Today is China's Dragon Boat Festival and you’re probably looking to brush up your Mandarin skills. In order to help you impress your fellow workers, friends and family, we』ve prepared a comprehensive list of Dragon Boat-related vocabulary and phrases.
Let’s start with the name of the festival itself. In Chinese it’s not a literal translation of 『dragon boat.』Duanin Chinese means beginning,wumeans middle andjieis festival. The name translates to 'beginning of the middle,' and is named so because it marks the beginning of the middle of summer.
Dragon Boat Festival端午節duān wǔ jié
Dragon Boat (Race)龍舟(賽)lóng zhōu (sài)
Bamboo-wrapped glutinous dumplings粽子Zòng zǐ
Happy Dragon Boat Festival端午節快樂!Duān wǔ jié kuài lè
Do you have some rice dumplings?有粽子嗎?Yǒu zòng zǐ má?
Do you prefer sweet or salty?你喜歡甜口的還是咸口的?Nǐ xǐ huān tián kǒu de hái shì xián kǒu de?
What's the filling inside the rice dumplings?粽子是什麼餡兒的?Zòng zǐ shì shén me xiàn』er de?
Pork filling豬肉餡Zhū ròu xiàn
Red bean paste豆沙餡Dòu shā xiàn
Salted egg yolk鹹蛋黃餡Xián dàn huáng xiàn
What's your plan for the Dragon Boat Festival?端午節有什麼安排嗎?Duān wǔjié yǒu shén me ān pái ma?
Can I take a photo of this?我能給這個拍張照嗎?Wǒ néng gěi zhè gè pāi zhāng zhào ma?
I don't eat meat/peanut/dairy products/seafood.我不吃肉/花生/奶製品/海鮮。Wǒ bùchī ròu/huā shēng/nǎi zhìpǐn/ hǎi xiān.
This post originally appeared on It has been updated and republishedon June 2, 2022.
[Cover image via Instagram@seekerdbc]
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