, Francis Murphy; Foreign Employment, Income Shifting, and Tax Uncertainty. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 183–212.



We examine financing outcomes for small businesses seeking to sell public securities in a setting characterized by high information asymmetry, weak requirements for auditor participation, and a complete absence of Big N auditors. Issuers that raise capital from small, unsophisticated investors through crowdfunding, under the Securities and Exchange Commission's Regulation Crowdfunding (RegCF), often need no auditor attestation or need only weak attestation in the form of reviews, not audits, of their financial statements. We find that auditor reviews are positively associated with both the probability of crowdfunding success and the total amount raised. Further, we compare outcomes for issuers that procure auditor reviews voluntarily and mandatorily, and document that issuers with voluntary reviews have better outcomes. We conjecture that for issuers that voluntarily procure reviews, the reviews serve as signals of high future prospects. Finally, the positive effect of reviews is concentrated in PCAOB-registered auditors.


Jing Gong, Jayanthi Krishnan, Yi Liang; Securities-Based Crowdfunding by Startups: Does Auditor Attestation Matter?. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 213–239.



We document that managers stockpile excess inventory to mitigate the operational risk posed by labor unions and to maintain bargaining power in labor negotiations. Inventory levels are higher for union firms and are incrementally higher preceding the renegotiation of collective bargaining agreements with unions. Inventory stockpiling at union firms is more salient when capital market pressure for transparency or information spillover from peers constrains managers from using disclosure strategies. We further show that managers weigh the costs and benefits of inventory stockpiling, as holding excess inventory due to the presence of a union is negatively associated with future profitability, but provides the benefits of avoiding a stockout and mitigating negative outcomes from a strike. Our findings highlight the importance of a major stakeholder, i.e., labor, in managers' investment decision making.


Sophia J. W. Hamm, Boochun Jung, Woo-Jong Lee, Daniel G. Yang; Organized Labor and Inventory Stockpiling. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 241–266.



We examine the relation between corporate cash holdings and tax net operating loss carryforwards (NOLs). The literature demonstrates that firms should distribute cash to shareholders rather than retain it and generate passive investment income taxed at both corporate and investor levels. However, if the firm's tax rate on passive income is lower than shareholders'—as when the firm has NOLs—theory also shows that the firm should retain cash and invest on the shareholders' behalf. Consistent with this, we find that NOLs are associated with higher levels of savings; firms save an additional $0.12 to $0.17 per dollar of tax-effected NOL benefit. Furthermore, investors place a higher value on corporate cash in tax loss firms, consistent with NOLs increasing the after-tax returns on passive investments. The paper adds to the literature studying corporate financial policy responses to taxation and quantifies the role of NOLs in corporate savings decisions.


Shane Heitzman, Rebecca Lester; Net Operating Loss Carryforwards and Corporate Savings Policies. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 267–289.



We explicitly model financial reporting discretion and earnings management in an investment setting where managers have incentives to behave myopically. We show that when managers are sufficiently, but not excessively, myopic, granting them some discretion over the mandatory financial reports can lead to better investment decisions. This finding contrasts with the conventional argument that financial reporting discretion facilitates earnings management and exacerbates managerial myopia, leading to inefficient investments. Costly earnings management, while offering managers some ex post protection against bad luck by decreasing the incidence of low financial reports, reduces the expected net benefit of high financial reports ex ante. Consequently, managers with negative private information find it too costly to mimic those with positive private information, facilitating separation of managers through efficient investment. Thus, curbing managerial myopia by removing or overly restricting earnings management may have the unintended consequence of impairing investment efficiency.


Xu Jiang, Baohua Xin; Financial Reporting Discretion, Managerial Myopia, and Investment Efficiency. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 291–316.



This study examines whether the audit quality of Big 4 audit firms is affected by an audit office's proximity to more target universities for appointing staff auditors. We identify these target universities using a recruitment map of a Big 4 audit firm and unique office-level hiring data hand-collected from LinkedIn. Our findings suggest that audit offices closer to more of their key feeder schools and universities with accredited business schools are associated with higher audit quality, as observed by a lower likelihood of financial accounting misstatements. Our results are robust across alternative measures of labor market proximity and audit quality, and to a battery of sensitivity tests, including controlling for client firms' proximity to universities.

Overall, our results suggest that audit offices benefit from being proximate to more key suppliers of staff auditors.


Gladys Lee, Vic Naiker, Christopher R. Stewart; Audit Office Labor Market Proximity and Audit Quality. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 317–347.

14. 激勵不可逆轉的投資


Existing dynamic investment models that show that a manager can be incentivized to implement the optimal investment policy rely on the assumption that the firm is operating in an ever-expanding product market. This paper presents an analytically tractable, discrete-time, neoclassical model with irreversible investment and the possibility of unfavorable demand events. We show that even when the principal is uninformed about changes in demand for the firm's output, there exists a performance measurement system that leads to goal congruent investment incentives for the manager. If the principal can observe the unfavorable demand events, then goal congruence can be achieved using very simple accrual accounting rules, such as straight-line depreciation.


Dmitry Livdan, Alexander Nezlobin; Incentivizing Irreversible Investment. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 349–371.



Auditors work in hierarchical teams in which effective upward communication is critical to audit quality. In these teams, subordinates choose both the content, as well as the style, of their communications. We report survey and experimental evidence of the importance of communication style in the context of audit team culture. Our first two studies provide evidence that audit staff perceive assertive upward communication as risky and prefer to communicate passively, especially in less autonomous team cultures. Our third study provides evidence that audit seniors consider more follow-up procedures and rate staff higher when staff communicate assertively, especially in more autonomous team cultures. Combined, these studies indicate a disconnect between audit seniors, who reward and follow up more on assertive communication, and their staff, who prefer passive communication. Our results suggest the potential for audit quality improvements by better alignment of supervisor-subordinate communication-style preferences, especially in more autonomous team cultures.


Chad A. Proell, Yuepin (Daniel) Zhou, Mark W. Nelson; It's Not Only What You Say … How Communication Style and Team Culture Affect Audit Issue Follow-Up and Auditor Performance Evaluations. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 373–395.



I examine whether directors' superior access to information through their board network improves the accuracy of firms' forecasting. Managers may benefit from well-connected directors (i.e., board centrality) as they may have limited insight into market developments or decision-making processes of other firms beyond knowledge specific to their firm. Employing a sample of U.S.-listed companies, I separately examine the effect of within-firm variation in direct and indirect board connections on management earnings forecast accuracy. The study contributes by showing that higher-degree connections can have an economically significant effect on the accuracy of management forecasts, regardless of firms' board interlocks. Further analyses point toward well-connected directors' ability to provide managers with valuable advice in a forecasting context, which complements directors' more extensively studied role in preventing managerial expropriation.


Mario Schabus; Do Director Networks Help Managers Forecast Better?. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 397–426.



Using the Regulation SHO program as a quasi-experiment, we document that the threat of short selling has a negative effect on the volume of opportunistic insider selling and a positive effect on its profitability for each transaction. These effects are stronger among firms with higher litigation risk, greater media coverage, and executives who have more of their firms' stock-related holdings.

We further find robust evidence when we extend the analyses to short selling deregulations in the Chinese and Hong Kong stock exchanges. Overall, our findings suggest that short sellers play a disciplinary role in opportunistic insider selling.


Kemin Wang, Rencheng Wang, K. C. John Wei, Bohui Zhang, Yi Zhou; Insider Sales under the Threat of Short Sellers: New Hypothesis and New Tests. The Accounting Review 1 March 2022; 97 (2): 427–451.




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