




【主題】Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)(第四次工業革命下的教育)

【講座時間】11月16日 上午10:00-11:30

【主講專家】Mohamed Ally教授(加拿大阿薩巴斯卡大學在線和遠程教育教授、技術增強知識研究院研究員)





【主題】Understanding the unstoppable rise of informal mobile language learning(非正式移動語言學習勢不可擋的興起)

【講座時間】11月19日 下午16:00-17:30

【主講專家】Agnes Kukulska-Hulme教授(英國開放大學教育技術學院學習技術與傳播學教授,未來學習研究與創新計劃和創新教學系列報告負責人)





【主題】How to embed employability skills and EDI in language curriculum design and material development(如何將就業技能和EDI(平等、多樣、包容)嵌入語言課程設計和材料研發)

【講座時間】11月26日 下午16:00-17:30

【主講專家】Kan Qian博士(英國高等教育學院高級院士,英國開放大學語言及應用語言學學院高級講師)





【主題時間】Technology and the practices of lecturing(技術與教學實踐)

【講座時間】11月30日 下午16:00-17:30(暫定)

【主講專家】Charles Crook教授(英國諾丁漢大學教育學名譽教授,曾任諾丁漢大學學習科學研究院院長、國際期刊《計算機輔助教學》主編)









Mohamed Ally教授

Mohamed Ally是加拿大阿薩巴斯卡大學(Athabasca University, Canada)在線和遠程教育教授、技術增強知識研究院(TEKRI)研究員、英聯邦學習共同體(Commonwealth of Learning, COL)首席科學家(Research Chair)。Ally博士曾任該校遠程教育中心和計算與信息系統學院主任。在加拿大阿爾伯塔大學獲教育技術專業博士學位。目前的研究領域包括移動學習、電子學習、遠程教育、增強現實、虛擬現實、混合現實以及新興的第四次工業革命技術(4IR)在教育和培訓中的應用。Ally博士曾任國際培訓發展聯合會(IFTDO)主席,並且是移動學習國際協會(IamLearn)和混合式學習國際協會(IABL)的創始人之一。近年來編寫17部關於在教育中使用新興技術的書籍。他的著作《移動學習:改變教育與培訓》因對遠程教育的重大貢獻榮獲美國Charles A. Wedemeyer獎。Ally博士在許多國家發表主題演講和論文、出席研討會等。


Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)(第四次工業革命下的教育)


We are in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) where many sectors of society are using 4IR technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), augmented reality, blockchain, virtual reality, mixed reality, and data analytics to provide service to customer and to develop quality products. Examples include: use of AI in the legal profession; robot police officer; autonomous vehicles; social media; financial systems, healthcare, language translation, AI for peace, hospitality, etc. These are only a few examples. The question education needs to answer is 「Where is education in the use of 4IR technologies to provide quality inclusive education for all? Given that we are in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, does education have a choice? This session will describe the four industrial revolutions where there was a shift from manual labour in the first industrial revolution to physical automation and now to intellectual and physical automation where the technology is automating our physical and intellectual activities. This session will also present information on how 4IR technologies can be used in education.


我們正處於第四次工業革命(4IR)中,許多領域都在使用4IR相關技術,例如人工智能(AI)、機器人、物聯網(IoT)、增強現實、區塊鏈、虛擬現實、混合現實和數據分析,為客戶提供服務,開發優質產品。例如:法律行業中應用人工智能、機器人警察、自動駕駛汽車、社交媒體、金融系統、醫療保健、語言翻譯、人工智能和平(AI for peace)、酒店等等。教育需要回答的問題是:如何使用4IR技術為所有人提供優質全納教育?我們正處於第四次工業革命中,教育還有選擇嗎?本講座將描述四次工業革命,講述從第一次工業革命中的手工勞動到物理自動化、再到現在的智能和物理自動化(技術正在使我們的物理活動和智力活動自動化)。本講座還將介紹如何在教育中使用4IR技術。

Agnes Kukulska-Hulme教授

Agnes Kukulska-Hulme任英國開放大學教育技術學院(Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University, UK)學習技術與傳播學教授,未來學習研究與創新計劃(Future Learning Research and Innovation Programme)和創新教學系列報告(Innovating Pedagogy reports)負責人。研究專長包括在線遠程教育、移動學習和語言學習。著述包括200多篇學術出版物和論文,並為聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)、英國文化教育協會(British Council)、英聯邦學習共同體(COL)、國際英語教育研究基金會(TIRF)和劍橋大學出版社等機構擔任教育政策和實踐指南主要撰寫人。她最新合編的著作《跨教育背景下的移動輔助語言學習》(Mobile Assisted Language Learning Across Educational Contexts)(Routledge, 2021)促進了創新實踐的共享並探索了該領域的新興主題。


Understanding the unstoppable rise of informal mobile language learning(非正式移動語言學習勢不可擋的興起)


The rise of personal, social, and AI-powered technologies is providing unprecedented opportunities for informal language learning as a supplement to formal classes or as a substitute. Notable changes in students』 digital viewing, listening and participation practices in multiple languages suggest that a new paradigm is emerging, recently described as Mobile Open Social Learning for Languages (Read, Kukulska-Hulme, Barcena & Traxler, 2021). This paradigm highlights the integration of learning while mobile with creation of learning resources and participation in social interactions online. When learners are chatting on social media, following influencers, sharing photos, making videos, playing games or collaborating, they are broadening the scope for observing language, capturing how it is used and getting more practice. Yet many of these activities are unconnected to what they are doing in a language class. This talk considers learners』 motivations for informal mobile language learning and the circumstances which influence when and how they go about their learning. Contexts in which learners are resource-poor and marginalised present special challenges. Furthermore, informal language learners do not necessarily have well-developed abilities to self-regulate their learning. In the emerging landscape of digital exploration and adventure, learners still need guidance and support.


個人、社交和人工智能技術的興起為非正式語言學習作為正式課程的補充或替代提供了前所未有的機會。學生在多種語言中的數字觀看、聽力和參與實踐的顯著變化表明,一種新範式正在出現,該範式最近被描述為語言的移動開放社交學習(Read, Kukulska-Hulme, Barcena & Traxler, 2021)。該範式強調整合移動學習、創建學習資源和參與在線社交互動。當學習者在社交媒體上聊天、關注有影響力的人、分享照片、製作視頻、玩遊戲或合作時,學習者也在擴大語言的觀察範圍,捕捉語言的使用方式並獲得更多練習。然而,其中許多活動沒有與學習者在語言課上所做的事情相結合。本演講考慮了學習者進行非正式移動語言學習的動機,以及影響學習者學習時間和方式的環境。學習者資源匱乏和邊緣化的環境提出了特殊挑戰。此外,非正式語言學習者不一定具有良好的自我調節學習能力。在新興的數字探索和冒險領域,學習者仍然需要指導和支持。

Kan Qian 闞茜博士

闞茜博士,英國高等教育學院高級院士(Senior Fellow, The British Higher Education Academy),現任英國開放大學語言及應用語言學學院高級講師(Senior Lecturer, School of Language and Applied Linguistics at The Open University, UK)、現代外語及應用語言學博士生導師,併兼任劍橋大學基督學院及露西·卡文迪學院亞洲及中東專業指導主任(Director of Studies in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Christ’s College and Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge, UK)。她的研究領域包括現代信息技術在外語教學中的應用;移動學習對外語教學和學習的影響;在線論壇對語言學習的作用;慕課設計;電子搭檔學習以及交叉文化學習等。發表的學術論文(包括期刊及書籍章節)請見: 。


How to embed employability skills and EDI in language curriculum design and material development(如何將就業技能和EDI(平等、多樣、包容)嵌入語言課程設計和材料研發)


This is going to be an interactive workshop focusing on the following areas:

1) Challenges in language teaching and learning: discuss the challenges of online teaching, teacher/learner feedback, foreign language learning anxiety, etc.; and explores strategies to overcome these challenges guided by the existing learning concepts (such as social cognitive/social-cultural theories, task-based teaching, block method, feedback strategies); and introduce some innovating pedagogies to tackle the challenges including the following two areas.

2) Importance of developing employability skills: introduce UK High Education Academy’s framework for embedding employability in higher education, and discuss how we can embed the employability skills in our language curriculum.

3) Importance of EDI (equality, diversity, and inclusion): introduce the concept of EDI, reflect on one’s teaching practices and teaching materials in terms of EDI; and discuss how we can embed EDI in language learning materials development.



1) 語言教學的挑戰:討論在線教學、教師/學習者反饋、外語學習焦慮等挑戰;並探索在現有學習理念(如社會認知/社會文化理論、任務型教學、塊法、反饋策略)的指導下對這些挑戰的應對策略;並引入一些創新教學法來應對如下兩個方面的挑戰。

2) 培養就業能力的重要性:介紹英國高等教育學院將就業能力嵌入高等教育的框架,並討論我們如何將就業能力嵌入語言課程中。

3) EDI(平等、多樣、包容)的重要性:介紹EDI的概念,用EDI反思自己的教學實踐和教材;並討論我們如何將EDI嵌入語言學習材料開發中。

Charles Crook教授

Charles Crook,英國諾丁漢大學(University of Nottingham, UK)教育學名譽教授。1972年於英國劍橋大學獲得實驗心理學博士學位。長期從事發展心理學及教育技術的批判研究(developmental psychology and critical studies of educational technology)。Crook教授是歐洲發展心理學學會創始成員,曾任諾丁漢大學學習科學研究院院長、國際期刊《計算機輔助教學》(Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning)主編、英國心理學會發展心理學分會主席,現任香港研究評審工作教育學專家組主席(Chair of the Education Panel for the Hong Kong Research Assessment Exercise)。近期學術成果包括:Assessment of ICT in Tertiary Education Applying Structural Equation Modelling and Rasch Model (基於結構方程模型和 Rasch 模型評估高等教育中的信息技術應用); Facilitating innovation with technology: Key actors in educational ecosystems (以技術促創新——教育生態系統中的關鍵參與者); How new technology is addressed by researchers in Educational Studies: Approaches from high-performing universities in China and the UK (教育研究人員如何對待新技術——來自表現優異的中國和英國大學的方法)等等。


Technology and the practices of lecturing(技術與教學實踐)


This talk concerns the reputation of expository teaching – with special attention to the status of the 『lecture』 as a learning relationship in higher education. As an educational practice, lecturing has been widely criticised. And yet it remains resilient. This may reflect the positive impact that new technologies have had on both teachers』 presentational strategies and their dissemination of lectures. This talk will welcome these extensions of the medium but highlight some significant limitations to the way in which digital tools are made to engage with lecturing. Particular attention will be given to how teachers integrate voice and image and the narrow variety of images chosen. The adoption of video (or 「captured」) lectures will be discussed in relation to the management of intersubjectivity and their potential as sites of collaboration between student peers.



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