picture from Internet
We present an integrative conceptual review that reconciles the organizational support, social exchange, and social support literatures. In particular, we argue that the prevailing, singular conceptualization of organizational support is misaligned with contemporary perspectives on social exchange—which has served as the bedrock for organizational support theory since organizational support theory’s inception—and is inconsistent with the social support literature—which has long recognized that support takes several forms. Thus, we draw on both the social exchange and social support literatures to develop four unique forms of organizational support: Teleological, Personalized, Collectivistic, and Monistic Organizational Support. With this enlarged framework for understanding organizational support in hand, we then detail the various research opportunities that the integration of these literatures affords. Specifically, we explain that this framework warrants future research related to the development of new measures, the differential prediction of outcomes, and the discovery of organizational support profiles. We also invoke the social support literature to highlight the potential opportunities in applying optimal matching theory to organizational support, examining relationships between received and perceived organizational support, and identifying the consequences of excessive organizational support.
論文原文:Matusik, J. G., Ferris, D. L., & Johnson, R. E. (2022). The PCMT model of organizational support: An integrative review and reconciliation of the organizational support literature. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(3), 329–345.
The study of first impressions, which consistently demonstrate meaningful and surprisingly durable impacts on attitudes, behaviors, and cognitions, is pervasive across psychological disciplines. In this integrative conceptual review, we focus on first impressions within the organizational psychology literature, which have been explored across an impressive variety of topical domains (e.g., selection, socialization, leader-subordinate relationships, job performance, and teams) though largely in fragmented ways. Our review attempts to resolve major differences in how researchers have approached first impression effects to build consensus on what first impression effects are, how they occur, and how long they take to develop. In synthesizing this seemingly disparate body of research, we develop an integrative framework of first impression effects comprising four fundamental elements—cues, motives, processes, and outcomes—that must be considered both individually and collectively to understand first impression effects in organizational settings in their entirety. Using this framework, we take stock of the existing literature and identify important through lines, including the focus on displayer- or perceiver-centric effects and whether first impression effects are presumed to be biased or valid. Our fundamental elements framework can be used to systematically catalog and reconcile prior work, as well as develop stronger, more theoretically cohesive studies in the future. We outline major implications for theory and practice on first impressions in the workplace.
論文原文:Swider, B. W., Harris, T. B., & Gong, Q. (2022). First impression effects in organizational psychology. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(3), 346–369.
新員工之間的同生群關係如何影響他們清晰理解自己的工作新角色及其關鍵的社會化結果呢?本文研究了新員工在相同單位內的關係(單位內關係,intra-unit relationships)以及在不同單位之間的關係(單位間關係,inter-unit relationships)。組織為了促進新員工建立寬廣的關係網投資了大量的時間和精力,本文從理論和實踐上解釋了在社會化的早期階段過多的同伴關係如何放慢新員工的角色調整——即角色清晰發展(growth in role clarity)。研究1對一家國際聯營公司的189名新員工入職之初4個月的崗前培訓、與新員工的關係及其3年間的工作績效和離職記錄進行了調研。在對初始角色清晰水平進行控制後,單位內同伴關係和角色清晰發展之間存在倒U形關係,單位間同伴關係和角色清晰發展之間的相關關係不顯著。角色清晰發展與新員工工作滿意度和工作績效正相關,並且與隨後的離職負相關。研究2結果表明,新員工與同伴的意會(sensemaking)是單位間同伴關係和角色清晰發展之間的關鍵機制。
How do relationships among newcomers in the same cohort impact how quickly they develop clear understandings of their new roles and, ultimately, key socialization outcomes? We study newcomers』 relationships with cohort members in the same unit (i.e., intra-unit relationships) and those in different units (i.e., inter-unit relationships). While organizations invest substantial time and resources in promoting broad networking among newcomers, we offer a theoretical and empirical account of how too many connections among fellow newcomers early in the socialization process can slow their adjustment—namely, their growth in role clarity. In Study 1, we surveyed 189 newcomers in an international conglomerate from their orientations through their first 4 months and linked responses to 3 years of their job performance and turnover records. After controlling for the initial level of role clarity, we found an inverted U-shaped relationship between newcomers』 intra-unit peer connections and growth in role clarity, whereas their inter-unit peer connections did not significantly relate to growth in role clarity. Growth in role clarity positively related to subsequent newcomers』 job satisfaction and job performance, which were then negatively related to turnover. Study 2’s results indicated that sensemaking with fellow newcomers operated as a key mechanism linking the nonlinear relationships between intra-unit newcomer–newcomer relationships and growth in role clarity.
論文原文:Zhou, L., Park, J., Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D., Shah, P. P., & Campbell, E. M. (2022). Rookies connected: Interpersonal relationships among newcomers, newcomer adjustment processes, and socialization outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(3), 370–388.
While modern organizations generate economic value, they also produce negative externalities in terms of human physical fifitness, such that workers globally are becoming physically unfit. In the current research, we focus on a significant but overlooked indirect cost that lack of physical fifitness entails—deviance. In contrast to early (and methodologically limited) research in criminology, which suggests that physically fit people are more likely to behave in a deviant manner, we draw on self-control theory to suggest the opposite: That physically fit people are less likely to engage in deviance. In Study 1, we assembled a dataset on 50 metropolitan areas in the U.S. spanning a 9-year period, and found that physical fitness index of a metropolitan area is negatively related to deviance in that area in a concurrent as well as time-lagged fashion. We complemented this aggregate-level theory test with two studies testing the theory at the individual level. In Study 2, we collected multi-source data from 3,925 military recruits who underwent physical training and found that those who score higher on physical fitness test are less likely to engage in deviance. Study 3 conceptually replicated the effect with both concurrent and time-lagged models using a five-wave longitudinal design in a sample of employees working in service roles, and also found that ego depletion mediates the effect of physical activity on workplace deviance. We speculate on economic implications of the observed relationship between physical fitness and deviance and discuss its relevance for organizations and public policy.
論文原文:Tai, K., Liu, Y., Pitesa, M., Lim, S., Tong, Y. K., & Arvey, R. (2022). Fit to be good: Physical fitness is negatively associated with deviance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(3), 389–407.
Employees are often reluctant to ask for advice, despite its potential benefits. Giving employees unsolicited advice may be a way to realize the benefits of advice without relying on them to ask for it. However, for these benefits to surface, it is critical to understand how employees react to unsolicited and solicited advice. Here, we suggest that recipients are likely to attribute self-serving motives to those providing unsolicited advice and prosocial motives to those providing solicited advice. These motives shape the extent to which recipients use advice, learn from it, and perform better as a result of receiving it. In an organizational network study of unsolicited and solicited advice ties (Study 1), an experience-sampling study of daily episodes of receiving unsolicited and solicited advice across two workweeks (Study 2), and an experiment where we manipulated advice solicitation and whether the advisor was a friend or a coworker (Study 3), we found general support for our model. Moderation analyses revealed that recipient reactions were not affected by friendship with the advisor, the number of overlapping advice ties between the advisor and recipient, or the position of the advisor in the social network. By showing how perceptions of the advisor’s motive can explain variability in the impact of unsolicited and solicited advice on recipients, this research clarifies the recipient reactions that advisors must navigate if their advice is to have impact at work.
論文原文:Landis, B., Fisher, C. M., & Menges, J. I. (2022). How employees react to unsolicited and solicited advice in the workplace: Implications for using advice, learning, and performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(3), 408-424.
Breach of the psychological contract between organization and employee often evokes employee hostility, which in turn can instigate deviant behaviors. We examine whether employee mindfulness attenuates these reactions to psychological contract breach. Specifically, we develop and test a two-stage moderated mediation model in which employee mindfulness moderates the mediational path from psychological contract breach via hostility to deviance by attenuating both emotional and behavioral reactions. Findings across four studies (with 872 employee participants) both measuring and manipulating breach and mindfulness demonstrate substantial support for the proposed model. Further analyses including alternative moderators, mediators, and dependent variables provide evidence for discriminatory and incremental validity. We discuss theoretical and practical implications as well as future research avenues.
論文原文:Shaffakat, S., Otaye-Ebede, L., Reb, J., Chandwani, R., & Vongswasdi, P. (2022). Mindfulness attenuates both emotional and behavioral reactions following psychological contract breach: A two-stage moderated mediation model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(3),425–443.
Although social class is an important construct throughout the social sciences, it has received only minimal attention in the industrial–organizational psychology, organizational behavior, and human resource management literatures. As a result, little is known regarding the potential role of social class in the work and career context. The present study examines the role of social class during the job search process. We integrate self-regulation and social class perspectives to hypothesize ways social class may influence job search antecedents, behaviors, and outcomes. Analysis of longitudinal data from new job entrants (N = 516) indicated that job seekers from lower social classes possess lower job search self-efficacy, lower perceived social support, and higher perceived financial hardship compared with those from higher social classes. Further, results suggest that through the mechanism of lower self-efficacy, lower social class job seekers display lower job search intensity. Finally, one indicator of social class—parental income—was positively related to job acceptance rate, a hazard outcome that reflected whether and how quickly participants accepted a job. In contrast, subjective social class was negatively related to job acceptance rate. Overall, the present findings suggest that social class plays a multifaceted role in the job search process and, thus, warrants more attention within this and other areas of organizational research.
論文原文:DeOrtentiis, P. S., Van Iddekinge, C. H., & Wanberg, C. R. (2022). Different starting lines, different finish times: The role of social class in the job search process. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(3), 444–457.
授權對於忙碌的管理者是一種有效的管理工具。早期的授權研究表明,管理者不願意授權給那些能力出色的員工或與他們關係密切的員工。基於信號理論和社會網絡作為稜鏡(social networks as prisms)的觀點,本文對員工社會網絡關係在授權工作單位中的相關性進行了闡釋。信號理論認為,當關於員工勝任力的直接數據存在混淆或模糊時,授權決策者會尋找更為間接的信號去推斷員工的能力和聲譽。根據社會網絡作為稜鏡的觀點,社會網絡關係可以在更為直接的能力數據缺失時作為員工聲譽的信號。基於這些洞見,通過一個實地研究和兩個後續的實驗室研究,本文發現當員工的勝任力處於適中水平,並且在工作單位關係網絡當中更為重要以及和管理者為同一朋黨時,管理者會進行積極的聲譽推斷並更樂意授權給該員工。然而,當直接數據表明員工能力突出或者能力明顯不足時,這些社會網絡關係對於授權決策便無足輕重。實驗研究表明感知聲譽在該影響中發揮中介作用。
Delegation is a critical tool for busy managers. Early delegation research suggests that managers are reluctant to delegate beyond a few highly competent employees or those with whom they have a strong relationship. Extending this line of research, we integrate signaling theory with a view of social networks as 「prisms,」 to demonstrate the relevance of employees』 network ties in the work unit for delegation. Signaling theory argues that when direct data about employee competence are mixed or ambiguous, decision makers will look for more indirect signals with which to make inferences about quality and reputation. One such signal is suggested by the networks as 「prisms」 perspective, which argues that network ties can operate as reputational signals in the absence of more direct quality data. Combining these insights and data from a field study and two follow-up laboratory studies, we find that in situations of moderate employee competence, managers will draw positive reputational inferences and be more willing to delegate to employees when such employees are more central in the friendship network of the work unit as well as when they share common memberships in friendship cliques with the managers. These network ties, however, do not matter for delegation decisions when there are direct data to indicate that employees are highly competent or clearly poor performers. Our lab studies elucidate the mediating role of perceived reputation. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.
論文原文:Venkataramani, V., Bartol, K. M., Zheng, X., Lu, S., & Liu, X. (2022). Not very competent but connected: Leaders』 use of employee social networks as prisms to make delegation decisions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(3), 458–480.
本文探索了遭遇無禮影響個體陷入錨定這一最為穩健和廣泛的認知偏差。整合自我沉浸框架和選擇通達模型(Selective Accessibility Model),本文提出由無禮誘發的消極喚醒將會縮小個體視野並使錨定更易於發生。此外,本文指出觀點採擇和信息精加工將緩解無禮對消極喚醒及其隨後的錨定的影響。基於四個實驗研究,本文通過多種任務(醫療診斷、判斷任務和談判)檢驗了無禮遭遇對錨定的影響。在一項預研究當中,本文發現在醫學生進行醫療診斷時無禮和錨定之間存在關聯。研究1表明,在醫療人員給病人進行會診時,消極喚醒中介了無禮遭遇對錨定的影響,並且觀點採擇調節了該效應。研究2採用一個更為普遍的錨定任務對研究1的結果進行了重複。研究3通過一個談判情境重複了兩個研究的結果並檢驗了信息精加工的邊界條件作用。四個實驗研究為無禮誘發的消極喚醒導致錨定以及觀點採擇和信息精加工的減緩作用提供了高度一致的證據。
In this article we explore the effect of encounters with rudeness on the tendency to engage in anchoring, one of the most robust and widespread cognitive biases. Integrating the self-immersion framework with the selective accessibility model (SAM), we propose that rudeness-induced negative arousal will narrow individuals』 perspectives in a way that will make anchoring more likely. Additionally, we posit that perspective taking and information elaboration will attenuate the effect of rudeness on both negative arousal and subsequent anchoring. Across four experimental studies, we test the impact of exposure to rudeness on anchoring as manifested in a variety of tasks (medical diagnosis, judgment tasks, and negotiation). In a pilot study, we find that rudeness is associated with anchoring among a group of medical students making a medical diagnosis. In Study 1, we show that negative arousal mediates the effect of rudeness on anchoring among medical residents treating a patient, and that perspective taking moderates these effects. Study 2 replicates the results of Study 1 using a common anchoring task, and Study 3 builds on these results by replicating them in a negotiation setting and testing information elaboration as a boundary condition. Across the four studies, we find consistent evidence that rudeness-induced negative arousal leads to anchoring, and that these effects can be mitigated by perspective taking and information elaboration.
論文原文:Cooper, B., Giordano, C. R., Erez, A., Foulk, T. A., Reed, H., & Berg, K. B. (2022). Trapped by a first hypothesis: How rudeness leads to anchoring. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(3), 481–502.
We conducted a quasi-experimental field study of an organization-wide suggestion program and a follow-up laboratory experiment to examine the effects of choice of rewards on employee creativity. As hypothesized, the results of both studies showed that choice had positive, significant effects on the number of creative ideas employees generated and the creativity level of those ideas. Results of the quasi-experiment also showed that creative self-efficacy (CSE) mediated the effects of reward choice. Two general categories of rewards were examined in our studies—those that directly benefited the idea generator (Self) and those that directly benefited charities (Other). We explored the effects of these reward categories on employee creativity and whether employee creative personality interacted with the reward categories to affect employee creativity. Results showed that the reward categories did not have a significant impact on employee creativity. However, both studies demonstrated that in the Other reward condition, employees with a creative personality produced ideas higher in creativity than those with a less creative personality. The quasi-experiment also showed that CSE mediated the effects of the Reward × Creative Personality interaction. We discussed the implications of these results for the future research and practice.
論文原文:Zhou, J., Oldham, G. R., Chuang, A., & Hsu, R. S. (2022). Enhancing employee creativity: Effects of choice, rewards and personality. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(3), 503–513.