













作者:Amissah EA, Brown J, Harding JE;譯者:秦茂洋;審校:劉琴,重慶醫科大學公共衛生與管理學院循證醫學中心 Cochrane中國協作網成員單位,The Cochrane China Network Affiliate School of Public Health and Management, Chongqing Medical University;編輯排版:索于思,北京中醫藥大學循證醫學中心




【Cochrane Plain Language Summary】

Fat supplementation of human milk for promoting growth in preterm infants

Review question

We reviewed the evidence to determine whether addition of extra fat (supplements) to human milk fed to infants born early (preterm) compared with no additional fat improves growth, body fat, obesity, heart problems, high blood sugar, and brain development, without significant side effects.


Preterm babies at birth lack adequate fat stores because they are born before laying down nutrient stores in the rapid growth phase of the third trimester of pregnancy. Consequently, they require higher fat intakes compared to their full term counterparts to achieve adequate growth and development. Fat provides approximately half of the calories in human milk and supports growth and brain development. Although human milk has many benefits for the preterm baby, it may contain variable and insufficient quantities of fat for adequate growth and development. Inadequate supply of fat in preterm infants fed human milk may adversely affect their growth and development. Therefore, additional fat may be added to human milk, usually by adding commercially prepared fat mixtures to a small amount (e.g. 20 mL) of expressed breast milk.

Study characteristics

We included one trial with very low-quality evidence and involving 14 preterm infants. The search is up to date as of August 2019.

Key results

Addition of extra fat to human milk for preterm infants showed no clear benefits with regards to short-term rates of weight gain, length gain, and head growth. There was no evidence that the extra fat increased the risk of feeding intolerance. No data were available regarding the effects of addition of extra fat on long-term growth, body fat, obesity, high blood sugar, or brain development. There were also limited data to assess side effects.


There was insufficient high-quality evidence on the benefits and harms of the addition of extra fat to human milk in preterm infants, and no long-term outcomes have been reported. Since addition of extra fat to human milk is currently done as part of multi-nutrient fortification, future trials should evaluate the effect of the fat component on short- and long-term growth, body fat, obesity, high blood sugar, or brain development. The right amount and composition of extra fat needed, side effects, and delivery practices should also be evaluated.

Authors' conclusions:

The one included trial suggests no evidence of an effect of fat supplementation of human milk on short-term growth and feeding intolerance in preterm infants. However, the very low-quality evidence, small sample size, few events, and low precision diminishes our confidence that these results reflect the true effect of fat supplementation of human milk in preterm infants, and no long-term outcomes were reported. Further high-quality research should evaluate the effect on growth, neurodevelopmental and cardio-metabolic outcomes in the context of the development of multicomponent fortifiers.



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